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Everything posted by Arrow

  1. No to speculate too much but he was dropped I think Rd 22 or 23 last year because he breached his restraining order or AVO with this girl and St Kilda were notified and thus suspended him. Been suspended since. Now the second breach, he's not just looking at no AFL club he could be a serious chance of a conviction if not jail time.
  2. And apologies all can view here: http://www.afl.com.au/fixture/tabid/10586/default.aspx
  3. Furthermore we have 8 yes 8 out 23 games on Free to air TV. Inbetween round 12-21 you will see Melbourne feature once on Ch.7 quite extraordinary. The final 5 games of GC, GWS, Ade, Freo & WB will be great IMO to show us where we are for next year. Winning 4 of those 5 would be a pleasant change for us actually having some hype going into 2014.
  4. That said 1 game at the MCG in the last 8 is quite brutal. All the time we keep selling games that will always be the case though. All in all, I'd say it's a good result for the MFC and after 2013, I'd see us starting to get more and more Friday night slots.
  5. Look if we're good enough we'll win games next year. It's not a tough draw, all in all it's actually pretty easy. We play both GWS and GC twice- (4 wins). It's not great for money but it should be great for the W-L and the start of the Mark Neeld regime beginning!
  6. Sounds like he'd be a seriously good Tagger these days...
  7. It's funny I reckon if it was Mick Malthouses cutting these players, everyone would be commenting how ballsy he is for cutting the dead wood. Neeld's doing the right thing... The results will come.
  8. You talk about the bad 'culture' of the MFC, but a good percentage of the club culture is the supporters themselves. To be brutally honest with you, you leaving and going to Richmond is an indictment on you, that when you cop a bruise you take the easy way out. Melbourne don't need supporters like you if that's your attitude because its THAT particular attitude which was given the club and supporters a bad name of pea-hearts who run to the snow Round 3. RR has a right to his opinion, I generally think his thoughts are ridiculous and completely obnoxious but he is entitled to them. Being a Melbourne supporter hurts, and will leave you with far more bruises than your ego but by god I cannot wait till we win a premiership so I can shove it up every single person who left us for the easy option.
  9. Worst 22?!? WTF? Now I've seen everything.
  10. I read somewhere that the Bulldogs like you said are absolutely in love, but we're not willing to part with 5 or 6 for him and were trying to upgrade their 3rd first round pick, to get in the low teens to be able to take Stringer. I see him going about 10-15 personally.
  11. It actually becomes a joke with these guys. Especially when like AFL Trade Radio and take 2 talkback calls. No-one can question their opinion one bit. Barrett even said "Don't worry I blocked them on my twitter, so I don't care what they say"... Buddy it's people having a difference of opinion to you- not threatening your life get a grip. He writes off people's careers yet doesn't have a thick enough skin to take it back; simply an incredible, incredible human being. But more on the topic the funniest thing is all year Melbourne and their 'team' of coaches and upper level management were seen to be at fault for getting in so many leaders and leaving all these kids to do the work themselves. We bring in: Premiership winning CHF in Dawes, Premiership winning HFF in Byrnes, Veteran and GF appearance in Rodan, and a mature body big guy in Pederson who has been through both AFL and VFL system which generally promotes a good understanding what is required to make it to the big time. Furthermore, we delist the dead-wood. High draft picks who have given us jack: Morton (I'm sure got good skills but will never be a good AFL player), Gysberts (one game 2012), Moloney ("leader"). So now, it's berate Melbourne because we're not using DRAFT PICKS TO TOP UP OUR YOUNG TALENT. If you really base your decisions on what these clowns say you're just as bad as the pig Barrett. I'm proud of Neeld, he made very tough calls and at the end of the day he is putting his job on the line trusting his judgement on these blokes. Good on you Mark, haters gonna hate.
  12. uh-oh we gave up pick 63 and get back 74. Thats not good news for us. We lost Gysberts and draft pick order...
  13. I'm not sure but I think Poita might be Dean Bailey. Irrespectively you're right. Olisik suggested trading Frawley while he had value and Tom McDonald too. That speaks for itself.
  14. Build a bridge. The mistakes made were from a previous regime. They club has done something, they brought in Neeld. He's cleaning up the mess and turning us into a proper club. Next
  15. I think people are also undervaluing the PSD pick 3. We will essentially get the pick of de-listed or undrafted mature aged talent- free to pick whatever we want. We may target that older age with 2/3 rookie and PS picks. To OP poster, excellent post. Certainly a good topic to discuss and shows to me that Neeld's recruiting this year is very structured and well thought-out.
  16. God that's poor posting. You're forgetting to add in Viney, Wines, Barry and potential development of Taggert etc. Moloney and Jurrah both didn't play, Green was sporadic and Rivers played his best games in 2012 in the fwd line. What are you basing your judgement on? Their previous best or their output next year? I can guarantee you Green and Jurrah would be huge liabilities next year, Moloney never bought into the AFL system of defensive running thus would be no help in 2013 and Rivers has been overtaken by a 21 year old pick 53. The anti-Neeld on here is so frustrating.
  17. Arrow

    Farren Ray

    Just like Collingwood said they were done with trade period and 12 hours later signed with them, this season is all about playing funny buggers. I'm sure there's been more than that.
  18. Anyone have a size 11 pair of boots handy?! Don't need quality just any pair would be great!
  19. Clintosaurus, completely off topic but noticing your avatar The League is a seriously ******* ripper of a show. Such a pisser.
  20. Arrow

    Lucas Cook

    I believe Cook has been told he's gone, however no other delisting have been made and thus all are still training with squad. Dawes unlikely to join up until end of trade and free agency period or around late October.
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