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Little Goffy

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Everything posted by Little Goffy

  1. We're looking good overall. I would be happy to see a 'full-size' 195cm+ defender added over the next year or two. That's probably what people are referring to when they suggesy we don't have a Gorilla keeper - we don't have any defenders over 193cm, unless you count Martin there, which I'll accept is a possibility. But Warnock and Rivers aren't kids and we may lose one or the other in three-to-five years, so a new 'gun quality' tall defender ought to be a target for the next couple of drafts.
  2. Hitting a punching bag, not a footy. It's very minor. No cast, will be back in action soon enough. Bum luck, but eh, he'll be right.
  3. We're 'short' one defender over 195cm. We have some great guys down there but no truly tall guy, and Warnock at FB is a bit older than the others and most likely will retire after his first or second premiership (likely as well as Rivers), while Frawls and Judy go on to a few more. So, draft priorities for next few years are - +1 absolute first rate >195cm defender. And then it's a matter of replacing any of the current list who don't quite make it, and to just keep on turning over the speculative picks to see if we can find a bonus.
  4. Yeah, me too, I think the club should really make an effort to keep 30,000 members informed of every minute detail going on because there are at least 100 who feel a need to know RIGHT NOW! RIGHT NOW DAMMIT! I WANT TO KNOW - WHO WE'RE DRAFTING BEFORE THE DRAFT, WHO IS INJURED BEFORE THE SCANS ARE FINISHES, EVERY MINOR HICCUP IN TRAINING, AND THE PERSONAL HISTORIES OF ALL PLAYERS. For the record, the guy in the sling was Strauss, who pranged his wrist during boxing and will be fine in no time.
  5. Ironically, he practically lost it for them with the rest of his game. But it is all past now, and never would have come up except for the unexpected win over Port putting us right on the line. But still, at Richmond.
  6. Gysberts the club simply rated highly, at a rung above all but a couple of other options, and we took him. Tapscott was at a very good 'price', Gawn also. It's possible that we'll end up with one of those 'all time great steals' with Fitzpatrick. He was in Champion Data's top25 at the start of the year, after all. I think this draft will go down as historic, a turning point where we cashed in on top picks, made good use of good picks, and got fantastic value from lower picks. Still fingers crossed that Juice or the Meese get picked up in the PSD (we are committed to MacDonald) so we can Rookie list Dylan Grimes (who would now be our next preference). Otherwise, we may have to trade Brad Miller t Gold Coast for Grimes and a pick next year .
  7. Well, if our midfield was incomplete before, it sure as hell isn't now! Plus two ruckman (one more of a forward-ruckman) added to the stock.
  8. Yep, that's basically the rub. Other than Butcher, whose kicking deficiencies were also noted, we didn't rate any talls as first round. We had Gysberts in mind as one of three options at 11, took him ahead of Lucas, with Melksham gone. It would have been a split decision even had Melkshan still been available. 188cm midfielder. Looked fairly lightly built at this stage but not skinny. Which reminds me - Blease was there, is still 'light' but obviously 'harder-bodied' than this time last year. Gysberts used to play basketball with Watts. Scully and Watts, as many of us know, used to play footy together. Trengove and Tapscott families are VERY close. As in, when Trengove knew he was going to the Demons, Tapscott told his parents he wanted to go to the Demons. And yes, Tapscott at 18 was a great value pick, with only Aaron Black being on our priority radar there as well. Black was there, I believe, so Tapscott was first choice. Followed by Max GAWN (sorry, gotta capitalise it), who was considered at 18 if other options were gawn (Connolly himself made the pun, I merely repeat it and take no responsibility). He slipped to 34 against expectations, and the club found itself in the terribly awkward situation that both of the players it had -hoped- would slide as far as 34 were still there - GAWN and Fitzpatrick. As we know, we grabbed GAWN and miraculously Fitzpatrick slipped to 50 as well. In short, we got what we were after. Other news... the club was interested in Grimes if a couple of other things hadn't panned out. Young Dylan has been very unlucky as we will be taking MacDonald with PSD1, and unless Newton or Mighty Meese get picked up somewhere, we have no available rookie spots. The story about MacKenzie voluntarily remaining on the rookie list to allow the club an extra draft pick really got the mood of the night going. What a champion! The Trengove family may even be more attractive than the Watts family. They are also all athletic/sports high achievers like the Watts, and I can see a serious contest between these two families at a club function in the near future. Final note - it was really, really visible that all of the families and the players were genuinely thrilled with how things had turned out. Especially the Trengoves (the Tapscotts were still in SA, but I imagine they did a fair amount of dancing and squealing at home).
