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Everything posted by Tatu

  1. I was told sometime back that Malthouse, Cloke and Goddard are headed to the Blues....... at the time I disregarded the rumour.... But it seems that a part of it has come true and the second part is being openly talked about as true...... The closer we get to the end of the year.... The more it seems these rumours may actually happen...... How would the Blues fit both Cloke and Goddard in there salary cap? Who knows.... Maybe they plan to drop a few from their list..... All I can hope is that MFC are ready to scoop up some of the remaining players from this fall out....
  2. How old is Salopek? Would he fit a roll at the MFC? Is injury a worry? How cheap? How many years left in the game?
  3. Pretty sure Salopek is a Free Agent....
  4. Like the sound of him and Kennedy....... but if Stringer is there at pick 13 (which i doubt) it would be a super bargain, and MFC must pick him....
  5. Didn't realise that Grant had a role in footy ... I thought he was just in the media ... Is being in the footy media considered being in footy?
  6. At the moment Watts has been doing well in a Brendon Goddard roll...... I'm hoping that his roll evolves into a Swingman, much like matty Richardson/James Hird..... Don't think Watts will ever be the big forward, that everybody seems to want him to be.......But I do think he'll be worthy of the number 1 tag..... Watts has a class about him, that I've only seen once before in Hird..... Watts is a player in the mould of the Red Fox..... Not Fred Fanning.....
  7. Tapscott is still developing his game, he's young.... He'll be a better player than Moloney, when he's at his peck..... He's got the hardness and the grunt that Moloney has + he dose the 1% and his kicking skills are great.... He'll get more of the ball, as he and the team get better ... He's a definite keeper for me ... He also happens to be the best mate of one of our captains ...
  8. There is no way in hell, that I trade Tappscott! His apatite for the contest and grunt work of the ball is what this club is crying out for..... If anything I would recruit more like him.... We are about to lose Moloney and people want to trade the only other player on our list with a bit of grunt..... Far out....
  9. All my kids are little demons..... It's been hard work over the last few years, especially when their favorite players leaves (Scully, Jurrah)..... But I think they are stuck now.....don't know if that's a good thing? I was brought in by my father, who was brought in by his father...ect... I've done the same with my kids..... I love Dees and my kids see that when we go to the footy...... Now they love the Dees.... My family have been Demons for generations..... Hopefully it continues.....
  10. Couldn't be bothered..... Does it say, he no longer wants to coach or he now hates MFC?
  11. Maybe he could replace Royal as midfield coach?
  12. If Dan Nicholson worked on his skills in the break, We'd all be happy..... He has elite speed, elite endurance...... Below average skills.... If he could pick up his ball skills, to average or above average AFL standed....... Than who knows what he could be.....
  13. Isn't Tippett a free agent?
  14. And why do people keep hoping that MFC might amount to something, with trades or draftees or whatever?
  15. Bartel is 28..... But probably right, about three first rounders, being way too much.... It's just been along time since we had a player, of Bartel quality...... Would love to have him at the dees....
  16. Jamar would be a great decoy full-forward for Clark...... I'd get jamar to work hard on his goal kicking over the preseason, and plant him at full-forward... He can spilt packs, he can mark and he can take the number 1 or 2 defender..... I'd be surprised if he didn't get more than 30 goals for the year.... Martin plays number 1 ruck, with Jamar as insurance......
  17. Trades: Koby Stevens for our 3rd round pick.... Josh Toy for Ricky Petterd + FA compo pick.... Ben Jacobs for Jurrah.... Jamar for collingwood 1st round pick... Pick 4 + pies first round pick + Gysberts for Jimmy Bartel.... (Ambitious) hahaha.... Free Agents: Agains.....Chapman, Byrnes..... Losses.....Rivers, Moloney, Bate...... Draft: Pick 3.....Toumpas Pick 13..... Stringer 2nd round.....Viney 3rd round.....Towers
  18. Gumbleton has shown he can preform, AFL level..... He just has to get on the park..... His lack of game time from injury, is alarming.... The Bombers always over price, there fringe players.... They are very difficult to get a win win trade with.... Happy for the club to take a risk with Gumbleton, but only at a reasonable price....
  19. Chapman and Byrnes are free agents......
  20. Martin name keeps popping up? I'd prefer Martin, over Jamar...... If I had to trade one it would definitely be Jamar..... Why we sign Jamar to a Three year deal, who knows? would rather delist spencer, than trade Martin.......we would never get true value, for Martin in a trade.......
  21. Essentially I agree with you...... Why would they give anything? Could we make it hard? Why have a trade period if a player can just walk anyway? We finished below port, on the ladder..... If we really wanted too, we can force a trade..... So could GWS, so could GC.....Do we waste a late pick or PSD, to make a deal happen? I would.... Just like I would force GWS or GC to take Viney if they nominate him.... If we continue to be walked over by lesser lights, in the AFL. How are we going to compete with the heavy weights?
  22. Jurrah is exactly what port need..... He'll bring patrons through the gate, just like he has for us........ How much would they pay for a player that they could probably get for nothing, who knows? If they are truely intrested in him, its because of what he brings through the gate.....they'll want him this year..... If We play hard ball, we'll get something for him.... Not much though.... If port think their probably going to lose Jacob anyway, throw in our third round pick, and see if that gets it done.....
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