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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. What odds in a Demons or Casey jumper?
  2. I think this is sound. If we could get his head right and Jimma has already twitted about him, showing he cares, Casey has offered him a guernsey so he would be in our framework to guage to see if he was worth persuing. If one, looks at Hall at the Bulldogs and his outstanding year at 34, shows merit to me that our club is mature enough to take a calculated risk on him. He could play till he was at least 35. and win several premierships with us. He would know he was on his last,last chance. Not many times I agree with Keyser but I definately can see the merit in his post .
  3. Well written my friend- a very dangerous move I think- however note the skills several Directors on the Board whom have finance(Don McLardy-as well as insurance,Stuart Grimshaw-banking & finance, as well as legal(Guy Jalland) along with property development (David Thurin along with Peter Spargo)-accounting/strategy John Trotter,advertising/marketing Russel Howcroft and having sound business operators in Jim Stynes, Karen Hayes -I have the trust and respect that they have the matter in hand to be a success,if Bentleigh club votes to amalgamate.
  4. I agree- as long as he leaves our players alone and in particulat Tom Scully.
  5. Thanks for stopping and reporting Bhima.
  6. JA- jayceebee31 has joined. Sincere thanks.
  7. Mallee Bull- thanks for the insight and report of the night.
  8. RR- fair assessment. I can assure you I will not be lighting my torch or hunting with the mob. I am always independent with my views. However it is a very sad time for all. And no pity anywhere.Both parties should no better.
  9. Yep it's called get back. And anyone that manipulates a situation with a 17 year old girl whom he claimed himself is vulnerable deserves all the negatives coming his way.He should and I hope he has his licence cancelled.
  10. You are totally accurate in my assessment, but I also think Grimes & Garland fail under pressure as well.Both, however will improve with experience.
  11. Generally speaking ,you are correct.However both, Garland and Grimes kicking are not reliable when under pressure.
  12. This will be an almighty task to win ,I think. They have gained a very powerful young tall side when all fit.A real test for us,in particular with our injury list.
  13. Hasn't changed my view at all- we will finish somewhere between 6th & 10th in my believe-naturally hoping we make the 8.
  14. Your debate is flawed- You can kick to the forward line that is how you WIN A GAME. I understand your points and at times that is the right way to go but one can become predictable also. The shortest way home is through the guts and to the forward line.I have confidence in the team I barrack for and hope the FD has the same.Also, that is what Healey is intimating.Also as other posters have stated, we are not the most reliable and accurate kicks on the backline and just replay the first NAB cup matches and note even Garland is not an accurate kick .Therefore, if Grimes, Bartram, MacDonald,Rivers and Garland and not accurate kicks- then I'd prefer pumping the ball forward down the boundary line to a 50-50 on centre-wing than a 50/50 position on the backline creating opportunities for the opposition to score.Actually and to be honest I'd prefer to kick through the CHF or FF area.We would become the glamour team of the league and I also believe the BEST.
  15. I don't have to get used to anything. I have been involved with football for over 45 years and know how the game has evolved.But I also know that to win games and that is kicking a score and it is not kicking backwards and furthermore creating risk.Furthermore, do you know the word- iniatitive. Maybe, just maybe we can create a change by having confidence in our own players and kick forward "MOST TIMES". We will have a very potent forward line this year.Josh Mahoney believes it may even be the best or potent forward line in the league. Several of our players have the capability of being a match winner- therefore why would we want to have a game plan whom just follow others. We need a game plan to evolve to try to bring the ball forward at most times .Also having that game plan will bring people to the game and give us the opportunity ti increase membership.
  16. I thinking we have a good backline , however it has the possibility of a great backline. We need to cement a group of say 8/9 players and then make sure they are all coherent in what is needed to be done. It maybe also a weakness with our current plan in playing or going backwards. Tickeing with that plan and having confidence in our mid and forward line will indeed make sure our backs try to kick forward on most occassions. This no doubt minimises risks that easy goals were kicked against us last year due to our mistakes through bad kicking. Our backline can stand up against any forward line in the league is my opinion.
  17. Healey's view is what I reported last year as a major weakness costing us goals. We need to kick to a man forward not risk kicking backwards like Grimes did constantly last year.In the first game against the Kangaroos last year it cost us several goals. We need to get rid of that for 2011 and kick forward at most times.
  18. Davey will also play prominately forward as well.
  19. Automatic choice in my best 22 also
  20. Keyser thanks for the report or update etc.. very enlightening.
  21. Hey- How long do you want to remain a "Mod"- have a look whom started that thread-- no other than WJ himself- no wonder why HT is sprouting wings about it..(only rassin- of course) -Hurry up season- it is getting us down.
  22. Well I didn't- I went for Jurrah, Davey, Green with Watts as a SMOKIE..
  23. Agree and hopefully we are more successful in another 3 years.
  24. Hard for me to say -but the above is a true, concise and accurate post..
  25. Yep we want him to play outstanding football this year and for the next 10 years at least.If he goes at the end of this year- goodbye we will replace him internally and gain great compensation- that is if the AFL doesn't step in the meantime.
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