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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. I believe Fevola could become a sensational Full forward for the Dees. He has shown glimpses of it over his journey however feel this could be on the cards for the future.I refer to Barry Hall , runner up for the Coleman with 80 goals as an example. And a far better fit that Serhart Temel whom two years ago,I suggested we should recruit. If he went to Casey, got his body and mind fit, became a strong member of the club, then I believe he could play for the Dees on a one year contract.He has just turned 30 ,Hall is 34, so may have 4/5 strong years ahead of him in senior football. Again, it is in my opinion,he is the type of player we need to fit the bill in our team. Yes, booze and gambling are his downfall, however as in 2008 when he completely went of alchohol,he had a sensational year.He could become the cheapest & best recruit ever.And the Oz could also help him with his gambling problem. Great encouragement for him to at least try out with Case as a prelude. What do you think?
  2. I agree fully, David Neitz became one of the best CHB's then became a very good FF.IMO- he could learn to do what is required as a defender and learn the skills from a skilled forward.May not have the bulk of a Roughead type but if so then he knows he has to put further time in the gym. All a learning curve allowing Garland a role either as a defender or a midfielder. With Watts's speed and kicking prowess he could even become a sensational CHB.
  3. 13- is extremely lucky for some. I just cannot get over playing HT first up. I'll get an awful belting first up.O well ,say Sanyo- "That's Life"
  4. JA- And your best is outstanding and no doubt appreciated by all, but especially me- Sincere thanks..Hope to be online tomorrow.Regards
  5. Hi- I am currently overseas, hopefully I will be available for draft this Sunday night. You are starting 5pm or 5.30 pm..I have the 9th pick, therefore as I understand it I will not have to be available till around say 8pm(Melbourne time for my first pick- Is that correct? Please advise as the rules seem to change reguarly. We need to make them firm so we all know. thank you
  6. Agree in the wet- maybe both.In the dry neither- we have better midfielders on the list.
  7. I think Warnock may play full back say on a Brown or Bradshaw type Garland may play on a Hansen type. But we agree that overall neither are a true key defendertype and we have to find one to cover the likes of Frawley and Rivers.
  8. Understand your point re Casey- but without many senior players now.I'm worried, re the leniency, will be given. I just think he is not up to it.But hope he proves me wrong again.
  9. your post is full of merit. I realise we have an issue in this regard. However, Garland is too fragile in my opinion in a key back role. His frame is to light, slightly not tall enough and I genuinely believe not good enough. Rivers whom has regained his confidence and Frawley are our two main key backman. I have no doubts about that at this stage.Morton could even play CHB at times,Warnock at full back at times on a particular ype of player and ditto Garland. But we need to groom another player as a key defender- I have no doubts about that- and still genuinely believe Garland could turn out to be a great winger. Again it is my opinion and others can state theirs. However Chips Frawley whom was a pretty good defender believes Garland is a MIDFIELDER TYPE.
  10. At the moment- I agree fully.
  11. I just hope you take Garland with your first draft pick as a key defender in your Ultimate team.
  12. I agree or we may consider using Campbell. Interesting, I went to the game last night and just watched the reply re Fox broadcast. Before the game, Spud Frawley commented on our team and picked out Garland and stated that after 2 pre seasons now should develop into a bonafide midfielder.I rest my case.
  13. The papers had him as one of Melbourne's best- I thought he was lamentable- doesn't do enough,seems to be slow , second to the ball etc.. Your opinion on last nights effort please ?
  14. Great points made- I've made my points re Garland, I stated last year that Grime's kicking and vision under pressure is weak,and your 3rd point - goes without saying. However, we lost the game last night because we couldn't rove to Jamar- got belted in the guts.
  15. Fair points - re the future as Roost it stated. And without Garland in a key back positional role.
  16. Did you forget the 3rd point so had to make something up. We should never play Martin, Spencer & Jamar together in one team. We should never move forwards on a continuous basis like we did last night.They need to settle and grow in a position. We need to revalue our defence line- absolutely need to find another tall backman to cover in case of loss. Our talls in the backline really showed us how poor off er are wthout Frawley AND NEED TO FIND SPEED OVER THE WHOLE GROUND..
  17. Just because many disagree doesn't say that I have lost the argument. The two key defenders we have on our list are Frawley & Rivers. The others are fill ins- we need to recruit another tall to go with Davis although Cook could play there and that means we should try to gain another tall utility. Please note, I am not trying to knife Col - it is just he is too small, too light and not good enough(tries to do to much) to consistently play at full back or CHB. . Although he can pinch hit on occassions,no doubt. I watch him train reguarly, I watch him play all practice and real matches.That is my opinion.
  18. Totally agree with your poor performers andd gee where were our leaders.Green, Maloney,Jones put in real shockers whilst Grimes & Rivers at least put in. Wow what are poor performance out of the guts. We looked too small, too slow and just outclassed.
  19. If anyone watched tonight's gamne and still thinks Garland is a key defender- get some glasses or a brain.He is too small, too light and simply not good enough to be a key defender. Maybe a half baqck flanker but a wing is definately a better position for him.Ac dead set shocker tonight but all the 3 main things I mentioned really showed up.
  20. Easy- you have me to belt around the head first up- ain't you lucky..
  21. I wouldn't mind Casey this year ,the Dees next year.
  22. Thanks Grandson & Tenners for taking the time and effort to enlighten us to what happened at training this morning. GO DEES.
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