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Everything posted by Arrow

  1. You're all missing the joke, OP is saying we should admit to tanking when drafting our players. A clever joke given how terrible our picks have ended up. Relax there's already 10 topics on this. In the words of Danny Glover 'who really gives a sh*t!'
  2. Just got you RR. God both our teams suck. Proud to be off the bottom though.
  3. Quite simply I've had it with supporters saying how pathetic we are and how I've supported for x years so I'm leaving. Melbourne FC shouldn't be a leisure and for me and many other people on here it's a religion. No-one on here likes losing, but I'm not in for a quick fix either. In 2 years what will the Bulldogs remember from their 2000-09 years. Nothing because there is no cup. Prelims mean nothing. If I have an extra year of rubbish to get all the bs gameplans this list had been taught in the past I'll deal with it and look to the greener pastures. Your suggestion that we could trade Trengove just about gives me enough ammunition to comfortably say we'll be fine without you; but I'll extend an olive branch and say this. Instead on posting the problems lets start threads about what we are developing and moving towards because if you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem. Go Dees.
  4. Calm down Range Rover you can adjust your team after the game on Friday Night and I was held up at work. I fixed it up. That said, I would have absolutely no issue with having a lottery for the bottom 10 to find the draft picks 1-10. I'm against tanking as such and a lottery would be an interesting addition.
  5. I understand that but talent doesn't die. Confidence goes down, playing in team that averages 30I50's a game with a change of coach and philosophy. Teams been through big changes all of which are catered toward fixing our running backwards so the forwards have been hurt most. He'll come good
  6. When Casey and Melbourne play the same day one player doesn't play Casey to be an emergency at Etihad in case someone is injured in the warm up. Magner was two weeks ago and I'll presume he will be again on Sat. No mystery injury
  7. Collingwood offered him 300k at the end of 2010 and he stayed with us. Chose to not take Gold Coasts money too. If we let him go another club will take him, I'd prefer he spend some time with Leigh Brown work on his 1 on 1's and get a bigger tank to double/ triple lead. With that he'll be a bloody good mid sized flanker or pocket.
  8. Shows how screwed the Northern Territory is. The evidence is all circumstantial, and the one who is pressing the claims against him stated under oath he was [censored]. The main prosecution witness told the QC that Basil was the one attacking Liam and friends and suggested any movement by LJ would have been simply in defence. Absolutely appalling result and gives further credence to why there is no such thing as a fair trial these days.
  9. My understanding is you only recieve compensation picks if the player leaves when a restricted free agent. Once he is unrestricted there is no compensation!
  10. There aren't many players who come back better players re-drafted after being de-listed. I doubt there's many tricks a player learns at the second division team that makes him a better player. Furthermore, struggling to get a game at Carlton in 07 when they were probably the worst team ever known to man, so bad potentially I could have got a game further worries me. However, good research of him Jurrah and I'm sure he wouldn't be the worst pick up if he chose to get him.
  11. I'm as disappointed as the next person but let's be realistic for a second. When the team was named on Thursday it was generally considered it may be the worst Melbourne list on paper including 08. There is so many dodgys on that 22 it's scary. Did anyone really expect a good performance from a team of really 50% AFL standard. Take for example a list of players I think will be on our list in 2 years from that team: Sylvia Frawley Howe Trengove Grimes Blease Strauss T McD Martin Jones Rivers Potentially Safe/ Maybe Gawn GARLAND Petterd Nicholson Jetta Bail Magner The rest will be gone. I don't think Port have a good side but by my count they have 5-6 players last night in the maybe gone or definately gone section. Their core is set and played; ours is out or just not deep enough list wise. Im not impressed by what was served up, but there were 10 players last night who will make up our list of 42 in 2 years time. That's never going to win you games.
  12. It's not good enough I agree but it's the perfect game for fresh legs and he puts them in the back pocket. Put the kid in the middle and force him to outrun them. Just a stupid waste of the sub.
  13. Why bring on Strauss as sub in the heat than play him in a back pocket. What a waste! Silly move by Neeld move his run up the ground
