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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. The ideal person to assume the role of Football Director are Stephen Smith or Anthony Ingerson types whom know what football and business are about..
  2. I'd have my money on Leuenberger -I don't think Cox will even strip this week & I HOPE Nic Nac doesn't either. The Dees could even win this one..
  3. Jako- congrats on making the top 8 - great effort but you should have been in there weeks ago-I thought you were tanking or you also had a brother...WELL DONE..
  4. Hi to all- great to be top of the ladder- however very lucky at times, yet with luck could have been games ahead of all. Dappa- on list alone- you are the one to beat-I'd rate you nominal favourite but anytrhing could happen.My foe RR could knock us all out, Robbo - the bookie whom put me up at 21 TO 1 wow- looks in a little danger. JA- well always a danger but I still reckon HT & D/L 7 are the ones to worry I don't want to play either...The rest all have a definate chance..Just hope my friend OMR does well in the consolation final- should definately be in the race for premiership honours- O well next year.Glad I walked the walk after talking the talk but finals are a very different thing- JA or whom else has played this game before please explain what goes on..as it shows that I have a bye next round-- does that mean that RR has surrended already?? Await notification please.
  5. Good points raised- just shows that our football department especially, coaching panel are just not up to it -to resurrect or correct their weaknesses.
  6. Best of luck to all players(coaches)this round but hopefully R.R has a slightly off game for the last match before finals as Ineed to finish top four to reach my goal at start of season..
  7. Jimma - hang in there. We all will try to pitch in ... won't let ya down.
  8. He will never be a coach at the MFC, President or IMO-a footy dept' role, director.However a confidant to our beloved President/acting President I see. Maybe a mentor to a player like Jack Watts also. He is too close to C.C,Viney ,O'Donnell etc..
  9. Gee OMR- we might have to develop some brotherly love together...even from Manhatten..but I will be back for the finalss..Hope you can make top 8 also..Broth.. By the way do you have a head on your shoulders like mine??
  10. Yep- they may do well with the Dee's little league. However, we do need to make some changes.I think the young one's need a different voice and a different learning curve-I feel we need a forward coach and defence change coach at least..
  11. Whilst I am luckily not in Aus at the moment and therefore did not see the woeful performance(Thank God) I feel JS & the Board should just hold off from any irrational decision. However, it seems the players are not playing for him , therefore at years end we have to look at why we are belted like this..I have heard that ---and not making excuses that the team had a very bad virus,I understand it also went through the Storms team-same venue we train at AAMI.
  12. He was more relaxed, believed in the team as well as himself.Was very confident in his ability in every aspect this year.
  13. Hope we thrash the blue baggers for you & us.
  14. Of course I accepted this, by all means it is ONLY A GAMEand we all do not take it, very seriously.-although I thought you had been foolish in your endeavors and still do. I did vetoe your trade as you requested as I geniunely believe it was a stupid swap. I understand why you wanted to get rid of Watson,to cover for the G/F,if you made it.We nearly all have Essendon players in our teams but we are indevouring to get there first. But you left youself very vulnerable in gaining Swallow- re the bye in Rd21.and gave up a top backman as well. O well we all learn hope things do workout for you unless you play me..then I'll be happy. Best of luck to all and hopefully Deevoted and I have an interesting game.I think Deevoted should be congratulated by keeping going as he /she has done. And it is going to be very interesting sitting back and watching the strategies and team selections take place before start of game ..Some surely have to make changes to win..just like I have done this round and look like loosing.another fool I am- however Devoted outcouched me this far..he deserves to WIN.
  15. Thanks for your kind wishes my old friend and foe, you will still win this week, as you stated, SnomeD has given his brother the best...however that is b/w them.Pods would have had a rest(and should have) last week.I am the mentor of a Werribee footballer who is close to him.So it wasn't crap, just thought at the time, you should have been told.It was only fair to do so- the only reason that he played was to rest S.Johnson, my player.I spewed when that happened.Let's try to make the double together, You winning the Consolation final(that is, if you don't make the 8,and I'll aspire to winning the premiership.Go OMR- Go JCB.
  16. Bartram Rivers Davis Grimes Frawley Nicholson Garland Maloney Howe Green Watts Tapscott Davey Fevola Jurrah Jamar McKenzie Trengove I:(from)-Gawn, Martin,Bail, Gysberts, Jones, Petterd, Wonaemirri Gone-- Scully, Morton, Sylvia, Maric.-off the senior list..
  17. A smaller version of Neita- when he hits -they hurt...
  18. O well - hope that Tiger comes back soon and offers very cheap flights to make up for lost time...
  19. I watch many games and I say he hasn't got what it takes- he doesn't go hard enough at the ball and is extremely inconsistantIMO.
  20. To my knowledge Stynes has said 10 wins is enough. Please correct me if I'm wrong and just imagined it..
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