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Everything posted by satyricon

  1. To paraphrase the great Groucho Mark "when I saw that RR had put another post, I couldn't stop laughing, one day I intend reading it"
  2. If he is missed, we do need to try and start throwing straighter
  3. Steady RR, as I read your posts I am usually reminded of a certain Grant Thomas.....I am all for balance so your contributions are welcome but thankfully there are a few of us at the other end of the plank
  4. A lot of comparers on here haven't seen any of the players 'live' anyway/either They just go along with the general consensus. The unsubstantiated rumour on here at the moment is that Cook has gone, (it was in the quality newspaper the Herald Sun we have down here) Sheahan was a 'shock' at not being picked up in the draft last year, we rookied him, probably had something to do with assistant coach Greaves who coached him at the Geelong Falcons last year, looks to be a player Cook as an AA at under 18 level, he is a good mark (soft hands) he is tall and can read the ball really well in the air but has had issues with injuries and getting his fitness up to where it should be and has impacted on his weight gain as well (which he needs) MFC have supposedly lost patience with him Leigh Williams was a gun local league footballer who was kicking lots of goals in the East of Melbourne, we have lots of players from out that way now, so probably picked him up about him that way, he is a good mid sized forward who does the 1% really well, could be anythhing from what I have seen.......his whole physical shape has changed Hope that helps
  5. Pages and pages of rubbish... Here is the Draft..all three..you have a pick in each round, you have a briefing from the Footy Dept, you make a judgement call, it may work it may not...s**t happens.....the Darling situation gives me the s***s....EVERY club PASSED on him You have 46 players on a list recruited with a variety of methods by a Recruiting Dept, the list changes every year, you have a Coaching group with the brief to turn them into a Premiership winning side....... if that doesn't happen people leave and you start again....simple......turning over the soil page after page after page....achieves what.....nothing.............LOOK FORWARD....you never know the Recruiting Team may get it right this year
  6. Repeat, I will not let facts get in the way of a good rumour, I will not let facts get in the way of a good rumour, I will not....................... I love the end of the season, some of the posts go "further out" than during the season.....
  7. Don't flatter RR and the rest, nobody at any Footy club takes seriously what is written here, it is a supporter forum, the content is what you would expect it to be, vitriol, rumour, innuendo, keyboard heroics, baseless arguments The only people who read every line are the 'journalists sitting at the Hun or online journals looking for an angle or topic to plagiarise and publish The core of our list/group is not crap, we just need a good run at the pre season and a couple of ins, and if you listen to what the Club is saying I fully expect us to get a couple of 'mature experienced players in" attracted by what the club has to offer, most of which we have no idea about because we are not in the inner sanctum
  8. This is Troy Davis...what shoulder? distracted? nose out of joint?, this is his review from the weekend "Troy Davis - Troy had his hands full with Ben McKinley (3 goals) - however, in typical Troy style, he stuck to the task all day, competed and also worked to provide some offensive run, taking five marks in the process" I for one hope we keep him
  9. Troy Davis weights in at about 96kg at the moment, how much more beef do you want?...
  10. No that is drinking at lunch time, Brent only drank late at night once, Grand New Flag is a Neeld hater, when we get the flag under Neeld GNF will say it was a fluke........
  11. Have we seen any issues in the last couple of years with the players playing up on a Mad Monday, no, hands up posters who never played up in their twenties, the game has changed, the players know that, if you want a career.... you have to behave As for Trengove going to Thailand, jeezus, last year we had Club Captains in Bali, Vegas etc etc...... it is a holiday, and Jack Trengove hardly drinks anyway...he is from a family of athletes
  12. What is the point answering the question, what they are going to come out of retirement and play next season, this self flaggelation gets tiresome, no wonder other clubs find MFC amusing, it has supporters who can never let go of the past
  13. Gee I didn't think where the Club played mattered, (had to look where Elsternwick was), bit far south for me. I have been to Canberra, Adelaide and Datwin to watch the Dees, hell I haven't even missed a game at Ethad in the last five years or so, it will have my heart and soul if it played at Koo Wee Rup The Club is a Footy Club, job is to get 22 young men between 18 and early 30ish to go out each week for 22 weeks and kick a ball between big sticks whilst another 22 similar men try to stop them doing it Do it to entertain/enrage/embaress/overjoy/frustrate/torment etc thousands of supporters from varying demographics who pay for the privilege of experiencing the aforementioned emotions/feelings And to keep footy journalists/commentators/pundits with varying hidden personal agendas and past histories in a job The Club stands for playing footy, in the next couple of years a bloody good brand of footy, although I expect still at times to run the whole gamut of emotions I have already mentioned
  14. So if we get one star, say somebody like G Ablett or Chris Judd, we will win every game and the premiership, just like Carlton or Gold Coast have, you need twenty two players who can play.....if the whole team improves you will find one or two of our highly derided players will raise their game to another level....Nathan Jones managed that this season....imagine how good he could become if he has another 21 hard seasoned bodies around him