  14. OMR, I think you are on the money. First and foremost, it has unfortunately inadvertedly been my problem. I would like to stress that it was obviously not my intention to cause this much outcry; honestly I was just trying to situate myself best for next years game. Everyone may well say oh it was so in his favour, but essentially what I did was trade Robbo a player for 4 weeks for a number 1 pick I get to keep all of next year. If anything, I actually think I win hands down. Robbo and I have no relationship, nor do I have any relations with any of the players of our game. I simply became friends with most of them through last year and this year's competition. Yes, there are some players I may trade more frequently with but that doesn't change my decision. JCB, I accept what I consider to be your somewhat apology; I have no issues with you questioning the trade but the personal comments were unjust and for someone who cares so much about the competition to say I was single handedly wrecking it was simply unfair and unreasonable. This game is so fun because of the people I play it with. The last few days have been ridiculous and a black mark for this thread but I hope it does not bring down the competition. As I mentioned whether this trade goes through does not bother me- if you want to veto it, I'm not forcing you to not. The rules were set in place for the keeper system and whilst the quality of player and 'ranking' may be different, the cold hard stats aren't that different. Extra kicks, less handballs, more marks, less tackles and half a goal more a game is what Robbo is getting. I'm not trading out a gun for a non-playing injury, I'm situating myself for next year whilst also maintaining a player who will be in my starting line up. I am sorry JCB and anyone who else has been upset or feels negatively impacted by this trade. The beauty of this league is that the majority will win and like the keeper system vote (in which my suggestion actually lost out), you don't always win. If the majority choose this is unfair before it goes through and it gets vetoed there will be no attempt to put it through again or sooking, but it doesn't change my view that I'm happy with my decision. Sorry for the long winded nothing response readers just wanted to clear the air. Furthermore who am I kidding, there's no chance I'd be able to give in this game. Over and out, DL7
  15. I came into this game for an enjoyable sport related fantasy game but when people start questioning my character that is where I draw the line. Thank you all for what has been a completely exhilarating two years and I am terribly sorry I couldn't bring my a game like last year. I will be giving my team to the winner of the Stynes League which I think is the fairest choice. Will keep eager eyes on the winner of the league, this year certainly very competitive and smarter than last year. Good luck and thanks to all DL7
  16. 7 rookies doesn't mean 7 good ones. I had Watts as one rookie and I was looking to find a second good rookie. I have done so. But if you think you can scare or threaten me by saying I have to use Scully you are sorely mistaken. Scully is a good option for me because my next years team will be centered around handballs tackles, the reason I'm keeping Priddis and why I like Scully. The player may be ranked lower but it plays to my strength for the team I'll be creating next year. Rankings are stupid and that goes both ways, there would be no point me getting a Matthew Pavlich a top 50 because this year because in goals I'm so far behind. But a player who picks up 25-28 disposals and tackles may be ranked 100+ because he doesn't kick goals or mark yet he'd be super beneficial for my team to win enough categories to win the matchup. If you want a rookie trade for it, dont sit back and sook that I've accumulated a few. I've made 25 waiver moves this year trying to get back in the game and it hasn't worked so I'm perfectly content with the decision I've made.
  17. Bit harsh. To get a rookie keeper you do need to pay slightly overs, and Thomas was the player I didn't need going forward. I didn't offer up the trade to Robbo he offered it to me so I'm not ruining the league- I'm positioning myself for both the final rounds of this year and next year. However the concept of veto'ing a trade is there for you to state your displeasure so if you have an issue click the button and get support I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
  18. Christ almighty what an absolute [censored] you are. The bloke is trying to take a light hearted effort on the year, and just posting it on a seperate medium to demonland and hoping to get some readership. Asking for constructive criticism isn't too get a smart-ass, up yourself comment like the one you just posted. fcmelb congratulations on your blogs, I can give you solace in knowing not all Demonland readers are as disrespectful as above.
  19. Arrow

    Game Day

    Also heard from a birdie at Casey Strauss may be a late inclusion, not sure who's out.
  20. Let the discussion begin. For mine, we're a big chance and I'd be disappointed with anything other than a win!
  21. I would suspect/ hope Strauss gets a full game and comes in for Bennell. Thanks Jamie, but in my opinion you're done at the MFC. Would love good games also out of Jetta, Gysberts and Petterd to put pressure on selection this week. This guys should be best 22 and I'm hoping some form for them will bring about some back season wins for the Dees.
  22. He's not fringe but I know Melbourne are having a play for Brendon Goddard
  23. If you're going to pick up a real risk to your football club and culture make sure he's actually good. I'd prefer Fev than Daniel Connors.
  24. This is not meant to be disrespectful to you RR but this is why the trading doesn't work. People always say they are seeking a certain position and if it isn't a top 10 prospect it's an automatic no. When you're asking for positions or offering trades you have to be willing to give away a little more than you're recieving purely because the opposing party is changing away from their strategy to suit you. A few times people have said I want a forward and I've offered what I thought to be a fairly realistic trade and always get told it doesn't favour them.... Well duuuuh I don't necessarily need your person I'm just getting the league flowing. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
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