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Keyser Söze

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Everything posted by Keyser Söze

  1. The saints? Really? I would've thought, since a new contract has not yet been signed with St Kilda by now, him leaving and going elsewhere would be a fait accompli. A lot of bad blood would've been generated by now and the longer it takes the more that builds up between not just him and the club, but him and his (former) teammates. I know it happened with ROK, but surely that is the exception rather than the rule, and he had the fallback claim of 'I just wanted to go home to my family'. Ball cannot claim this.
  2. True, but the "clearly best available" will never be "only a half back flanker" unless its a round late enough for us to justify picking for position.
  3. That makes Bell, Newton and PJ not worth mentioning. I'd take Cheney and McNamara at this stage over an average tagger.
  4. Well its actually St Kilda or Melbourne or a raffle. Personally I doubt he'd want to raffle himself off, unless a team he decides he wants to go to commits to taking him with a disproportionately early pick.
  5. Obviously changed my mind from when I did a spur of the moment phantom with little consideration. I've never rated him personally, but now I see that its not just me. I'm sure I could go through your old posts and find some where you've contradicted yourself. But hey, congratulations, you're a star. Well done. How about having an opinion of your own that's worth reading?
  6. But any players that want to stay and the club doesn't want to lose, just sign an extension before the season and their contract finishes, making the problem go away. Simple really. Those that you'd welcome being taken from the list you have coming out of contract. Hopefully they get taken off your hands... Newton, Bell, PJ...
  7. I know his word is not gospel, but I'm saying that I don't rate Panos anywhere near as much as some ppl seem to. I think that there is every chance he'll be like Tom Rockliff and slide all the way down the pecking order to the tail end of the draft and possibly into the rookie draft. He does a few things well, but there is nothing exceptional about him. He may go 2nd round, but I don't believe he should be in contention for pick 18. This is purely my view.
  8. I'd cream my jeans if Cunnington fell to 11, but there is absolutely no chance of that happening. He is firmly top 5. Butcher and Lucas would both be a steal at 11. Realistically I'd like Aaron Black or Carlisle. Panos should not be in contention for pick 18 - I agree with Burgan's rating that he could slip all the way to the rookie draft. Temel is not as good as Panos. Vardy for mine, or one of Black, Carlisle, Talia or Griffiths if one slides (griff most likely). Maybe another slider if they are decent. I think Stevens will still be around at this stage.
  9. I think it gives a good representation of the general consensus of the 16 clubs. Obviously 1 or 2 will rate a player a lot higher or a lot lower.
  10. Granted I have no way of knowing for sure and I've heard it 27th-hand, but isn't Luke Ball still overseas? I thought Connors said following the conclusion of trade week that Ball was going overseas on holiday for 2 weeks to clear his head & make a decision. We're not at 2 weeks just yet, let alone last Saturday. I would've thought if he was in melb he'd have been harassed by Hutchy et al and we'd have seen his face on the news stating "No comment at this stage."
  11. cos it was Dwayne Russell talking sh!t. What else do you expect from him?
  12. And the Tall Forwards from yesterday - http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tab...59/default.aspx
  13. Today he does the ruckmen - http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tab...83/default.aspx
  14. Watching him in a few VFL games he showed flashes of being a class above. Now he needs to do that consistently. Without the shoulder injury he would've debuted last season, I've no doubt.
  15. Yep, that's it - Miller has fooled the football dept, the players and numerous supporters. It couldn't possibly be that you yourself are wrong. Daniher destroyed his own career, or rather, his time at MFC was up. If you are correct about Miller, then Daniher is guilty of being the one that kept him on the list.
  16. I'm embarrassed to say I did. Its a fluff piece hyping up Trengove a bit, then conceding he won't get past us & trying to say that picks 8 & 9 will still get good players. So in essence, saying nothing we don't already know and overstating a few things in teal coloured glasses
  17. My apologies in that case. It looked like one of those posts that spout: OK! So Scully will be our Cousins, Trengove can be our Bartel and I reckon Maric can be our Ablett, then Bruce is kinda like Voss and Wonnaemirri is a carbon copy of James Hird! So We've practically got an all-star midfield for the next decade! ad nauseum... Sorry, the above grammar is probably not quite reflective of a true post of that nature. soz your not to bad jus thout it woz a crap post lol Did'nt giv u enuf credit ... etc.
  18. Really? I mean, did you really feel the need to do that lame comparison thing??
  19. Whichever one of our highly rated young midfielders fails to pan out, or takes some time to grasp the AFL game. Taggers are a dime a dozen, just pick any kid with a big tank late in the draft. Until we're contending we need to use every pick we can on REAL players. And I'd happily keep a REAL tagger, like Ling or Clint Johnson who is damaging going back the other way. Bartram is not this. Edit: Bail possibly?
  20. Whilst I agree to an extent, last season Tambling did prove to be a better footballer than the reputation that precedes him. He did even cause some journalists to consider if he was a more astute pick than Buddy Franklin. Whilst that was incredibly off the mark, the fact he prompted such a response (albeit from the most desperately ignorant of sources) shows he has something.
  21. I think, RR, that you misunderstand what I"m saying. I'm not saying MFC should or shouldn't do anything or take any such stance. I'm saying from LB's perspective, it is a risky move to burn bridges you may yet be forced to cross. I don't think he's the type to do that and I don't think he's that foolish.
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