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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. That doesn't mean they cannot be traded...
  2. All fair points BUT..YOUR POINT RE..Your assessment of the FD was i thought harsh and not well thought out....and let's just say at least 8 weeks Premature JCB.is indeed stupid..in particular if you read my opening THREE words of the thread being at year's end.. GOT IT..?
  3. I have always respected your view/s. However, at the game you can see leadership in the warm ups, during quarter time etc.- you get a greater feel.I personally feel TV watching is the worst..hate it- only watch us when I cannot get interstate.
  4. And what would that achieve- further disaster and mayhem.We have no leaders - so whom are you talking about. Green, Mahoney, Rivers, Davey, Jones and /or Grimes. Let's face it Green has had the poorest year nearly in his whole career, Mahoney has been an exceptionable leader. Rivers- very servicable Davey- poor year and injury prone Jones- consistant and stood up to be counted. Grimes- injury prone. Therefore, please explain? Or maybe the cure maybe to go out and find leaders whom want to play for us.Re like a Luke Ball type whom wants to set an example for this club.
  5. Thanks for your advise and comments- however, I say that our defence was looked upon as the major strength of our team along with Jamar.
  6. Thank for your advise- had hot chocolate instead.Maybe you should get to a few matches to see.
  7. At least I know both of you are having a dip- WOW- player movement of both you & 45HG16. 45HG16. has really gone beserk this week and you- well you won't make the finals for sure-I'll belt you this week, you will lucky to win a game but round 20 will be very interesting- against your associate and fellow Mod-45HG16. Maybe Douglas could be right by then..wouldn't count on it--I can assure you I will not be giving 45HG16 a proposal for Douglas..I'll just battle along with my own cronies and at the end say- I didn't need to trade at all.
  8. Gee you Mods stick together..Got news for both of you- unlikely either will be there in the finals,in particular-45HG16,unfortunately...Therefore Douglas GONE FOR YEAR..back in 2012...and by God-I intend to kick your BUTT this weekend.HT.
  9. JA-Thanks for explanation,appreciated.
  10. As Norman May would say " GOLD, GOLD , GOLD" Thanks WJ for going to the trouble of finding out for us..I even went down to AFL lAST NIGHT but could not find out..
  11. I Second all the others thoughts and expressions.Very sad indeed.RIP.
  12. On the 28th of May 2011, George on the Outer wrote a very interesting article named--Injuries no excuse.......lack of game plan is a reason! 2011-05-28 By George_on_the_outer I whole heartedly agreed at the time and still do-injuries are a part of the reason we are so inconsistent, lack of experience is another but the main frustration I have, is the ruddy lack of a game plan and in particular playing at Etihad.As we got belted last Friday night, the major thing I left the ground was the thought- Gee -didn't we get outcoached tonight.We didn't seem to make moves, we didn't try to assist Scully getting mauled (furthermore-it seemed that the players thought he was definately going to Sydney-as there was NO HELP given)but the thing is NO GAME PLAN.The best coach we have had recently was Sean Wellman whom left for money and now we have Josh Mahoney(first time coach at the MFC as our Forward coach.) Brian Royal- Backline coach whom has never ever been a defender and a team of development coaches in Williams, O'Donnell, Viney etc..& Bailey. The truly only strategist among the lot is Scotty West whom oversees the centreline and only last year became a full time employee.We need to spend money in this area and gain some experienced teachers/coaches in specialist roles such as Forward coach-like a Carey or the Ox, definately a specialist back coach- as I feel we have lost our umph back there and someone to overall coach us and implement a game plan to suits our young list for the MCG and a seperate plan /s for other grounds interstate and Etihad.To me our plan of going down the guts at the MCG last year was the correct one and by God we seem to be criss crossing all around the place this year.. We have recruited well and now we have to make it work but now we need expertise(the best) to assist our players. We seem to have lost our way somewhat -what do others think?
  13. Please advise me how these player ratings go-I can't understand them..an example Setanta OhAilpin has gone from a rating 502 to 121 .No way hossay-is that correct..It's got me beat- someone please advise.
  14. Yep- only lost 2 games..Just shows I am consistent.Don't Win many - don't loose many.Just get there.However note, I won against Range Rover, I belted Jack Attack, I lost to you & snomeD by default.and now I intend to whip your behind.Got it..Dappa talks about your stress and maybe you won't front next year..well after my belting..gee you may not play next week..we may have to implement those rules immediately-ONLY RASSIN YOU.Best of luck this round- you will need it though.I will try to make it as comfortable as I can-whilst I outcoach you..made too many mistakes against Scarlett last week as I tokk it too easily.I thought he was going to default like he had previously.Now 5th and not happy. Back to the top 4 -I come.
  15. Same as ours- Same as Carlton did in 2009- it's called development.One expects young players to be inconsistant but we are playing also without leadership.The senior players are the most inconsistant--in particular Green.Worst captain I can remember.
  16. I have no issue then...if so I can reject it..and don't worry I'll say so-if I think something is underhanded. The game goes on- several weeks (5) to go and anything can happen.
  17. Sorry HT- I meant not trading with you re 3 players to one..Got it...?
  18. Please trade or do what ever you feel helps you to WIN. I truthfully want you to do your best. I feel you can still win the Grand final ,even from here, if you give your best. All I have been ravin about is- rules to cover the 8 week break for 2012.We all have to play fairly. I have got my response from JA --and that makes me happy. But I also don't want you to be snowed by some other player.Go for it- give it your all- whether you trade or not.You have belted me this round, all I want you to do- is do the same to others.
  19. No issue towards happiness.JA has agreed that rules will be brought in for 2012- that is what wanted.I accept Scarlett not trading- I think that is fair and HT - my GRAND FINAL COMES UP NEXT WEEK AGAINST YOU.Especially after getting belted this week.And please note I strongly suggest Scarlett plays and plays to WIN every match for the rest of the year.I genuinely believe he can make the 8, even from here,and be a geniune threat in the finals.He has a strong list now and is coaching very well. I hope he does trade -as long as it improves his team - thus trying to belt everyone like he has me this round for the remainder.So go for it Scarlett.
  20. Tappy played well- but showed he was short of a gallop. Most likely will get promoted but may even play for Casey next week, if they haven't got a bye. Then he would be primed for the MFC to play next up.
  21. No issue disagreeing with me WJ - Maric doesn't get the ball enough and never ever crumbs for the ball. Had great opportunities today but was sorely missed. Also sometimes selfish - looks after own interest except the teams.
  22. And I sincerely agree with you regarding --Ultimate footy has been great, but better now that I have learnt from HT about proposing to trade.Very much looking forward to playing for a long, long time.Rivetting stuff.But, I look forward to playing in fair rules for all.
  23. Thanks JA- THAT'S ALL I ASK..Best of luck this round.
  24. An all in brawl with around 40 players into it happened in the last quarter with Fevola running 50 metres to get involved. A spectator also was involved and he was eventually,taken away by police. A very disappointing performance by listed MFC players especially after what happened last night. Dunn kicked three, two were very lucky. Bate and Maric hardly sighted. Tapscott needed the run.
  25. Dappa- thanks for having a say- all I am after is some ruling for next year.By gee he has a good side now.However, some of his players such as Krueser did not start playing until 4 weeks ago.I am not worried about being beaten this week- actually, I think I can get over the line.But HT is playing me next week and I don't want him to gain another advantage over me by unfair trading with Scarlet. Especially when OMR claims Scarlet has not been fair with him.Best of luck this round Dap.
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