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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Agree with this statement,although Scully's management coming out to say he hasn't signed and they haven't even talked to GWS ,I say is great news.And Morton can still run. do weights etc..and EAT...this may even make him bigger and stronger..
  2. Thanks for your thoughts and update on training. I don't understand why in heaven it would be a closed session if Collingwood was also training. Surely both teams would have had spies watching? Dave Dunbar would not have had to get up on towers or something similar or dress up to watch the Pies.
  3. I don't want to fuel this thread any further but like Bruce (very well documented by WJ in his AGM Report) basically was thought on by Bails and the football department- we want you to stay and I did/do hope Bruce stayed and Scully stays, however if you don't here is the door.Thanks for your effort and all the best for your future.Sometimes the club has to ruthless, to set the parameters for the club. I surely hope Scully stays, but if not, he moves on and so do we.As stated we will be very valuably gain good selections for him.And like Cam (whom I thought highly of and never ever thought he'd go)-the club is much bigger than any individual..and as at the AGM it was stated by many,Jimma, Bails and Cam that it is not a them and us approach ,it is not any individual or section..it is one- The Club..
  4. I'd like to see no more comment on this matter- just shows how bored are we. Whatever happens will happen. If he goes, or Grimes goes or whomever goes will just create more opportnities for others and we will gain further quality picks. RIP till end of season-I say.And let the team play on their merits for this season.Mods close the thread.
  5. Good observation.I must admit that when I look at his legs at training,I say to myself-not much added.
  6. Interesting as the OX tonight nominated him to become an All Australian this year.
  7. I believe we need to do well in the opening match of the NAB cup,or I'm at least hopeful we do well. I think,if we can do well, then we will have the momentum, media press etc.. saying we have arrived.With Jimma putting 40,000 out there as a membership drive and 23,829 as at todays count(via the MFC WEBSITE) then we will need all the help we can from the players playing very well. I think we play a strong team and give our very best.I have no doubt the club wants success now both on and off the field and to start well will assist.
  8. Wolf, you are totally correct in my mind.Flower, I also rate as a champion.Others that you have mentioned -I rate very good players.We have the makings of several players on our list whom may become champions but we will have to wait a decade to decide -"Whom".
  9. Well he still is skinny.Whilst some posters have declared he has put on 5kls- he could do with at least another 16 kls. Hestill looks as though he needs a good feed.
  10. An extremely good and valid point. However, Anderson from the AFL must realise the posituion we are in but it up to us to vigoursly bring it to the attention of the AFL. Martin of Richmond would have been in a similar position if not resigned earlier. Also no doubt the players Association has also some clout here and would be great if they also got involved.
  11. You nailed it and does it bring back Great memories.
  12. DD - you are getting the posts mixed up- was referring to Watts, not Tapscott.
  13. I agree and thought Bails answer was brilliant. WJ again a great read but to say Martin would be in front of Spencer on that practice match - all I will say, is - you'd have to be joking.
  14. So true and one hope's Scully's heart does beat true for the Red & the Blue- GO DEES.
  15. And what a fantastic person also. Must be extemely difficult in her position. Also, no doubt she has been fantastic in allowing Jim to still take an active role with us.
  16. The key word in your blurb is HOPE. They never said they will emulate the past greatness of Brisbane but was hopeful that they could. I hope so too.And I prefer them to say that-than be competitive in the bottom four.
  17. It is quite unbelievable how this has turned out. However, now can we call it togetherness? When we started building we had several factors we were looking for. Maybe BP has taken their backgrounds into consideration.
  18. Let's be honest and frank here- of course he was recruited to be a STAR. And he will be.Just learning the craft to be one.
  19. One thing I thought was a complete waste of money was the brochure on our chairs. If indeed, we were going to stand up and get the papers to photogragh it- then very worthwhile. But to me - just a waste. Any comments please.
  20. Agree totally-I thought Bailley stole the show tonight, spoke brilliantly and answered questions emphatically.Also I came away with even a flair of arrogance ,given his confidence. Another point re the question regarding Scully -possibly going and Bruce gone-was if they want to leave- go .We can't stand in their way but the CLUB is bigger and better than the individual.Excellent attitude for a developing club.And even he was spruiking about being there the last day in September/or first week in October.
  21. Avery good point.I think he was only offered a 1 year contract at the time and Port wanted him.
  22. A great turn out today.Great to see Jimma and Gary Lyon together at the game.I will steal WJ's report although I want tosay, highly impressed with the development of Spencer and Gawn in the ruck and forward, Dunn,Maric, Scully ,Trengove whilst others were in the play at times. I will await other thoughts.Great to see vitaually all able players there.Warnock has a sprained ankle and he will start up again in full training Friday.Another to miss the practice match was young Davis.
  23. Yes- so am I - expected that they want to and should improve but place that pressure on themselves?. However, when one sits back and thinks we got beaten by a few points in 4 games, won 8, and drew with the premiers,well one must start saying we would be disappointed in if we went backwards, going forwards would make us finalists and our draw really ensures that we should make finals.
  24. Hey ,my friend- no need to pressure yourself- if time does not permit- leave it. It is not that crucial to me as I have spoken to Chip directly and Chris Connolly about it. It just didn't make some sense to me- however if time does find it's way then I'd love to read it. However, the most important thing to me is your coaching of the Demonlanders. They need to WIN and I want you to make sure you [censored] Demonlander if he plays( only rassin-Andy). Have a great time with the guys.Hopefully I can get there to help out.Another little peice of advise is- try to get a colllection of players down there to meet, plan the match etc before the day.Communication is the key.Get High Towwer to post whatever you want to say also on the Demonology site for you.
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