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Everything posted by Tatu

  1. Is it just me, or are there others that can't see dazzledaveys post?
  2. He is a good player.... And has plenty of value for us..... But I doubt that he'll ever take his game to another level..... He'll continue to be a good player, but will never be a star of the game....
  3. Dean Bailey and his assistants were at the club before Schwabs arrival from Fremantle.....
  4. This issue has been very damaging to our brand..... The media have branded us guilty for well over a year..... Our name has been tarnished and dragged through the mud...... if found not guilty by the AFL or the courts, then the lose of earnings has to be recovered from somewhere.... Brock McLean, Caroline wilson, mike Sheehan, Adrian Anderson, Greg denham should all be held to account for their media bashing of the MFC....
  5. agree.....I'd like to wait and see if Jack Viney, is the next Jack Viney..... Before worrying wether billy is the next Jack Viney....
  6. I'd be very happy to see Buddy in red and blue.... It's doubtful but who knows, we can pump up his price and see what pops out....
  7. I'd say that WADA and ASADA are well into this investigation..... I doubt essenbong came clean, just because they saw irregularities..... It's not a coincidence that australian sport is being investigated at the same time, for the same thing....... Essenbong has herd footsteps coming up behind them fast, so they jumped..... It's now up to detectives to join the dots.... Who else is going to jump....
  8. i herd somewhere that HGH is administered by injection to the stomach..... I'm no expert, so it could be bullish!t...
  9. lol.... 13 flag by default..... Hehehe.... I like it.... I'm sus about the hawks in 1988 as well....
  10. I'm finding it hard to believe that it's been so long before anybody has been done for drug cheating..... The last time I remember someone getting done was Justin Charles..... Wow has the league been that clean or has the testing been that bad.... Part of me believes that the AFL it's self has had something to do with all this.... Maybe they have given the nod to certain clubs at certain times... Who knows.... Lol..... And we all thought that we were being bad by wanting our club to tank.....hahaha.... How bout you give us the nod AFL you pack of money hungry bastards...
  11. maybe we have more midfielders than we first thought....Hopefully Davey can play well this year and get another contract.....
  12. you wouldn't think so.... But maybe we really stink at that too....lol....
  13. Really? After the performances we've been dished up.... How could anybody think we had anything close to performance enhancing drugs? Surely this is the work of wilson.... Suppose I should be use-to MFC getting connected to these things by now.....
  14. Regardless of wether vlad is the head puppet, or some other guy whom i never herd of before...... the game will still be corrupt..... The fixture, the draft, the salary cap...... Everything in AFL today is balanced toward money and I don't think it will ever change.... We've all know the game is corrupt, there's just nothing we can do about it..... We've allow money to rule for to long....
  15. Wilson missed the boat on this story.... She's playing catch up in this artical..... I'd say she's made up half of her version, so it looks like she's on to it..... Wilson is a joke....... Go back to sleeping in the tank wilson...
  16. she put all her eggs in the tanking basket..... But missed Adelaide's salary cap cheating and now essenbong's drug cheating..... Lol..... What else has she missed due to her obsession?
  17. he's probably just trying to connect MFC's name to the story.... If he says it enough.... The AFL media will blame us, for the bombers bad deeds....
  18. i agree that these drugs are banned for a reason.... But if a player were to take them..... he would be bigger, faster, stronger and better at footy than he normally would be.... It's impossible to regulate gambling..... Just like its impossible to stop drug use....
  19. there are recovery drugs that the players aren't allow to use, that would enable them to recover much quicker...... If the players were able to recover quicker, than there would be more time to practice skills and game plans.... Which would make them better at their sport..... There are also drugs that help with awareness and would enable players to concentrate for longer periods of games.... Some Drugs ruin lives.... some drugs save lives.... How do we regulate gambling? Is it possible for gangsters to place bets? How do you stop gangsters manipulating matches? Are players, umpires and match officials safe on match days?
  20. Drugs don't ruin sport..... Gambling ruins sport..... Drugs makes sport better, but ruins lives..... Gambling ruins sport by opening it up to corruption...... If we want to clean up footy, then get rid of gambling first..... Then worry about drugs....
  21. That article seems the perfect place to advertise a music festival......
  22. in the last 150 years MFC have had some of the greatest players to play the game..... Flower, Barrassi and Norm Smith are arguably the greatest ever.... Buddy hasn't produced anything in comparison to them.....
  23. everybody plays each other once during the 17 rounds...... The challenge/ play off games are the remaining 5 rounds.... That gets us to 22 rounds..... I like the idea of a mini play of for a spot in the top eight.... Maybe 8 and 9 could play in a pre finals elimination match?
  24. I've thought about this for a while.... Is it possible to make the fixture fair and still have 22 matches? Here is some of the ideas, I've come up with.... - during the season every body plays each other once.... That covers 17 rounds + a split round or buy would make 18 rounds.... Everybody plays each other once.... The home or away teams could swap each year..... - at the end of the 18 rounds the teams gets split into 3 groups of 6, were they play the remaining 5 rounds.....the top 6 play off, for a top four position in the finals and the mcclelland trophy... The middle six play off, for the remaining two positions in the top eight.... And the last six would ether be eliminated from the comp or they could play off for draft picks.... Wether this is a continuation of the season or the points start again, I don't know..... It would be fairer to start the points again, I think? - these group rounds could be called play off or challenge matchs.... In these groups everybody plays each other once.... Because there is five rounds and six teams, three teams from each group only get 2 home games.... - the top six have made the finals and are playing off for a top four position.... - the middle six teams are playing off for the remaining two positions in the finals - the bottom six ether get eliminated, or play off for draft picks..... I would prefer that the bottom six were eliminated.... This would take away some of the incentive to tank..... Instead of the priority picks.... The teams that finish at the bottom, could get a large salary cap for the next season.... This would allow them to pay more for a free agent.... Maybe the mini draft could stay, giving the bottom two teams something to trade in trade mouth.....
  25. We have been the worst performed team in the league for over five years..... Outsiders have been given no reason to believe that this is going to change..... It's nice to read the glowing training reports every pre season...... But in reality..... We are the worst team in the league and will remain so, until we win more games..... If we want respect from other clubs/supporters..... We have to earn it..... From the reports I've read on here and what I've seen during this pre season, it appears that we have improved..... But I'll believe it when I see it in a game....
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