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Keyser Söze

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Everything posted by Keyser Söze

  1. Yes, but what could possess us to make that sort of promise to Ball? We wouldn't, short and simple.
  2. So in summation we currently have better depth but RFC have a slightly better "top 6"... for now. Cousins will soon be another year older too. He doesn't yet look like slowing down, but he's getting to the age where he could become crippled by old men's injuries like calf strains.
  3. I'm sorry, I don't agree. I don't think Ball s in the position to choose his destination through the PSD and would be foolish to think so. To take the "I want Rich, not MFC" stance is just as risky a situation for him as the ND, if not more so. If we did happen to draft him under those circumstances, which we'd be likely to do, it would bring him to the list in a situation less tenable than what he had at St Kilda. It would lead to a hard couple of years in his life and possibly a sour end to his career.
  4. So... with a choice between: A player where you know what you're going to get and you know its not good enough... AND A player who is very young and has barely shown what he can do or might be capable of in the future... You would choose the first option??? And when you talk of Bartram's 2006 form, I believe he still maintains that. Its not like he had fantastic disposal then and it has eroded over time -- we just had a side good enough to hide his deficiencies for the time being
  5. But Richmond have admitted in the article that they simply can't pay a price for him that we'd be unable to match. And yes, their midfield excites me much more than ours does right now. In the near future that should change dramatically. The only way I can see this changing is if they tear up Cotchin's contract and talk him into entering the PSD.
  6. They would be, but at the same time, there is no way they can engineer a situation where we don't have the chance to take him first. I don't care where Luke Ball says he'd prefer play, whether its Collingwood, Richmond or Timbuktu -- if he's available on the PSD we take him with pick 1
  7. Its great as a vintage retro demons logo, for that sort of apparel range maybe, but it would make us look backwards if we had it as our official modern logo
  8. I just love that Richmond seem to think they can engineer a situation where they get Ball in the PreSeason Draft, but we can't/won't choose him. Are they that delusional??
  9. Those concerned about him looking even skinnier this preseason (I'm putting my hand up for that one) should note that in the below article, he talks of having septoplasty. This surgical procedure is common to better clear the airways by correcting the alignment of the septum. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/newsart...76/default.aspx
  10. I thought it was a pointless post that didn't need to be there since the youtube video showed it all. Wasted words. Now we get more.
  11. I've always seen this as the long-term plan for him -- to put more muscle on his frame so he can be an Adam Goodes type. He won't live at CHF, but we'll see him spend a bit of time there in the future
  12. Fair enough then. Cheers for the info
  13. You sure? Didn't he release a series of them over time last year? Maybe I'm imagining it
  14. Oh yes, I used an 'emoticon'. I feel dirty.
  15. Don't know mate. When he announces it.
  16. Nah, it wasn't that you were having a go, I was just majorly confused! Couldn't figure out what the hell anyone was talking about, hence the PM. Its in the past, quit living in the past... I'll have a crack at him if the opportunity presents itself, but for now I best be concentrating on other things........................
  17. I thought about it but I didn't want to begin a sentence with a preposition, even if it is generally accepted nowadays.
  18. Self-deprecating humour. Much in his style. Doesn't concern me at all, he's just entertaining himself, myself and others. Its only a bloody internet forum; why take it so seriously? Mind you, his strike rate overall might not be so crash hot, but over the last few weeks he has to be almost heading the leaderboard...
  19. My opinion of players is limited to what I've read and seen on youtube and foxtel, so should obviously be taken with a grain of salt, but I think Kane Lucas will be this year's version of Cyril Rioli, Joel Selwood, Daniel Rich, etc. ie. A player that makes everyone sit up and say "why on earth did our team not select him 5 picks earlier?" From what I know I'd agree with your appraisal of Black and Carlisle, but I live in hope. The recent revelations that you 'could throw a blanket over picks 5-25' has awoken the optimist in me. (I can't remember the specific quotes, but this is the general exaggerated gist of it)
  20. Does HT wash himself with a rag on a stick like I do..? All very fanciful, but I can't imagine anything interesting me too much once the draft has gone. Between then and the season there is little to discuss bar jumper numbers (joy!) and during the season I can't stand reading all the different criticisms and game synopses written - I'd rather form my own view. Also my workload during the season tends to leave me precious little time. But we shall see. I may yet become a scourge on this forum. Heaven forbid.
  21. The most bizarre thing - just got a scam email asking for my bank account details to help some poor guy recover his family's lost fortune... from a [email protected] A sign maybe? Ok, back to work now. (and THAT is how you average 20 posts a day)
  22. WOW. That's a bit concerning. It is draft/trade season though - high traffic time for posts. Once the draft is all done I'll fade back into obscurity... yep, that excuse will do just fine for now.
  23. He'll be a spare parts man. We need to give him more time up forward so he can get more comfortable, but when matured he'll be a swing man for us. KPF, KPB and into the ruck when needed.
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