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Everything posted by Tatu

  1. they had their sanctions because of salary cap breaches(which the AFL had proof of)... Not for tanking...... We don't even know what sanctions we'd get, if found guilty(no proof!!)..... I'm just hating how lately the media have been comparing.... Tanking sanctions, with the blues salary cap sanctions.... It's like their saying this is what happened to the blues when they tanked, so it should happen to us..... Have they all forgotten that those sanctions where for salary cap breaches, not tanking.... The blues also tanked they should be sanctioned for that as well... They have nothing.... The media have been talking about it as though we are guilty..... But they have no proof.... This mob trial by media is giving me the [censored]!!! I've stop tuneing in to SEN..... I love sport, but they have lost me now..... I'm over it.... Constantly smashing us.... Without any proof of guilt except what dog McLean said on another crap footy show..... Like that is proof..... A disgruntled X player having a crack at his old club..... Far out...... What a joke!!
  2. He'd be an exciting pick up, if we managed to get him late...... Didn't Barry play for the same team? Where do people think he'll fall in the draft? Hope we pick him up.....
  3. I'd like to think we got a 200 gamer at pick 27..... If we get to keep pick 4...... I don't care who we pick..... I'll just be happy we got to keep it.....
  4. I believe we didn't tank..... Tanking is something made up by the supporters, to feel better about the fact that their team is [censored]! I fell for it..... I thought we tanked to get picks.... But if that was true than why are we still [censored]! We didn't tank we are just [censored]!!!
  5. All the media hype is a way of flushing out somebody who knows something..... Possibly an AFL directive..... It's possible that they have found nothing..... I could be living in dreamland.... But I won't believe it until I see it..... And even then I'm going to be biast supporter of the demons.....
  6. I'd like to think there's a difference between match fixing and tanking..... Tanking is when coaches tell players to not perform at the best, to gain better picks..... Match fixing is paying players/umpires, for the result to go your way...... so you can make a profit from gambling.... They are hardly the Sam thing..... P.S. MFC never tanked...... We were/are that bad.....
  7. What really hurts is....we'll get penalties for draft picks that GWS got for nothing.....
  8. The reality is the Eddy wouldn't have to be on the front foot, because the media, the AFL and the questioning on looker.... Wouldn't dare question Collingwood in this way..... Pays to have power.... It's a typical weak response, because we are a weak club...... If we were strong...... We'd have nothing to respond too.....
  9. Amazing how light the media have been on him considering........ If he'd played for MFC, it would be all over SEN and the front pages of the herald sun....... With title "drug up tankers"......
  10. I have no doubt that Cale Morton will come out next year twice as big, and three times the player...... There's something in the water in WA, that does this to players....hmmm.....
  11. We've been getting smashed for so long now..... When is all this going to end..... Story after story.. its got to be bad for business......... seems like there is a media linch mob, after us..... In the past five years, 2010 was the only media positive year..... I'm so sick of the media sticking the boots in to us.....
  12. Not sure if Jurrah was actually playing during 186....
  13. We wouldn't be MFC if we used pick 4 on a player that delivered...... Stringer looks like he actually might be a good pick up..... So it's a big no way from us.....
  14. 2013 pre season training started in October 2011....lol....
  15. I'm still get over the wasted years and draft picks, of the last couple of years..... Sick of being optimistic about this club..... To me this is just another unproven move by the dees...... I will always be a demon, but I'm going to wait and see what happens before I get excited..... Losing Morton and cook for nothing and Gysberts for a VFL player.... Has really opened my eyes..... To the disappointment I should have felt all these past years, for finishing last...... There is always hope, but I'm just not excited anymore....
  16. Have I missed something? Why the hell, would Adelaide take a risk like this for Tippett? What a joke..... If we were talking about Wayne Carey or Buddy, I'd understand the risk.... But for Tippett.... Really....
  17. Not sure who started this poll? But the message is loud and clear.... Mark Neeld stays.... P.S. RR is a lively member of demonland...... I like his polls...... And would welcome him back.....
  18. Hopefully we can get this kid in the psd.... That would put a dint in the disappointment I have, over the losing a number 4 draft pick for pick 88.....
  19. I agree with RobbieF.... Happy for the club to do a deal for Pederson and Ray, at the right price..... I wouldn't pay overs for ether of them...... They are experience players, but not star players.... They are good/ average players at best...
  20. Tatu

    Farren Ray

    Id be happy if MFC walk away from both deals...... We've had a pretty good trade period, IMO..... Both deals would be a bonus.... But that's it, I wouldn't sell the house for them.... Maybe trade Martin to Brisbane for pick 33....... Then use it in the draft...
  21. If we trade Martin to Brisbane........ Martin and pick 49, for pick 24(Stringer hopefully).....
  22. Brock could be the next captain....... I prendergasted that one........lol
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