  15. Great post Clint, one of your best, insightful, constructive........
  16. Seems the two Demon named posters are the only two with a bit of devil in them, well said, but I think you are wasting your time...........the amount of negativity on here about a footy team continues to baffle/amaze/annoy me Just wait till the bandwagon starts rolling and watch them jump back on board...saving a few of their 'speical' posts till then so I can bring them back up for a bit of 'amusement'
  17. I had to look twice.....it said footy and credibility in the same sentence on this board.... Hawthorn or Geelong, doesn't matter against who
  18. Joined the chat on MFC website last night and somebody asked Jade Rawlings about Joel Mac, said he had improved this year, still a lot of upside to him......but that's only an assistant coach who has some say in picking the team, so that can't be right surely
  19. I have to put what I put in another post....this is footy....all this twaddle about Culture etc.......sheesh....we are talking about sport......it doesn't change the world......it only impacts on you if you want it to.......it's fun reading some of the posts.....we are talking about an "industry" their word not mine so is so far removed from normal reality...you wonder how some of the young guys get theirs heads around it anyway...........if we could harness the hot air that is created from all the talking etc that now goes with footy we could probably power the planet for years in the future 22 guys train to run up and down a field kicking and handballing a strangely shaped ball in the hope of occasionally kicking it between some big sticks, 22 other guys try and stop them, they take turns doing this.. I go along to watch it happen, how the guys do everything before the game to get where they are I don't really care, just the two hours each weekend matter, but I listen to the Coach who says it will improve coz they have a plan, no idea what it is but he seems to so I'll see how it goes...........not really interested in 45 years ago, interested in this Saturday, then trade week, then the draft then next season
  20. Ah yes an opportunity to raise that wonderful word "Culture' again, and even 'party boys' got a gig as well, nice little post to get the few riled up and start spouting the same tired old cliches, give it a couple more pages and a Hun journalist will be able to add his two bobs worth and claim it is as factual. Brad Green has had 13 yrs at AFL level, through hard work, he was just reminding the younger players of that, which I am sure Neeld would want him to, the inferrence was interpreted by certain posters to justify their point of view, I listened and it was about the fourth or fifth time Brad trotted out that line since he announced his retirement, it is part of the message the Club wants and Brad being the great Clubman has obliged........... Just an example Cyril Rioli in his court testimony said he had been drinking bourbon and coke all nigh on a Mid season break, you didn't see the Club sanctioning him or the supporters calling for him to be delisted.....he has probably been given a quiet word and knows what he has to do...but he is a young guy and needs a bit of slack now and again On here if Col Sylvia smiles the 'supporters' want him delisted, yes he has had a couple of misdemeanours but he copped his punishment, and if his strong showing last weekend is any indication he wants to repay the Club If players don't cut it, they don't get their contracts renewed and get delisted simple as that. or moved on, Simon Buckley, Juice, Isaac Weetra, Chris Johnston etc etc.....some posters make it sound like the Club has kept the same list for the last 10 years
  21. This is completely and totally unsubstantiated, I haven't seen the topic starter come back on and 'justify' some of his/her comments, as another poster said, the topic raiser seems down on everything Melbourne, and it did open the door for some of his/her fellow naysayers on this board to join in.......unless you are there everyday what would 'we' know....they don't pump weights every single day.......and last time I looked Cronk is a Storm player not Demons, so how would he know what sort of daily program each player has.......this is rubbish perpetuated by the usual suspects
  22. I don't mind people putting forward a view/opinion as long as they are able to back it up As far as enjoying your absence, there are some posters on the board (not necessarily you) who I don't bother reading, coz I know what it will be like, everybody is entitled to post, as well as everybody is entitled to read or not read, so your absence would not mean to much in any case That was part of the point I was making, you say 52 years, why bother putting yourself through it if it makes you miserable Also why do you think Jordie's disposal will always be poor? is that by hand or foot? even Chris Judd misses targets extricating from a scrum or maul (as stoppages are starting to look more and more like). I am not actually frustrated, I would say more bored with the constant negativity being displayed on this board, it sort of ruins the whole experience, everybody knows we have had a crap season why bang on about it, look forward to a fresh start next year......personally I am going to the B & F to congratulate all the players (including Jordie) for hanging in there,also telling them I expect better next year...and to congratulate Jonesy on the award......and then remind people who wanted him delisted two years ago...they were wrong...same as they will be with Jordie Mc
  23. Thanks Chook that is what I meant to say, but being Irish/English why use one word when you can use a thousand..... .I support MFC and I lke watching the footy, and I like the blokes who play for MFC, so I don't like people bagging them that's all....winning is not everything, it's great when it happens, but it's just not at the moment....still go the footy every week hoping we do but if we don't..so what there is next week, next year etc etc.....
  24. It is Footy...nobody dies if you don't win a Premiership.........you get another chance the year after and the year after that.......that is part of the reason for following footy....you don't know what you will get ....... usually occupy my time with it for a few hours on game day and posting on here when the sheer preposterousness of some of the postings dare me to join in...this one being one of them. I for one have never understood, and you see it on this board, why people who obviously hate everything about a thing, in this case MFC and all it entails......... still rock up each week....is it their latent masochism manifesting itself....if I find myself not enjoying something I don't bother with it...hence I don't watch much telly these days coz in my opinion it is all crap.... That is the point I am making, why put yourself through it.....and why bother posting about it....you only have to post once for most readers to get the gist of your state of mind about MFC..... Oh and thank you for the acknowledgement, not many people can see genius....they tend to mistake it for insanity...oh and also if you are acknowledging a group of people who in their own right (mind) are considered a genius... it is "genii"
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