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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Jones could turn out to be our next best stopper whilst being an attacking midfielder -I hope he gets the role of tagging Mitchell this week.
  2. George -excellent point you raise-Jones or McKenzie surely could do that role-Are you saying West is not doing the job right in the coaches box?
  3. I wouldn't mind Slater running off the HBF OR Wing for the Dees rather than crushing me in Ultimate footy.Another true champion/icon our Billy Slater..and no doubt great to have him and the Storm next door to us at AAMI--our young ones can feel the success that we all dream about..
  4. And you forgot about me Skyscraper--I'm gone...Del Santo crunched me...You and the other Mod..45 HG 16 have really got of to a flyer also...you definately could be in the four soon and all coaches watch out for him, he has the monentum and list...but don't know the coaching ability under extreme pressure..and you to Mods play against each other last round-WOW.we will be keeping an eye out there..
  5. Re your point (improvement),I agree.And that is one major point about our very young list...basically, Green,Davey & Jamar may have limited continuous improvement- the rest nearly the sky...but the Jones boy is doing it and playing consistently.
  6. GOOD POINTS RAISED---I'd even throw in the antique back yard dunny..to get Patton...he'd sit well in the pocket alongside Fev,Cook, next year.
  7. Take your pleb competition somewhere else. This is the game of men.
  8. Evans didn't do a bad job either- and he will be a gun next year- able replacement for Scully if he goes...Martin has to be deemed as the major find of the year..with "Mr Consistent" Jones a little behind him..
  9. A very true and valid point..but surely we could keep him as a sub....however, one major point we all have to consider--he is Mr Consistency..all others STILL have to develop into one...and just some may never make it..HE HAS...and the job he & Beamer does with the 1st year recruits at W'Bool is just outstanding..could even become captain later on...similar to Junior and how he developed as a leader, except the Jones boy has done it years earlier..
  10. Very good point- shuts them down and still gets plenty of disposals- WIN/WIN
  11. CHEEKY- Haven't taken it yet- take double the amount Friday- when I finalise my team...and again double it when you wollop me on Sunday...Actually been celebrating Yabby's great life..and thinking if only you went easy on me this match...last Black label-I will be right tomorrow - back to normal..haven't been the same since the skyscraper tore me apart.haven't recovered...
  12. I probably wrongly discribed Jones as the forgotten man..I possibly should have said the unrecognised man...and furthermore when one looks as Sylvia who has played 117 games since Rd 9, 2004 just shows how resilliant and consistent he has been..Good on him..
  13. Gee OMR if you were in that league you would be classified as the star-similar to H.T & R.R.but not quite the likes of J.A...
  14. I was just thinking earlier today and asking myself whom has let us down this year and whom has excelled and when I came across Jones..he made me sit up and have a real think.. When one realises he has played 107 matches since he started in Round 17, 2006 therefore 110 possible matches, one has to realise how good he has been.He has played in several positions now but has never really been recognised for his personal acheivements. Along with Beamer he has been the shining light this year in his consistency with 348 disposals -running second only to Beamer whom is up there in the award stakes this year.Leads the handballs at the club.Second in the amount of kicks and fourth in marks. HE HAS AVERAGED 11.6 KICKS AND ALSO AVERAGED THE SAME IN HANDBALLS per game this year..Whilst we all look to the stars of the future sometimes we forget the performances of the likes of Jones whom have held this young team together and he is only 23 himself .Keep the great work YOUNG man.
  15. Congrats- no doubt deservedly so-whom are your major competitors...Rhino ?? WJ??? Love to find out please.. In anticipating a reply therefore thanks...
  16. Hey your up and running now- Winners will be----D/L7, jACKO, YOU OVER DAPPA-, SCARLETT, RPFC, DRAW OR ETH 38, OMR by a mile, RR- however Devoted could also swing a surprise....many upsets again this week opening up the top 4 & top8.Nobody is assured of a win.Especially now that you are up and being fair dinkum... HOWEVER-got some further bad news for you Callinan broke down at training last night again with a halmstring - may not play again for the year....will be out for at least 3 more weeks...
  17. I also stayed up and watched it-seems to have a better team this year...will WIN if he doesn't choke..
  18. And the other big surprise maybe Cam Bruce....
  19. And you don't want to crow too much either--my old mate from CANNNNBEEERRRAAAA might just cut your Skyscraper back to a Tower this week and you then may be known as a Low Tower.. Ha Ha- have a good game...
  20. HA HA HA - Skyscraper....Bruce will play with the Hawks to prepare for finals---would you like to bet me on that also...Ha Ha Ha.......and just picked up another whom I think will play this week-O'Halpin....Ha Ha Ha.. Don't worry OMR--you will walk all over me therefore walk on water....Ha ha ha....
  21. Maybe ok- but Malgorzata Dydek would be better IMO.Beamer would need a step ladder...she is a basket ball player in the US and stands at 218 cms tall..
  22. WOW- What a team you have..how come you haven't won plenty up to now--geez you will win hand down against me...a far better list than when weplayed earlier...gee it has really and sincerely surprised me..and the depth--wow...if you can get over me a serious challenge for the finals..Robbo should have never dismissed you..by the way Pods is sore- leather poisoning after kicking so much last week..
  23. I second your thoughts but more importantly, I hope I see another premiership..
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