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Little Goffy

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Everything posted by Little Goffy

  1. I think I startled him a little once, up here in Canberra (Demons played a few games here over the years). He was at Cafe Essen (anyone on here from Canberra would know the place) with maybe four other coaches, and I just said hello and got a goofy photo with him because it all just seemed so incongruous. A serious person at Essen! (I'm a Gus' person myself, Essen started goin downhill about 1999) And yes, he was gently charming, though a little bemused. Also had the pleasure of a quick chat with him at the 2008 'Demon Summit', and spent some time just observing him with people. Best described as 'genuinely engaged'. Didn't bring us joy in his coaching role, but certainly warrants a great deal of respect and best wishes.
  2. I'd love to see Sylvia justify a contract one cent more than Jordie McKenzie's. "Um.... I'm totally hot and the chicks dig me, he's just a 'ranga with a bunch of hard-ball-gets'. Head. Pull. In. On that count, for sure. Jones I can't have a problem with because he puts in full efforts consistently. Jurrah... seriously? What are you criticising here? That other people find him fascinating? Or maybe you are annoyed but his constant stream of long and expansive media interviews?
  3. I'm still confused about how Cameron Schwab is the man 'being held to account' by some people. Haven't seen him in the coaches box yet, myself.
  4. I have a feeling that tomorrow they will see a hangover when you 'give it back'. Hey, if you're lucky you'll make the news and do actual damage to the club.
  5. Many a time, in so many different circumstances, has a deep and entrenched problem caused a change at the top, or some seemingly major reform, only to later discover that the actual problem was never truly beaten and it all has to be done again. About every four years, at Richmond. We need to see a committment from the club to a major overhaul of the footy department. An all-out effort to get the top available people into a number of relevant positions, and to accept that even 'nice guys' doing an 'ok job' will have to make way for that. It must be the next 'grand step' in this magical Red&Blueprint - a major, major investment in football department. And not in numbers so much as quality people. Best in the business or why bother?
  6. LOL @ GOTZY15! I'm guessing you tried to wash away the foul taste of that game with a few cold drinks, and aren't quite 100% alert.
  7. :gulp: Here it is. Melbourne 2010 - 12th place, 8 wins, 1 draw, 94.5% and currently Melbourne 2011 - 11th place, 7 wins, 1 draw, 86.8% We have five games left to match or pass our win-loss rate from last season. But even if we do, have we gotten better? Last season only one team, West Coast, finished with 5 wins or less. This season it is probably going to stay at four. (Port, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Adelaide) We simply haven't improved this year. I'm afraid I have finally lost faith in the current coaching panel. The only 'safe' members in my mind are Viney and West.
  8. McKenzie. Trengove. Jones. Watts. Then I guess a mention to some of the kids who seemed to keep trying, like Nicholson, Tapscott and Gysberts. Also, Bartram. Selwood played such a dominant game I want to give him some of my votes. Not Stevie J though, he just gives me the s4!7s.
  9. I love Jordie McKenzie. Speaking of players who always give everything, what the F! happened to Brent Moloney?
  10. "In Steve Johnson, Cameron Ling, Cameron Mooney, Brad Ottens" On the other hand, four players in, all old and underdone. Upon this straw I grasp. That McKenzie will own Bartel. That Jamar and Moloney will lead a win in the clearances. That our fluid, mobile forwards will 'find a way through' and make the opportunities count. That Frawley will hand Mooney his arse all day and then run off him right up the corridor. That the midfield will keep the pressure on and that we'll get the full 'Jared Rivers effect'. I believe. I always believe. :D
  11. Y'know, what I like about that trade is that it worked out as a general win-win for everyone, except the Calrton Football Club. I still hope McLean gets an uninjured run and plays another few seasons of solid football. Definitely no hard feelings.
  12. I've got nothing to add except more approval. Thank you Anthony Bergin.
  13. Oh... ok... I'll bite. FB: Bartram Frawley Garland HB: Grimes Rivers Gysberts C: Trengove Scully(?) Davey HF: Petterd Watts Sylvia F: Wonaeamirri Jurrah Martin Foll: Jamar Moloney Jones Inter: McKenzie, Maric, Bail, Howe Emergencis (extended) Gawn, Nicholson, Blease, Strauss, Jetta, Warnock. So, my obviously personal preferences are that I still like Bartram, see Jurrah mostly close to goal, and think that Maric, Bail and Howe are all going to develop nicely. Also, I still have faith in Warnock - such an unfortunate position, to be an 'essential' player but also 'fourth in line' for their position. I'm losing faith in Bennell, think Bate is done and Dunn is 'bait. Still willing to give Morton a bit more time. Joel Mac keeps having brain farts which undermine his value as an experienced hand in defence, which is why he isn't in there. Things I notice, structurally, is a lack of quality kickers in defence (Davey swinging to HB?) and the lack of a 'true' full forward (SHOCK INSIGHT!).
