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Everything posted by satyricon

  1. No it was a small group, but I asked him directly, if that makes sense, the group I was with all have very good 'bulldust detectors",so what we got was an answer, I have asked a couple of similar questions to Jade Rawlings, Leigh Brown and Mark Neeld on previous occasions and you get the same consistent answer.....I for one along with Nathan Jones believe we have the right people in the right jobs.....what they are doing is for the long term....it may be painful, it requires patience but it will work......developing Key Position Players being one part of it
  2. I am not posting as regular because I am getting rather bored with the negativity and the constant hijacking of threads by a minority But back on topic I had the opportunity on Sunday to ask Josh Mahoney a direct question to which he gave me a direct answer, which I am sure he won't mind me quoting re Lucas Cook and Jack Fitzpatrick I will have to paraphrase a bit because memory not the same as it used to be I asked "with the rumour we are chasing Travis Cloke, does that mean we don't think Cook and Fitzpatrick will make it" He answered "don't believe everything you read about Cloke, but saying that young players need time to develop, especially key position, at least two or three years, and the Club can't afford to stay at the bottom for that time, so there is a need to try and recruit ready to go players, whilst the younger ones develop"
  3. And one more, hopefully Beamer goes back with the right attitude, wouldn't like to be the first Bendigo player who tries to stop him if he does....he must be really hurting....B&F to dropped in under a year....B&F has been a bit of a poisoned chalice lately...sure Aaron Davy would agree
  4. I am not sure exactly but with all these mature age rookies etc didn't the AFL change all the rules about Rookies, apart from that I asked Pickles about next year when I spoke to him at FedSq/QBthday, said he has another year in place with the Club and was hopeful they would honour it....just desperate to get back on the park....
  5. I am very sorry to say but I actually have the feeling it will be Moloney...which with my perception will probably be totally incorrect ..congrats to Tom Couch though
  6. "Howe has played 27 games and kicked 30 goals......wow that is inaccuracy..... just over a goal a game.....imagine how poor he will be in a season or two with 100 games under his belt" I repeated obviously it hasn't sunk in to some, for ******** sake he has played 27 games, he may miss occassionally, so does Travis Cloke.....hands up who wouldn't take Travis if we can get him I hope Howe signs a five year deal just to peeve the naysayers on here
  7. Howe has played 27 games and kicked 30 goals......wow that is inaccuracy..... just over a goal a game.....imagine how poor he will be in a season or two with 100 games under his belt
  8. Howe is now and has always been a terrrible kick, why because he occassionally misses a target, and a few of the "glass half empty" posters on this board say he is so it must be true....sigh....I wish I could be so continually negative about my Club, the players, the administration etc etc If we let Howe go, we have made one massive mistake And Trident, Howe wears 38, check the replay again
  9. Mark Neeld “We think that Colin Sylvia has had a really good impact on the team in the last month, so credit to Colin, and Daniel Nicholson, and there is a bit of a glimpse there.”
  10. The point I was making before certain posters got into a fight, I didn't say having a great season, I said consistent performances, try reading what I actually wrote....."consistent", this may mean they have been consistently good as in Jones and Howe, or at least performing their role on a consistent basis Next time listen to a player/coach/fitness gur/football manager when they say, they had a really good pre season and we are now seeing the benefits, it doesn't mean they are 'starring' it just means they can turn up and consistently play well each week Back to topic jurrahcane has nailed what i have been trying to say, Sylvia has had a decent run of four games and his numbers are improving each week. You can't rotate a guy through the midfield without the fitness base, this is one of the problems we have had this year, we have not managed to have the same six or seven in the middle thanks to injury, poor form etc since the first game
  11. I love some of the comparisons with for Col, Chapman being one, Chapman I believe is now 30, been at the top of his game for five years now, which means he started to kill it at 25 to 26, Stevie J needed to be banished for a while etc etc...... Col Sylvia is a very good player who has been hampered with one injury after another and never getting a full pre season under his belt, hopefully those days are behind him and in the next year or two can show people including some of the bemoaners on this board We have had say five consistent players this year....Jones, Howe, Tom McDonald, Frawley and Garland, the reason they got through the pre season, NAB cup and the first few games without missing a beat....easy really
  12. This is what Neeld said at his presser, this will do me, rose coloured glasses or not. He has now played four weeks in a row in the midfield, [his] disposal count [is] up, [his] defensive pressure [is] good so we are starting to see the things that Colin can deliver when he has consistent footy," Neeld said. "He just needs a fair run at it." I am sure Col and the rest of us would just love one preseason or early part of the season injury free
