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Keyser Söze

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Everything posted by Keyser Söze

  1. Arrogance isn't something to be pitied. Mistakes you can live with - players are human after all. It is weak efforts and not going when it is your turn that cannot be excused. Fortunately for McDonald (and the MFC) he performs brilliantly in this area. The days of having the best player in the side as captain are gone and so should they be. To think otherwise shows a true misunderstanding of leadership and the requirements of a club captaincy. By the measures of a great leader there can be no other choice but Junior. Your antiquated views embarrass you. Edit: And in the outside chance you are basing this all completely on on-field form, you clearly don't understand or underestimate the importance of the other roles a captain must perform. When it is spoken about leading by example, it does not merely refer to the way a player takes a game by the scruff of the neck. This is only a part. It is referring to all facets of a professional footballers life. It has been said many times that the club is trying to create not just good young footballers, but good young men. McDonald's leadership will go a long way to doing this.
  2. Personally, I can see you have talent, but I'd agree you could've spent a lot more time on this. Good but not great. I'd love to see what you could come up with if you had no time restrictions.
  3. And I don't want to pay $500K a year to recruit Cameron Cloke or Nathan Brown...
  4. You won't get bashed. I just pity your ignorance.
  5. Just looking at their build you'd think so. Haven't seen Talia in person, but he moves differently and I think you're on the money.
  6. He also played stints in the midfield, but I can't see him doing the same at AFL level. I think if we ended up with him we'd be more likely to turn Garland into a forward and send Talia back.
  7. Correct. Barring a major incident or accident, there is nothing between now and the draft that could significantly change the views of our recruiting dept. Even something like Luke Ball's decision won't affect who we choose.
  8. I know. I feel exceptionally lucky just to have met him. That speech was something else. A true hero.
  9. Got to say that I see absolutely nothing wrong with having a number in 40s... (I loved seeing 45 on Whelan's back) but it is a nice gesture and is quite symbolic of where the club is headed. Its done now, so what is there to debate?
  10. Interesting, cos even though I hate to speculate on a player based on a couple of pre-season photos... Colin Sylvia does look to have lost a lot of muscle in one of the photos. Far from concerned though.
  11. I saw this on BigFooty a week ago and disregarded it as bollocks. I still do.
  12. Weak option, isn't it? To paraphrase Grant Thomas, that 'journalist' just dogged it.
  13. I'm relaxed. Its just funny when all in the one post you say you understand the skepticism, but then go on to try to defend yourself and have a go at other posters for that same skepticism. Doesn't make sense to me... ...but we'll leave it there, no point derailing a thread...
  14. RR might have been the only one that said it, but I also was thinking it. Why come on a forum, claim something as absolute fact with no evidence and then get defensive when nobody believes you? Do you understand how forums work? How many outlandish claims are made? How often those claims are true? When you're show to be correct, then you'll get some respect. To get wound up now and get personal makes you look like a damn fool. Edit: ...which makes me believe you even less.
  15. Considering it hasn't exactly been chicken soup for us to name our first pick last year, or our first 2 picks this year, ahead of the draft... it makes it a bit hypocritical for the AFL to allow this to happen: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/gold...f-1225789155396
  16. ? I think I've missed something here... but yes, I'd love Kane Lucas at the MFC
  17. And anyone that follows the NBA knows how well thats worked out for the Knicks... there are no shortcuts
  18. Bloody good point and I don't think anyone has brought it up yet. A fight could keep me entertained though - I must warn you, I'm proficient in the art of chinese burns and nipple cripples...
  19. ? I'm taking a fair bit of license reading this far into it, and I hardly take it as a definite indicator; I'm merely suggesting its possible to read this much into it if you so desire. But you think when Burgan does these ratings of where the individual players are likely to be picked, he doesn't take into account the teams that have those picks? He is not rating him 5th-20th best out of the draftees available, he is rating where they are likely to fall in the draft order. I think he is a thoughtful, considered draft analyst and he definitely would take into account the needs and wants of every club that has a pick in that range, MFC included. The issue is whether he is sticking roughly to brackets of 5 picks, or whether he truly believes Butcher could slide to exactly pick 20. Either way, I'm not going to lose sleep over it and I'm happy to just wait for his phantom draft to see what he really thinks.
  20. golf-clap I hope? Look, I just think its a waste of time, because he's asking for exactly what I said - confirmation that the general consensus is correct. I think it is and he's absolutely right that we'll take them both... but what a waste of cyberspace. I understand what BA was thinking, but beyond that I just looked at this thread and thought "What more could possibly be said?" And it seems, all we could come up with was trading vague insults and an argument about who has the right to criticize another poster. Jebus, can someone close this damn thread please?
  21. Am I wrong? And I'm sorry, but how long someone else has been on a forum is meaningless to me. Are we in any danger that you yourself might make a post worth reading sometime in the future..?
  22. The club has already told us they will take the 2 best players in the draft with picks 1 & 2. You just want them to confirm that you are correct in your belief that Scully & Trengove are the best 2 players available after reading numerous writeups and watching limited highlights. This thread = waste of time
  23. No drama, we all do it. Yeah, its possible 5-20 could just be a rough bracket, as he does tend to use round numbers like 15, 20, 25, 30 etc. but at the pointy end he has used some quite specific numbers. Just interesting he's not done this with Butcher. I'm sure there's a few other little gems in there we could gleam if we try hard enough.
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