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Keyser Söze

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Everything posted by Keyser Söze

  1. Xavier as far as I know. There may be another.
  2. Professionalism as well, but I think you're guilty of a bit of groupthink. His kicking over 40m may be hit & miss, but at close range his disposal is pretty good imo. He is good at feeding the ball out to teammates.
  3. True. I just can't stop thinking how incredibly hard the decision would be if we only had pick 1 - this entire forum would be divided and it would have dominated discussion for the past 8 weeks and more.
  4. Polish in this sense, I believe, would refer to handballing out to a teammate, hitting him in the hands and in perfect stride. This, as opposed to a hospital handpass at a teammates feet where he has to stop, prop and make himself an easy target for a gang tackle.
  5. I agree, but he still brings it on himself with those hospital handballs... Has few weaknesses, but they are glaringly obvious (as opposed to other players whose weaknesses are less obvious but more damaging)
  6. For those tragics interested in who was at preseason training, the video on the Hun website showed Grimes, Spencer and Cheney doing strides. Not sure who the others were - possibly Strauss...
  7. Actually, that's wrong, they aren't quite old enough to be retiring just yet. But it is true that what they had would not get them there, and considering the compromised drafts coming up, they would be unlikely to recruit players that would get them there.
  8. Possibly a very smart move - he has shifted their window to the next 3 years, after which they'll have to rebuild, but at least they'll be able to (unlike Richmond et al right now). As opposed to continuing in the same vein for the next 3 years as the stars get older and one-by-one retire, earlier than if they'd have been contending, and the Lions try to gradually rebuild through 3 compromised drafts.
  9. http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tab...73/default.aspx Bottom of this article says only 8 players began preseason today. Could be for a multitude of reasons. Not worth reading anything into it.
  10. ??? Which would mean Morabito would still be available at pick 4, so you'd offer the same deal to Freo... I don't understand your logic here, but I'm convinced the swans would be aiming for Martin
  11. Confirmed we won't use picks 1,2,11,18 on Ball http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tab...73/default.aspx
  12. Ball is not a consideration for any of our ND picks as far as I am concerned. If thats the road he wants to go down, we maybe threaten taking him in the ND, but it stays an idle threat. Edit: article here where Bailey discusses just that - http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tab...73/default.aspx
  13. Do you really think so? Do you not think its an insult to the club and to Ball to suggest that he'd come to the club after we'd offered to hand him the captaincy? I don't think if Ball is a true leader and as competitive as he is said to be, that there's any chance in hell he'd want to be handed any leadership position without earning it. To say it'd be a hollow victory would be an understatement. Offering the captaincy to Luke Ball would be a desperate and ill-considered move. Edit: not necessarily directed at your post Rhino, just was easiest to reply to yours and comment on lunacy of the general idea of offering Ball a leadership possie.
  14. I agree best available at those selection but the thing is, I think Stevens, Rohan and Tapscott are just as speculative as any of the KPPs being discussed. All 3 could easily slide well beyond their expected spot of mid-first-round. Once we get to that stage they all level out and there's not much difference between that tier of players, big or small. You know what they say in recruiting: if you're gonna make a mistake, make it a big one. Every time I look at our list, besides needing stars, i think it is due for a an injection of skilled talls. I don't like choosing based on position, but looking forward EVERY team is going to have trouble getting quality bigs the next few seasons, so taking the best ones available now (within reason) just seems the smart option.
  15. Yeah, but I'm empty -- whose round is it??
  16. I like me too. That's so close it almost scary. I never realised how apt my username was. I am actually none other than... Brian Taylor! Ok, just kidding. But you could be surprised if you knew who I was, especially in years to come. Not necessarily as likeable as I may come across, at the very least
  17. Probably not -- 40 something will be an early 2nd round pick after GC17 has raped & pillaged the first round.
  18. I'm not fit by any means, but found the 1000 steps easy. Its all relative.
  19. How so? I truly am happy to help if I think its worthwhile, but the chances of that happening are slim to none
  20. NB. I did say as long as it is worthwhile, and you haven't filled me with confidence. I can't see how you seem to need approval of the site administrators, but it concerns me more than anything...
  21. Exactly. And to be brutally honest, we will need to axe some players at the end of 2011 - most of the players on the list now we'll want to give more time & keep, and if we got rid of him this year we'd replace with a draftee that automatically gets 2 years. Obviously most of the players coming out of contract at the end of 2010 we rate highly enough to think they will still be required, so the ball has been put in Millers court - it is up to him to prove he deserves a spot beyond 2010 and make us delist someone else. Smart, pragmatic list management. Its just Harrington earning his money.
  22. but you don't, cos his injuries are a huge question mark hanging over his head
  23. Yeah, 6 weeks ago called - they want their youtube video back.
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