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Everything posted by Arrow

  1. I think he really does want what is best for MFC and leaving like he has, has given the club the best opportunity to do so. I respect him for that. His time at MFC hasn't been all roses, but at the same time he took the least attractive job in the AFL for a club with no assets no membership and no team and has managed to create profits. The 4 years won't go down as a success but I thank you for your time and your inroads Cameron and hopefully this can turn the club like you've been trying for so long.
  2. KC I know it's hard to keep track of everyone's requests but if possible would it be alright to cover Jetta and Strauss this afternoon. The level we need a running HBF was so evident last night, whoever is best out of those two should get a run against WCE. Thanks again and go scorps
  3. What did you make of the game last night Stuie? Where does the blame lie for you?
  4. Completely disagree, Craig is old school and for that you can't mistake his lack of enthusiasm vocally for a lack of care. If you did, you'd think Malthouse was the least interested coach ever. Can't believe so many people are saying how disappointed they are in the answers.. No business in the world comes out the day after a bad day and states how the sky is falling and to sell all your shares and run.. MFC need to hold firm so that supporters do the same. Neil answered the questions perfectly. He's a very good person to have around the MFC is a dark time like this.
  5. Worse was it was made aware Jack's grandfather I believe died last Sunday before the game, and this week they wore black armbands for that reason. MFC didn't tell the reason behind it because they didn't want to have Jack have to face the questions about whether his game was off because of it etc etc. Than to be boo'ed of by your own supporters on the night where you've tried to pay respects to your grandfather would really be a dagger in his heart. I thought the effort was insipid but you draw a line.. I actually think booing the collective isn't too bad, but when you boo a player coming to the bench or slap when they've been subbed off... How can you be angry when players leave our club.. i would too.
  6. I'm so glad you haven't censored this mods because for once it's exactly right. We have issues.
  7. Jesus he was close to tears
  8. I made excuses for all parties last week but quite frankly this is unacceptable. Even if we're [censored] which we clearly are after te week we all copped you find a way to be competitive. We are worse. They can all go. Neeld I've always had his back but he's shown tonight hes got nothing. I'm having a week off Demon Land because if I come back I'm worried I'm never going to support Melbourne again.
  9. I've seen a bad individual game. Heck I've played in some stinkers. I've never seen a worse game than by Jamar. He is nothing, a disgrace.
  10. Another huge call here but honestly Jack Viney reminds me so much of Joel Selwood. I would not be surprised if he ended his career as credentialed as Joel. Hopefully with the premierships too...
  11. And very early call but Terlich doesn't look like an AFL player to me.
  12. From where I'm sitting playing far far better with ball 'in hand' but defense zoning is horrific.
  13. 1 meter f****n Handballs to a stationary target. A 12 year doesn't do that!!!!!
  14. I'll say it now cos I'm sure I won't say it come the 4th quarter but I'm loving the umpiring so far. Letting the game go no soft in the backs... Cross our fingers
  15. Collingwood have been [censored] for 20 years before 08 yet they still have 100,000+ supporters. We are half the problem, we let our kids, mates, partners, siblings get out of being a Melbourne supporter just because we all agree the last few years have been hard. I can guarantee you when I was 5 I hated brushing my teeth but my mum still shoved the thing in my mouth every night. Take your kid to the footy and when they say they hate losing teach them the life lesson of being a 'good loser'. This isn't a hack at you DeeZee from all your posts you seem like a ripper bloke but all week I've seen supporters complaining how we'll crumble... Well guess what the only people that can stop it are us so let's get off Demon Land and support!! Well done by Grimes, if every player was willing to waste time in their day to contact our future member base we'd have alot more players showing some heart on a weekend.
  16. He was sick, two different things. PF 2008 Luke Hodge breaks his ribs.. Did he miss next week.. True leaders lift and provide beyond their means because they find a gear. Jacks only downfall is fitness but that's all mental, if he needs to gut run, with a marathon running sister he should know all about beating the pain. Mad Melbohrne, I agree with everything you say. We as supporters take time off work, out of our families lives to support and pay for these boys and men to do what they love. You'd think even lacking skills youd find a way to give 110%... Somehow we've found 30 blokes who aren't.
