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Everything posted by Arrow

  1. Contrary to the brilliant Chris Scott year two years ago, and Sanderson this year, it is completely normal for a team to fall in the first year under a new head coach. I'm certainly disappointed in how much we fell but of all the teams in the bottom 10, we have the best draft this year and I'd argue potentially one of the more up and coming lists second only to Richmond. Ditch our worst 5 and replace them with 1 FA, 3 new draft picks and one player who comes on in the pre-season and we're a completely different proposition.
  2. I want to be on record that Melbourne will make the 8 next year. I also want allies who agree with me and put their pride on the line. MFC will be in the 8 in 2013.
  3. Biscut, I semi-agree with this but it's one topic that's always touched a nerve with me too. Schwab didn't go completely out there, on a tangent and find a ludicrous company for the big $$$ let's also remember that both the Melbourne Rebels, Melbourne Storm and the Stars 20/20 team were all also sponsored by EW. In my opinion in disputes the fact that some make saying Schwb didn't do his due diligence. I think he did I think in hindsight all 4 of those CEOs will now start with somewhere like Facebook as a character reference. We are talking about 4 highly credentialed CEOs all making the same mistake - yes a mistake but as I was just telling a mate hours ago, people best judge you on how you bounce back not on your mistakes. Cam bounced well.
  4. He took Fremantle from $8 million dollars of debt to a profitable one, and the foundations he set in place now make it in the top 4 or 5 AFL clubs for financial stability. Schwab has done the same with us, we continue to get more and more members every year even after the worst 10 years in the clubs history IMO. I don't like him getting too involved in the squad decisions but I'm more than content with his ability to set up the club, he's shown an ability to do so, and it is Mark's place to tell him to stay out of list management decisions.
  5. This shock-jock persona you seem to have taken on is really grinding my gears RR. You make outlandish comments and the best thing is in a year if and when the tables turn, are you going to stand up and admit you got it wrong on Neeld, Watts etc. If Melbourne get good in the next 5 years I'll quit Demon Land because you'll need 50 posts just retracting statements. But that's not even the worst bit. Listen to what people say and take it on board- you refute any claims that counter yours. YES there was a go home factor with Natanui. YES we are 3 and a half years into their careers and YES Natanui has the luxury of a team that isn't useless whilst Jacks team averages 80 less possessions than his opposition. I get that you're not happy with the decision, but don't feel the need to reply to every poster who is happy with it. Natanui is currently good, Watts has been just okay, but don't think you can shut your eyes and swap it, JW will be here for 12-15 years so you better start getting on board because once the train leaves the station the only one looking foolish will be you.
  6. Poor Cam. He gets 2 sponsors in a month under intense pressure and he doesn't get squat for it. Furthermore the poor bastard doesn't even have a good product to sell. Fancy trying to [censored] off oil to Arabs, because sponsors certainly weren't getting on board knowing we'd be helping their image! Cam has done a good job with the resources in front of him. I'd love too see what he can do with a real football team on the ground gathering outside support. I personally think 2 years may have been more suitable but I trust the club and say congratulations Cam, don't take your foot off the gas yet- the good times are coming.
  7. Sylvia was exceptional today. He tweeted that he wanted to stand up for Brad's last game and he did. I am a strong Sylvia supporter and have shown it on this thread, but today is what I want to expect weekly. He is a class player but he needs to understand not to kick up the feet now, have a few beers and pats on the back but to get to recovery tomorrow morning and do exactly the same next week.
  8. Dont know who is offering odds but we will make the 8 next year. I'm going on record with my pride at stake- we WILL make the top 8 next year.
  9. Got a week for a sling tackle on Ben Johnson
  10. My understanding was Schwab was shouting from the rooftops to get rid of Bailey, all board members couldn't see that and Schwab wouldn't back down thus the board saw him unteneable. After 186, it opened the boards' eyes that he may not be the man for the job- and furthermore Cam had been correct. Thus the reversal, once Dean had gone there was no requirement for Cam to leave- he was proven correct.
