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Everything posted by Tatu

  1. lol.... I can't see why they wouldn't be able to sell me memberships at the shop, when I've purchased them there before? Why would a business close down a purchase option? Had the service attendant been a little nicer, this wouldn't be an issue for me..... I've never asked what's in it for me, when purchasing my membership or how it benefits me? I can't see how it's selfish to ask to buy a membership? This incident maybe a one of..... But what if it isn't? How many members have been turned away? I know of three that have..... How many others....
  2. lol.... My attitude is what? How? Who was complaining about the staff at the members tent? I went down to the demon shop, where I have brought my membership from before and was told that had to go to the members tent, that had no body there.... When I told them no body was there, they told me I couldn't buy memberships from them... How is that appalling or selfish? I had already renewed my own membership..... And decided a couple of days before that I'd buy my kids one each(in memory of Stynes).... Surely we should be able to buy memberships, on match day......from the tent or at the demon shop...... The staff at the demon shop, couldn't careless wether I got a membership.....
  3. I agree with RM..... We must match the top clubs in all areas..... If our uniform isn't to the same standard as the top clubs, than something needs to be done.....
  4. Anthony Tipungwuti and Matthew Haynes are two I'd hope we would target ...
  5. When Collingwood go to Arizona they get altitude training, and a high temperature climate..... Plus all the HGH they can handle....lol
  6. i had every intention of doing that, but just got to busy..... If it happens again next year..... I'll let them know.... I was very disappointed.....
  7. Round 1 this year I made an attempt to buy three junior memberships, for my kids.... I had already got mine renewed on line.... I just wanted to get the kids started..... I got to the game late and the members tent was full..... So I thought I'd wait til half time..... At half time there was nobody at the members tent, that I could buy them from.... So I went down to the demon shop.... They said "go to the members tent" I told them that there was nobody there.... He said "you can't buy them here"?? I've brought them there before? I found them very unhelpful and a little rude...... After this our team got flogged and I didn't stay..... I normally buy my membership online.... But this time I'm going to wait til round 1..... If I can't get my membership renewed that day..... I don't want one.... If I'm helped.... And feel pleased that they actually care.... Then I will buy all four.....
  8. pretty sure Jamar made AA, the same year as Frawley.... Flower and Stynes would be the only two, that I would comfortably call champions..... The Ox would have been the best we ever had, if his bones weren't made of sticks....
  9. If Tipungwuti trains with casey, does that mean we might be considering him for one of our two rookie spots? Or is he just training there for a stop at Casey.... Would love to see him in the red and blue.....
  10. Trengove invested heavily into the catch up training program.... That was put in place by the FD, because of our lack of fitness and AFL ready players...... All our players did.... The players that didnt aren't there anymore.... 2012 season was one big preseason...... When they tapper the program down...... Our players will look a lot faster.....
  11. I like Dyson.... He could be a good pick up.... Did anyone pick up josh toy?
  12. I'd like to think the club would have an idea of his strengths and weaknesses, regardless of weather Viney went to school with him or not..... It would be a shame, if these decision were left to the opinion of new players..... Does anybody know if the players not taken in the draft can be drafted in the psd? If they can then i hope he slips to us in the rookie draft.....
  13. It's very pleasing to see his reaction to being pick by MFC...... Good luck Jimmy.... Hope you can translate your form to the AFL.....
  14. Tatu

    Lachie Plowman

    Stringer is the best all round player in this draft...... If it wasn't for the broken leg, he'd be pushing Whitfield to be taken number 1.....
  15. I won't be surprised when Judd is offered millions from GWS through free agency next year......
  16. Much appreciated BH and steamin..... Thanks....
  17. i like Rich too..... I just can't see Wines being any better.... I'd be happy ether way we go.... Can't lose..... I actually think Stinger is the best all round player in this draft.....
  18. It's hard for me to see Wines, as being any better than Moloney or Daniel Rich..... I might be wrong, but he could end up slow..... Like McLean and Moloney...... We'd be mad to pass on Toumpas, if he's available...... For midfield balance alone.....
  19. Do we really need another forward?
  20. Ricky Dyson slips under the radar a bit..... I'd think the dons would be trying to get in the rookie draft..... He is definately worth a late pick or rookie pick..... I wouldn't hesitate taking him.....
  21. Tipungwuti and Nelson would be my hopes for these picks..... But I doubt that ether will be there.....
  22. 1. Whitfield 2. Grundy 3. Toumpas 4. Stringer 5. O'Rourke 6. Plowman 7. Mayes 8. Wines 9. Macrae 10. Daniher
  23. KB wants MFC to go down for tanking.... Regardless of if we are guilty or not..... He hates MFC..... He created venom denham.... So he can have ago at us without showing his hatered for us..... I use to like his show.... But now I can't bear to listen to his shock jock antics.... Someone needs to put this dick in his place.....
  24. i hope your right...... I'm just tired of the media smashings...... It's starting to effect what programmes I watch or listen too.....
  25. 4x or 15x better or 15x worst who really cares..... Take it easy....The real issue is...... why should the MFC and us supporters, have to worry about losing first round draft picks next year? When the AFL has no proof of us tanking.... Why is it ok for the media to run our name through the mud for another year.... Stuff that.... I'll be looking forward to adding first round talent next year..... Regardless of how good the draft is....
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