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Everything posted by satyricon

  1. I for one could not believe this thread, Jordie is like the rest of the young guys still learning, he is just 22 and has played 58 games, he should peak in about two years, and he is kicking more this season, he has to under Neeld but he also hasn't forgotten how to tackle and get in and under....Jonesy was getting threads like this two years ago, probably from the same people.... Here is a simple plan....to RR, Old Dee etc etc...we have one game to go, when that is finished, stop supporting Melbourne Football Club and find one that has 22 guns and is about to be successful, that way MFC is left to supporters who support.. Christ I have been as frustrated as the next person at times this season. but I have listened to what the Club is saying, and I have asked questions at every opportunity I have had........but I have never and never will bag any player.....I was certainly not good enough to play AFL footy when I was young enough.....how many posters are/were good enough..give them a bloody chance.... the way some posters post you would think that the Club hasn't played finals since the end of the 19th century.....it was six years ago, and then unfortunately everything that could go wrong has......get over it...success is coming.....listen...we are financially sound, have state of the art facilities, good coaching and fitness staff who know what success looks like.......but all that has only happened in the last couple of years, we have had a lot of catching up to do The last place that will occur is on the footy field, but it will happen If you not prepared to wait...then go somewhere else
  2. there u go RR...all about you....... the views certainly outweigh the replies, but there are only a few of us on this board willing to take you on and try and outlast you, a hard task indeed It proves nothing, apart from maybe in 10 years time when Jack Watts has had a long and successful career at MFC you can begrudgingly admit that he was a good no 1 pick (which is only a number and recruiters are looking at 17-18yr old who can develop or not in a thousand ways, dependent on injury, the playing list at the club they are at, the coaches, outside influences etc I reckon Cox has probably go another year in him, so when NikNat takes over as the No1 at the Weagles that is when I will start to look at whether he is the Messiah, a great player, a good ruckman etc etc......until now it is left to Bruce McAvenny to ejaculate all over the commentary desk everytime NikNat goes near the ball As I said before with the media the way it is now, if you could get that it is trendy to wear dogshit on a chain to trend on twitter or faceblook or other and then the media pick it up, there will be thousands wearing it within a week......the same with NikNat so it must be true....except for the ones, and I include myself, who can see past the hype.....and look at this kicking efficiencey, goal assists, etc etc....and see he is not the Messiah at the moment
  3. Can you explain the logic as to why Ratten is a good coach? I like Demonland because when you open it of a morning, there is always a post that can raise a laugh Congratulations
  4. Much though some on the board like to deny....it is a few good uninterrupted preseasons that has helped Jonesy...has the body and fitness base to compete...then the confidence...then the improved playing ability
  5. For all the stats lovers and those who think Watts stands on the outside and doesn't get his hands dirty, contested possessions for him this season 109, other 'defenders' Rivers 109, Frawely 82, Garland 95, J Macdonald 109, young Tommy Mc showing the way on 120,,,there you go RR you opened the door..
  6. RalphIusM, beautifully thought out and written, don't expect too many quotes or too many posts in reply, it all makes too much sense........all together in unsion with Bruce//......"NNNNNAAAAATTTTTTTAAAAANNNNNNNNNEWWWWWWEEEEEEEE...YOU BEAUTY!!!!! Your last sentence says it all
  7. To RR I will accept the NikNat is/will be/could be/ a really good player....but I am waiting for when he does not have to battle it out in the ruck without an All Australian ruckman "helping" him out
  8. RR started it because the commentators were ejaculating all over their microphones during the game on the telly. Yes looks great flying through the air, missed two easy set shots and handball/kicking effiiciency was 53%, but hey he's the Messiah Again he has a big guy called Cox sharing the ruck duties and there was no Darren Jolly Yes he will be a really good player....but the overkill bores me
  9. Some of the hysteria on here really amuses me... Chip can't win if he stood in front of the forward they would knock it over his head, a defender only has to look at a forward the wrong way and it is a free kick these days...if there is space for the forward to lead into, the defender is gone Chip may have had a poor game yesterday, wasn't on his own, maybe carrying an injury, probably isn't on his own again, had a battering most of the season, again not on his own....but really....any volunteers on here to take on a 90-100Kg man who can run and jump next week or next season
  10. Hey Moonshadow, if it was pointless why continue it...last word I suppose....glad you think i bang on, certainly have a high opinion of your fellow man don't you...I have finished now...would like to say I enjoyed it.....but
  11. I put that 'shut you up' to highlight the fact that I wasn't hiding behind a nickname, when offering my opinion, this was what Harrisonrules was offering as well, before you took it upon yourself to state what should and shouldn't be posted on this board This board is full of rumour, truth, half truth....it is a board, I wouldn't expect otherwise.....if you wanted to get your point across and not be misinterpreted (which I did) then perhaps you should have put what you put in your second post, rather than being sarcastic and then lambasting a poster As for inside information, if I ever put that, I always put the circumstance/s from which I got the information, so if you want to laugh at that feel free
  12. Try reading what he wrote, I was going to write something similar, Bruce was a great servant to the MFC, he didn't like the deal that was offered so he left, simple as that, I thanked him for playing for MFC (to his face) and wished him well at Hawthorn, (I bumped into him shopping) Unfortunately we have posters on here who make the post all about them by constantly denigrating players, administrators and anyone remotely connected with MFC, both past and present. I have spoken to the players face to face quite a few times, and they will listen if you talk to them properly, if you want to hide behind anonmity and just bag them expect other posters to make their point strongly also And to shut you up....Satyricon is Peter Kirkham, Member and Volunteer of the MFC
  13. "Rpfc taking the blinkers off"...what and make a post not all about him!!...outrageous suggestion
  14. I was having my afternoon break and needed a bit of light humour, and then you posted this classic, wow I wonder if Jonesy, Tommy Mac and Howie agree with you, they have absolutely thrived under Neeld, Rivers is loving his footy at the moment and Joel Mac and Dunn have finally got the instructions right and we get to see flashes of the future from Tapscott, Blease, Jetta and Strauss...as well as the rest of the boys bustin a gut to make sure they are part of the great future we have under Neeld, as another poster said I think you need a bit of help
  15. Some of the posters on here can't give it up.....you have to remember if the glass was half full for some of them they would spill it..it was a scrappy game on Saturday but we won, and don't really care we stopped a team from scoring a goal for over a quarter of play.......and no we wouldn't have lost if the clock had kept going because it couldn't...really...you want to play for three hours just to prove a point?
