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Everything posted by Arrow

  1. I think Lloyd is an absolute tool but he's pretty much on the money there.
  2. Good news. Congratulations to all for getting some exciting news. I personally don't think it'll be sponsor deal I think it could well be something to do with Jim- a statue or charity maybe something like that.
  3. I understand where you are coming from Rhino but for christ sake I'm just over every comment being media approved. I don't want Aker but I could shut my eyes and ask any player from any club and they'd all answer the sames. Like noted above they're all robots. After 3 rounds of absolute [censored], I'd love nothing more than Nathan coming out and showing some heart. Extraordinary to think it's a memorial game and we won't hear one quote about 'how we'll attempt to play like Jim, give it his passion from first bounce to last bounce'. Who gives a rat's ass if Caroline Wilson comes out and says they put too much emotion into the game- well that'd make up for the 3 games of no emotion!
  4. Click on MyTeam tab than underneath it there will be a final tab that says edit team Info. Click on that and that's how you do it.
  5. 100%!! The poor bloke isn't getting enough every forward movement they plonk in on his head while he has 3 people around him. All correct bar Clark who I would have had as tried, yet clumsy.
  6. He's a surly thing just nod your head and agree with all.
  7. Arrow

    Game Day

    I also do not understand how so many people rate Stefan Martin. He is not a footballer. Useless
  8. Arrow

    Game Day

    How have you not realised it's Channel 7's feed. Foxfooty have said for Sevens games all they do is use 7s feed and commentary. Come on
  9. Arrow

    Game Day

    Btw **** Frawley is good. Poor jack is in for a long one
  10. Arrow

    Game Day

    Think theres some over exaggeration here! Our endeavor is excellent, really fighting for the ball. Dw about the possession to tackle rates Grigg and co have been getting cheapies out back and they can do that all day. Defence has been brilliant lot o chances and Bartram who I am not fond off has been strong. More chances forward of half way will show a better quarter for the next. Cheer up!
  11. Arrow

    Game Day

    Jesus were not that bad what a joke! On a side note Vickery ripped Rivers last year half expect him to do the same this week
  12. More like they know they can call on a 'sponsors donation' at any second and Mrs.Pratt will remove it with a click of her old fingers. Why would they worry about it!
  13. Really? So many other clubs I hate more than Carlton. If anything I respect them. They know what they want and they go and get it. No passengers. Did whatever they had to do to get Judd and are gaining the genius from it. Given the bad name they have they really have no crooks in their team either. Other than the nobody Levi Casboult being tied up on a booze cruise noone gives Ratten and co. enough respect for keeping them in line. Even more so when they had Fevola around. If someone said you'll mirror everything about them in 3 years I'd take it in a heartbeat.
  14. Really hope Strauss doesn't play on ball. We need a good HBF, just leave him there to develop please Brett.
  15. My understanding is that if you are playing there is generally no 'drinking rule'. Players certainly go out after games but in the last few years I think curfew's and such are starting to be enforced a bit more forcefully. On the same token if you pull up sore from the game you revert to the rehab rules which from my readings suggest no alcohol. Realistically no alcohol wouldn't happen if a bloke who just did his hammy had a few beers at home they'd never know, but it's just as much for social image that an injured player shouldn't be at the clubs sinking beers.
  16. I think they'll cover it with tape or material or something. I'm guessing it's not going to be a fantastic look but better thn giving him news. Worse is all the signing boards, training equipments, the footys with the symbols. It's just carnage.
  17. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/7415/newsid/132354/default.aspx Done and done.
  18. Not once did I say he would sue us? My taking to the cleaners was referring to how comfortably his lawyers would take apart our case on its merits. "The courts over the years have had a great deal of difficulty in deciding what is the proper theoretical basis for the court intervening in the contract and declaring it to be frustrated." The law rarely ever works and as per your quote finding a clear ruling is difficult in defining what exactly is 'frustrated'. In your own post you stated it rarely ever works, and the reason is because while some/most people may find things 'frustrating' others may not and therefore you cannot prove beyond reasonable doubt. Tiger Woods couldn't get sued for that exact reason because whilst a few sponsors let him go, others didn't and it was considered what he did cannot have been that frustrating; EA and Nike stayed with him. Different values make it impossible. Another example is Clive Palmer. The FFA on principle should be able to take him to hell and back but even they realise they can't win. I clearly have no understanding of the law and I look forward in the next few years to a flurry of frustration cases coming up with you as chief prosecutor.
  19. Not at all. One racist comment doesn't make the company a racist company. Irrespectively with the amount of money this bloke has trying to sue him would be a joke. He would take us to the cleaners about plenty of other companies with employees who have shady pasts. If they choose to leave it do it and cut ties don't leave it lingering with court cases and all that jazz.
  20. The worst thing is we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. CS and co. are probably nutting out the value of revenue vs. image. We're giving up 8-10$ million dollars if we let this go... I don't agree with what he said and I'd be happy to get rid of them but the poor buggers upstairs must be wondering how many black cats walked under ladders with a broken mirror.
  21. Absolutely no excuse for this. With what has happened this week, it should not effect the players one bit. Jim Stynes was different that ripped hearts out and I allowed for that last week. This is their job, to ignore what goes on in the media and come the weekend do what they get paid to do. I certainly hope Neeld hasn't changed his training this week because of it and I am 99% sure the players wouldn't have trained differently. If we get beaten by a better team well fantastic but no more [censored] excuses because of a tough week. Just get it done Melbourne and cut the crap.
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