  11. Into the prelim. Robbo will be tough, but every chance for DL7 to still take home a premiership this year albeit the consolation final!
  12. Dunn seems to be a player who plays to a contract. What I mean by this is that he always seems to lift when he knows he's coming out of contract. In the US it's very common for players to have outstanding years on a 'contract' year to get a new big $$$ deal, and once the job is done go back to being an good average player. I would put Dunn on a small 1 year contract, with high match payment incentives. He did it two years ago with a great year before a new deal and has done it again. Don't get sucked in to giving him good money or good years but make him earn the money and force him to bring this level of effort every week. In terms of the actual question though, there are far worse on the list so keep..... just.
  13. 9 tackles more than impresses me today Golly.
  14. It's actually YDKSFA which is You don't know sweet f all. But Dingaling has made his own acronym up. That seems to be a trend with this particular poster who's found an incredible way to post ridiculous comments with no credibility at all. Never fear fail troll is fail.
  15. Your postman must be Helen Keller. Seriously, do people read papers these days?! Beams is re-signed and Moloney is a free-agent. So frustrating reading this forum sometimes.
  16. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/7415/newsid/144709/default.aspx Good article on James, and how he recovered from the injury. Good to hear he's looking to add run and carry to his defensive side but well worth the read!
  17. I haven't once referred to him as elite. Melbourne don't have one player near elite. Sylvia certainly has class though. He's the only player at the club who I could see having 25 and kicking 5. Dane Swan often looks very laxidasical, and is regardless seen out on the town after on the games, even on the sauce. Does it make him bad for Collingwood's culture- Yes it does. He's been suspended for that very reason. Get in your head that games like the AFL and NFL in the states have egos. It's the club's responsibility to tune him up and get him in line. If anything, I'm disappointed that Melbourne haven't worked harder in rectifying his misdemeanours. That said, it'll be this off-season when we really see any changes.
  18. Strauss wants to re-sign and will likely sign a 2 year deal before the end of the year. He's not going anywhere.
  19. Yes your B&F point has been raised by you at least 15 times. We understand it . What you fail to mention is that our club best and fairest isn't a 3-2-1 system. Max votes is 15. Nearly everyone receives one. What that means is that missing games is crucial to being in hunt for our B&F. In 2010, for example he missed 7 games and he still came 5th! Your research is fantastic when you actually give them relevance. Every year he's losing a potential 60 votes to others. Never a chance to get the award. If we trade him next year will be just another boring year of rubbish, he's the only class we've got and we want to trade him for another pick which is a 50/50 chance with our track record. Rocks in your head.
  20. I'm not lashing the comments as false RR just curious as to who passed on the details to you.. Is it a reliable source? Interesting news certainly. The twin towers baby
  21. I think they'll be announcing a one year deal which will followed by a job of some capacity at the club. We need him for next year but tying him to the club after means we can begin to think without him next year and move forward with him still happy.
  22. I'm at that age and I can almost guarantee it was something more serious. I'll put it this way, you don't go to the King Street to relax on marijuana. I would highly doubt it was something as strong as Heroin there would be more made of it, it seems to be 'another' ecstasy issue. I say another because the AFL can hide the issue behind 3 strikes for each player but the issue is getting out of hand quickly and we're not doing much.
  23. I agree. We've made the decisions tears have been had by all but those things have been done. Next year will be all footy and that's how I like it too. If by next year come March and sign up time I will not begrudge anyone who chooses to not play on but the teethin problems are over and it should be happy days if you stick with us.
  24. A [censored] would do it, but only a ****head would be proud of it. Your name is fitting.
  25. My very poor source has stated Travis Cloke wants 12% of the salary cap. That leaves 88% to the other 43 players. In Melbournes case we only pay 95% of that cap and therefore would leave 83% of that cap to go to 43 others. Given Clark takes up 8-10% I believe as much as Neeld wants him, he is resigned to the fact we can't afford him. Us staying in the market publicly puts pressure on Carlton and Freo though which is a gooood thing.
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