  14. I watch Bate closely when he gets games, always in the hope that things will 'click' for him because like the opening post I have a lot of respect for the honest hardwork that Bate brings. But he always looks unlucky. Like the ball just bounces the wrong way for him, over and over. And you just know that he doesn't quite read it right, he doesn't quite get to the right spot, he isn't quite agile enough to react, he doesn't quite think quickly enough to take the initiative. I think he'd have a lot to contribute and he's very unlucky to have not gotten a game for so much of this season, particularly with Jurrah out of form. But I guess therin lies the difference - Jurrah has everything needed to take the initiative, to eliminate luck and just be the first to react with the best reaction to whatever does happen. Bate is to the Demon's forward line what Warnock is to the back line, but we have more young options up forward to give a chance, so Bate is more likely to choose to move on.
  15. Pretty much where I'm coming from too. I'm just getting into the rationalisation and self-reassurance early. Tom wants to be paid $600k or $1m... double any comparable player. He can take some responsibility and make a damn decision. This whole process has cost the club many thousands of dollars in promotional momentum, and put an extra question mark on the 'faith' of supporters.
  16. We might not have a large number of 'veteran' leaders, but Tom is hardly on his own as a driven kid determined to be his best. An Eth38 - it is closer to "Can anyone give me a quick kneecap". The evaluation - Scully goes to GWS. We get - 2 first round draft picks to use in any of the following five drafts. Presumably pole position to grab O'Meara for one of those floating picks, which GWS is very keen on having. The salary cap space to add $50k/year to the contract offers of TEN different players we are trying to retain. Eg. Martin. Gawn. Petterd. Trengove. Tapscott. Watts. Sylvia. Grimes. Frawley. Garland. A permanent vendetta against GWS to add to our cultural colour. Scully stays at MFC. We get - The most overrated and overpaid midfielder in the AFL. (Ooooh... harsh!)
  17. I've taken to calling him 'twinkletoes', in sheer shock that he has learnt to get some sidestepping and shimmying going instead of just crashing through. A player with a real drive to improve and probably our most consistent for the year. Glad he's in the formal leadership group as well as being a general leading presence.
  18. Had the same thought. I really feel for Tigers supporters. Everyone sold them a lot of hope and a lot of hype. I'm damn glad nobody did that to us. And I'm glad we don't go through their continuous cycle of new start, hope sold, disappointment, new start, hope sold...
  19. The detail that we could use the picks in any of the next five drafts is significant. Firstly, we can hold off this year and take more of an interest in 2012, when the first round will be half a dozen picks shorter without the GWS intrusion (obviously making mid/end first round picks earlier) and the draft pool is expected to be much much better. Secondly, we can hold onto a pick for aroudn 2014-15, and use it to give that extra little kicker in the search for the Selwood or Sidebottom ready-to-go first year player that can give a contender the advantage. Anyway, I believe that the Club's offer to Scully is substantial but not ridiculous, in the circumstances. I strongly hope it is hugely front-ended such that after a one-year spike (a 'loyalty bonus') it returns to something comparable to similarly important teammates. That helps to put the whole thing into the past quickly, and we can all get on with the fun stuff. Personally, I'm feeling reasonably comfortable that Scully will find the offer and future at the Demons an acceptable one.
  20. I'm comfortable with the notion of paying Scully 'over normal price' in the form of a one-year massive front-end to the contract which then leaves the remaining years on or about the level that an comparably performing player on our list would get. The front-end is a benefit to him, and I believe any player would be more comfortable knowing that he wasn't etting paid excessively for the same job his teammates were doing. Framed as a 'retention bonus', acknowledging that he has given up as much as $2m to stay with the club, I believe all parties can feel comfortable with the final result. The only person or organisation left with any stink on it is the AFL HQ for the all-round botched way they have gone about setting up GWS. Less extra investment in local Sydney clubs than in Israel Folau. Surely one maximises the other and both had to be done - Folau on his own won't convert 500,000 people!
  21. I hear the 2012 draft is a ripper. 30+ 'sure hit' players. I'm so excited that the Demons will be well placed to mine that draft with numerous end-of-first-round picks. Poor GWS gets a frayed dishrag of a draft to work with. Bwa HA HA HA HA HAAAAA
  22. Essendon have the bye in round 24. Real chance they'll be in the 8 at the start, and out at the end, with nothing to do but watch in horror. I for one wont miss the byes.
  23. At the moment Bennell is treading water in a wide ocean. He's not alone, so might not get eaten by sharks right away, but we'd be hoping that once he sees a couple of teamates get chewed up he get's in motion. I'd still hold a little hope for him, he has a whole lot of 'attributes' in his favour, but being consistently in our bottom six performers isn't a good place to be.
  24. Also, I remember a site called 'The drafter' previewing various players, with quite in-depth profiles. They also tried to summarise with 'a player the kid would be like if they turn out right'. For Tom Scully they had 'a zippier Simon Black' For Sam Blease they had 'Peter Matera'. The first call seems reasonable. I would probably vomit fairy dust of happy-joyness if the second call was good too! Anyway, go speedster!
  25. Nicholson, Scully, Bennell, Blease... I feel the need... the need for speed.
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