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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. That thread you started has just given me the most enjoyment I have had at Demonology in a long long time. Thanks!
  2. Yeah, just 20 possies in a quarter... I think we should do the Swans a favour and take him off their hands.
  3. It matters not anyway... unfortunately Demonology has probably finally been completely and irrevocably ruined by this latest change. From what I have seen of Demonology and from what I have heard of the recent goings on, Tim's legacy has been treated in a very shoddy manner!
  4. Actually, if Wines was one of our players, some of the same posters lambasting JT now would probably be moaning about the fact that we didn't take Toumpas.
  5. BH... Reading WJ's list, there seem to be some points that almost match your online persona.
  6. Thirty-one wouldn't by any chance be the moron that has been posting on here as Demon31?
  7. I'm happy with the selection we made. Besides, we change change what has already occurred.
  8. Lay off the turps for christ sake!
  9. Gee, do you think we should have taken Wines?
  10. As long s he's not our Lenny Bruce.
  11. On what exactly do you base that opinion? Kirk is a thinker, he was a tough, hard at it, clever footballer and in his life outside of football has been an ambassador for the sport who has traveled the planet promoting the game in less privileged communities and is now a midfield coach. In my opinion he would be a perfect fit and would be smart enough to take Roos lead.
  12. Oh, and I am not hiding behind a bunch of indiscriminate christian groups any more than you are hiding behind fundamentalists in order to tar the entire islamic mid-east with the same brush. One of your "indiscriminate christian groups", the Ugandan LRA has done almost as much damage as islamic fundamentalists in the mid-east (perhaps more?). To give a little perspective: "The UN Secretary-General released a report on 20 May asserting that between 1987 and 2012 the LRA was "responsible for more than 100,000 deaths, that from 60,000 to 100,000 children are believed to have been abducted by the rebel group and that 2.5 million civilians have been displaced as a result of its incursions."" I'd say they give your favourite whipping post a pretty good run for their money, wouldn't you?
  13. It always helpful if you cite the source of your quote RF. I notice that everyone likes to overlook the claim it was for a therapeutic massage and immediately assume it was for sexual favours. Still, no surprises there... as I stated, I live around the corner from that business (in Dulwich Hill) and to my eye and to the best of my knowledge, it is a legitimate business offering genuine massage services. And for your information, I did mention the past (Vatican) yes, but if you had bothered to read on, then you would have noticed I also mentioned recent cases; there are numerous organisations that continue to operate in the name of god and use terrorism as their modus operandi... KKK, Hutaree and numerous other christian based groups are still active in the US, NLFT and MNCA in India, Iron Guard and Lancieri still operate in Romania, Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda and so on. And of course I mentioned fundamentalists.... because that is precisely who is responsible for all of the killings going on today... fundamentalist islamics, hindus, christians... the mainstream in all of those religions are no more likely to kill, than you or I.
  14. They have all killed in the name of their god at one point in time or another RF and you know it. The Vatican was built on the "rewards" of the pillaging, raping and murdering fests known as the Crusades and led by the pope himself. In modern times, "christians" murder in the name of god as do islamists, hindus etc. Yes, they are the fundamentalists, but they still believe in the same gods as the rest. Anders Breivik in Norway was one of note, the murderers of abortion clinic operators in the US, Northern Ireland had their share of christian "terrorists" as does India, Uganda, Romania... and on it goes. Notice you didn't attempt to call me out on my questioning your knowledge of Albanese's "serial" massage escapades... yet you still claim he is a misogynist? (just what has he done to indicate he is a woman hater by the way?) I also find it rather funny that you call TD out on the "pathetic attempt at a put down", yet here you are doing exactly the same thing with regards to politicians... real schoolboy level stuff that.
  15. I live just around the corner from the "True Thai Massage" parlour that was at the centre of the Albanese story (not sure where you get the "serial massage parlour visitor" bit from)... I can assure you that this is a legitimate massage place (some reports claim, and I stress CLAIM it offers other services), so I would say you are drawing a fairly long bow there unless you know otherwise for a fact. Still, I suppose you believe what you want to believe, so deeply runs your dislike for the Labour Party. Oh, and just because more people believe in god(s), that doesn't make them any more or less sane than someone who might believe in aliens. In fact, I would suspect they are possibly less sane as they are prepared to throw their money at the church, put their faith in snake oil salesmen and even kill in the name of their god.
  16. I believe WADA is telling them... clean up your act or don't bother turning up to the Olympics.
  17. or copy and paste the URL into google.
  18. Haha yes, but he nicked off... we want one whose performances are the norm.
  19. I think we either need to scour the land for a player to draft bearing the name Norman Smith, or we need to get one of our existing players to volunteer himself for a name change (by deed poll), before the 2014 competition gets underway. The return of Norm Smith to his rightful place on the 'G' will complete the cycle and the curse will be lifted.
  20. Tell that to Brazil whose World Cup and Olympic drug testing lab has been banned/lost its accreditation courtesy of WADA, on the eve of both the World Cup Football and Olympic competition. Tell that to the organisers of Le Tour de France whose event (one of the biggest on the planet) has had its credibility questioned over and over again as a result of WADA sanctioned testing. Do you really think that a comparatively insignificant sporting body such as the AFL will be saved by an equally insignificant government?
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