  13. I thought it was logical that if you think the team is such a bunch of losers you wouldn't waste your time attending or watching I wasn't slagging you off personally, I didn't name names. I just get rather bored with posters who are consistently negative, I don't understand why they bother if it gets them down so much We are not bottom of the competition we are 3rd from bottom. The club had fallen so far behind in the last ten years or so, it needs to be rebuilt, the last place that is going to happen is on the field, Mark Neeld is in his first year. To get back on topic, Jordie McKenzie will I hope play 2-300 games for MFC, a lot of posters on this thread agree, a couple don't so they just slag the player off, that achieves a lot doesn't it Forgot my last bit, let's do a Carlton and build up a mass hysteria that is slowly disolving...no I prefer to stick with what we are doing
  14. I take it you won't be bothering to watch or go to the game then I think the second raters applies to some of the supporters MFC has rather than the players I suppose everybody on this board can put one straight through the big sticks from behind their keyboard, and hit a moving target across their lounge room
  15. Another great post RR, think you must have got over excited from reading Chris from Perth post, Jordie McKenzie will be one of the first players picked each week, once he was fit he came straight in to the side at the start of the season.....in two years time I expect to see a midfielder at the top of his game both defensively and offensively.....why? because of his application and dedication and the will to improve....noticed he is kicking more than ever when he was the handball king a year ago...the kicking will get better and better
  16. Opinion ....YAWN Reason.....this is pointless, we have so called fringe players as well, do we swap? Did anybody pick Mitch Clark last year...no...why nobody has any idea
  17. The dream player for some posters on this board Age 18 Drafted in top 3 200cm Has the build of Adonis Can run like the wind Never misses a shot on goal Can tackle like a human vice Can play inside/outside/downside/upside/flipside midfield, forward, KPF, KPB, CHB, CHF, GCMG, OBE, AO et al Never gets injured or out of form In his first season wins Brownlow, Bluey, Norm Smith, Coleman, and Celebrity Deal or No Deal (Football Special) Loves his Mum, his Staffy, his teammates, his coach, his manager and his accountant in that order, respects his girl/boy friend for the support she/he gives If any of the current players on the MFC list are not like this they are open to a.abuse b. derision c. delisting d. being called a spud e. being called a wasted draft pick f. being blamed solely for the latest poor defeat etc etc etc has everybody got that now
  18. I am only quoting you to compliment you on your username, assume it is a reference to the allegory that is supporting MFC at the moment, God being represented by the image of the Premiership cup, which we haven't won since, it seems like, the 14th century
  19. After being a regular at training, the fact that a few don't seem to do much is not an indication, at this stage of the season it is into managing, I have never managed to see the full squad train since the beginning of the preseason Any scouts watching will have no idea either
  20. Some of the posters on this thread are really having a laugh. Leigh Williams is a Rookie with 3 or 4 VFL games under his belt, from suburban footy, yes it would be wonderful to see but he would be killed What is Magner doing wrong? He is playing the role Neeld wants him to, so is Bate, one is a defensive forward and the others job is to get the ball inside 50 which he did, it just didn't stay in there
  21. I was having a break from my work and looking for something to give me a laugh.... and this is it "Anyone else think Trenners would struggle to make the seniors if Boak and Viney were on our current list based on his form?" NO NO NO and NO
  22. The bit about the small fwd is exactly right, this is what I meant about getting the structure right, don't think we have managed yet this season apart from against GWS I think Jordie will get better, hence my comparison with Jonesy, a couple of years ago his kicking was not the best but with more preseason, more good coaching etc he has become a really good mid, we missed him terribly on Sunday.....Clint Jones was exactly the same but a couple more years, and if he is not required to tag can become a handy backup mid
  23. McKenzie 50 games in and just 22, let's see what he is like in a couple of years time, using Jones as an example, each year he has been getting a bit better, now in mid 20's and is consistently good if not better each game. And as an aside the midfield was not the problem on Sunday, the clearances and inside 50's were good, the fwd structure let us down, if they can fix that in 6 days we will give the Tigers a real go..
  24. The issue I have is that some of the posters base their opinion on something they have heard/seen/read....an example being a poster said that Spence had not been playing well at Casey, an opinion based on what?...he was in the best 6 two weeks ago. Other posters on here will know it is one of my pet hates, I am all for people expressing an opinion but you need to back it up if you are asked why...if you try that with some posters on here all you get back is either derogatory remarks or personal abuse because you have dared to ask them to back up an opinion
  25. I have asked, and because they are travelling down inland NSW on the Newell Hwy have also asked whether either Tom or Craig Lees who is doing the driving have ever seen the film "Deliverance"
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