  17. Today will go down as a more disappointing day than any in 2008, 2009, and any as long as I've been a Melbourne supporter. 22 years, that's not a good sign. However, football is a game of 22 rounds and he who turns up on Monday still dwelling on Sundays results will be left behind very quickly. Today pointed out a variety of areas that we are still way behind in, and my Round 2 requirements therefore goes as follows: - There will be no open training session this week.. I want a whole week of behind closed doors, floggings of 44 players. Casey got polaxed and Melbourne worse.. It's actually funny how not one person on Melbournes list is actually earning his contract. Clark is great but still on huge $$, our closest player would be Tom McDonald.. Still on a semi rookie contract and a potential great player. I don't understand how it's happened but it's time for them to grow up. - Neeld needs to adapt. Last year he had a grace period but that is up. Today showed he is pushing a game plan that is not working. When you lose to Port by what we did.. We WILL not win next week. There wasn't more than 3 hearts on that field today. We adapt so by Round 4 we're competitive. He will not last otherwise. - Our young captains make a stand. Grimes wasn't close to good enough today. Trengove needs to force his way into this team and lead by example. I don't care if you lie about your fitness, you get out there and show your teammates what the baseline standards are to play for this great club.. - Subdue the key forward. Week after week we are smashed by KPP. It is time we move on from Frawley being an AA Backman. Schulz is no more than a good average footballer and he kicks bags on us every year.. Every one does. We need to play a better zone to fill up the space and force a ground game, we are decent on the ground. - 4 quarter effort. If we lose by 5 points in a 4 quarter effort of good hard footy it'll be the best joy I've had since Aussie W kicked the sealer against Freo. This has hurt too much, fight back and prove we are going somewhere. I am sadly willing to write this off as a bad week.. Teams have them and for whatever reason Hinkley had his team way more revved and ready that Mark did. Gillies comes straight out, as does Nicholson, Sellar and Tapscott. Rodan and Dunn I would be happy for both to go either way. Rodan did not even do close to enough for his role and Dunn applied no defense pressure and when moving forward he butchered the ball every time. This is the final straw for the coach, 12 of our most established players and at a very long stretch our club. Rd 1 2013 better be used as a line in the sand because 22,000 will never return again if today ever happens again.
  18. There is no justification for how he performed today.. He was shocking. Worse he was not alone. Jack has shown glimpses of how he can play, and his performance in the NAB Cup would be exactly what I want in the regular season.. That said, lets not throw the baby out with the bath water.. 3 players out of 22 gained a pass mark today and Jack is at the top of a very large list that includes our BNF player from last year. Just because he's our number 1 pick doesn't excuse a bad performance but he sadly isn't the only one.
  19. Whilst its one thing to criticize the appalling play of our senior players, and apparent lack of game plan from our coach, it's seriously time to have a think. He's played one game in a team of hacks.. Close this thread and let's concentrate on real issues... Toumpas can have jeez maybe 10 weeks to assert himself..
  20. Whether the content of Lyons piece is right or not, it isn't the thing that frustrates me with Garry. Football Club culture isn't just the 44 people in the squad, it's all of us as supporters and all of our ex-players. Richmond have been rubbish for so long but do their ex- players come out with comments like Garry's... Absolutely not. When Collingwod were rubbish Eddie would never bad mouth his club.. Garry writes one piece each year just to make everyone feel like he isn't a one eyed supporter in the media but he doesn't get it. Billy Brownless is loved by most because they know how one eyed he is.. So you can choose to ignore it. If Geelong were 0-16 you wouldn't hear a bad word. That's why Geelongs culture is so good... Everyone is on board! They're highest profile supporters are 100% Geelong. Garry is the one guy who can send positive Melbourne message throughout the media when everyone else wants to write sh!t... Yet he's sold out because he cares about himself in the media not Melbourne as his first port of call.
  21. Just 100% unnecessary. If you want to write the article on Rivers looking better suited to his new club than do it, but this hybrid piece is such garbage. In fact it's just stupid because now the main crux of the article, Jared, will be ignored because of his statements on the state of Melbourne and how noone would want to be there. Another [censored] piece of journalism from a complete sell-out.
  22. Matthew Wright first up serviced me well. How'd everyone else go?
  23. Love this thread 45, I generally watch minimum 5-9 games per week, it'll get a good place to discuss other players, team tactics that interest us and maybe discuss teams we're coming up against in 1,2,3 weeks. To those who say they can't enjoy watching footy if Melbourne isn't playing, play supercoach!
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