  16. So if a player is battling through a form slump or carrying an imjury that nobody knows about So if a player is going through a form slump, or carrying an injury that nobody knows about and isn't quite playing to the best of their ability...that is the culture.......I couldn't have shot down the culture rubbish better if I had tried for the rest of day...thank you
  17. Thank you, you probably put it better than I did. Most people wouldn't know a good leader if they fell over them, leaders lead by example, not words, buzz or otherwise And yes I have seen one good leader in the many years I have been living/working and he led from the front This is footy, a leader puts their head over the ball, and the culture is to win, that is all, I don't care if the team looks like a bunch of homeless people who can't put two words together as long as they have a crack. The thing that annoys me here, is the last finals played by MFC was six years ago, yes since then things have been off, but it is not 66 years or 106 years, and for the last five we have had some really good people building the Club again from the ground up We will get there and have a 'culture' of winning, I looked at the article this morning, saw who it was and didn't even bother reading it.
  18. Wow...Collingwood as leaders of 'culture'....Didak and the bikie, Heath Shaw and his various, Swan now..... It is very easy to sit on high if you have been successful and tut tut about everybody else That comment about winning the Bluey and stop playing is a complete insult to Brad Green, if we had posters who showed the same amount of courage he does everytime he steps on the field ...it is quite easy to hide behind a nickname and be a keyboard hero Jnrmac if you think MFC is crap why do you support? I think a lot of the modern music is crap so I don't listen to it Aaron Davey has had a shocking run with injuries since and Brent Moloney is trying his guts out, it is just not working at the moment Culture is and has always been a 'buzz;' word........ Neeld has a vision for the future, whichever players buy in will stay, (if Sylvia buys in, which he seems to be doing, he will stay), those that don't will be gone The only 'culture' that should exist is to get better and better and win
  19. My MFC jumper I wear to games has Nr 39 and one signature on it, so that immediately tells you where I stand on Nev Jetta.......some of the posts here border on the ridiculous but then again everybody is entitled to an opinion.....Nev is not a small fwd he has been put there at the moment because he hasn't got the fitness to play in the middlle or down back although he was moved onto Saad in the last quarter. Which bit of "you need a full pre season" don't some posters get, it is like Spencer he is getting better each game, the same with Nev, it would be wonderful if next season all 46 players on the list will get through unscathed, unfortunalely it won't happen, both did not do a ore season, it doesn't mean they are crap, and lose the skills they have, it just means they don't have the fitness base to compete at AFL level, but each game they get pushes the up a little bit Nev will be signed, I for one have no doubt he will be
  20. Oh and I forgot to add Mark Neeld has my unconditional support, why because I am a Melbourne supporter
  21. Gee....I though you were about to say it reminds you of some of the posts on Demonland. Some of the toss the modern journalists use is from sites like Demonland. They log in, read a couple of topics and hey presto an aricle with a few quotes to throw in A lot of the negativity we get to read about MFC starts on this site, as it does with other Clubs as well of course (have a read of some of the stuff about Brett Stanton from a year ago on Bombers boards) You reap what you sow I am all for different opinions, and anybody can say it, but you need to back it up, and if there is to be criticism it needs to be constructive rather than destructive The Coaching situation has been exacerbated by 2, Kevin Sheedy who will sulk till the day he dies that Dean Bailey got the job instead of him and will kick every chance he has got and Paul Roos, not even sure who at MFC upset him, but somebody has, to put it mildly HE HATES MFC. Neeld will be fine, and when not if MFC is successful we will be able to drag out topics and posts where some of the Footy pundits who post on here wanted him sacked immediately...... (Try looking for some of the posts a couple of years ago about Chip Frawley, what is being dished out to Cale Morton now is tame)
  22. So as you were sitting on your couch and you found out that Barry Prendergast had left, I assume you sent your resume into the Club chasing the position, but then had to turn down the job when it was offered to you because you were too busy being a comedian
  23. I suggest you read the review of the Casey game Lucas Cook: Kicks 7, Handballs 2, Disposals 9, Marks 2, Tackles 3, Goals 2 Played on a physical opponent in Nick Duigan and whilst he was kept quiet for most of the day, Cooky stuck to the task and kicked two goals Duigan was flying a month or so back, just had a dip in form so finds himself back in the VFL so Cook's opponent was not some young skinny kid. Kicked two goals so as a forward job done, it probably allowed Leroy Williams a bit more freedom with a lesser opponent
  24. And so RR cannot resist, hence my opening comment, for everybody's info. also had a good chat with Lucas Cook himself, you have to remember he is tall so the weight is spread around, they are trying to get him to the early 90kg in the next few months, at the moment he is around 86, 87....so he is not 70kg to begin with.....
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