  9. On a side note, as will have been mentioned by now in the draft event thread. The two key reasons we kept talking about Ball were 1. to see if we could fox another club into picking differently based on the belief that we were taking Ball at 18. And reason two... this is golden - 2. To get as many opportunities as possible to talk about how we have a fantastic list of young midfielders (i.e. 'Ball would be useful to help develop our fantastic group of young midfielders') I think this explains why it was starting to feel to me like we were talking about him as an assistant coach, he was never thought of as a player for us!
  10. I've got him at 188cm, but there's no doubt he's a the tall end of midfielders. Can get it, plus can use it. So he's one up on Mclean already! But we will have to wait and see, of course.
  11. Oooh, blatant baiting! Ok, I'll rise to it, though I'm not a 'ball-basher' except in your head "1. The line on "he doesn't want to come to us". As I said, we will never know the full truth in regards to this." Ok, a variation - he hasn't allowed us or any other club to conduct due diligence in assessing his medical situation, and has placed a frankly unreasonable price on his head for two years, with the implicit understanding that in a third year contract extension with Collingwood he would accept a minimal salary to bring the overall average rate down to reasonable levels. But this front loading is more like front F$^%^ for other clubs. Given the long history of chronic injury problems which ahs limited his output considerably for a number of years, the unavailability of medical checks make sit, in my opinion, irresponsible to draft him 'blind'. Which is exactly what he's relying on clubs thinking in order to get to Collingwood, of course. "2. The line about "his body wont last 3 years...blah, blah". Read the above link on Luke Molan, a former pick 9, INJURIES CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE!!!" The thing is, he's not in the 'can happen to' boat, he's in the 'already has holes in him' boat. To the point where his output it limited, and his longevity at AFL level is questionable. And, as mentioned, he hasn't been open with his medical situation. Finally, by the time the Demons are in premiership contention, he'll frankly be a minor cog. Lacks pace, lacks penetrating kicking, can't play high game time. All of which aren't going to improve as he ages. His leadership is the main argument remaining for getting him - but I can't say I'm a fan of importing leaders from elsewhere, and I do now think that in the likes of Davey, Moloney, Rivers we have mature players able to offer leadership, and that we also now have an exceptional group of leaders at the youngest age range. The perceived vacuum isn't really there; at least not to the point of spending a million dollars over two years on a 'playing assistant coach'. So my final words on Ball are - I simply don't see him as a part of the 'premiership journey'.
  12. HF/MID - various levels of roatation of course Bate, Sylvia, Trengove, Jetta, Maric, Petterd HB/MID - various levels of Rotation Grimes, Strauss, Blease, Bennell Followers & Wing- Moloney, Jones, Scully, Davey, Morton Plus taggers Bartram and Dunn, and the primarily forward pocket Wonaeamirri, and of course the occassional run on the wing from Watts, and back pockets like Cheney, Bell, Bail, to whatever extent you see their future. In amongst all that mix, it should be reasonably easy to find 12 quality players to run through the middle or play the tagging role. In fact, you line up all of them in their various parts of the field, we have more than covered the possibility that a few wont make it at all. In the short term, Bruce, McDonald and Green fills spots while development happens, and hopefully at least Green will still be with us for some years yet. Also, we're looking at four extra players from the draft, plus one PSD, next week. It's not like all five of them will be key position players. And next year, another four or so, and the year after that, another four. Even if only one good and one depth player come to us from those drafts to replace any of this wave of kids that simply aren't up to it, we'll be well and truly set long term. (time for a 'Jack Viney Grin', too)
  13. Yep, just food. And Shanghai you'll have some options because of the long-established internatoinal presence. That might be a bit expensive though. Come to think of it, Shanghai is supposed to be pretty expensive for China, if you're planning a trip you might want to move around a bit and only be in the city for a day or two. You'd also think there will be packages coordinated by the club, as the date approaches. Packages with Max Walker hosting, that sort of thing.
  14. This is absolute solid gold. To match it with the world expo, to be delivering such a huge piece of extra value to Kaspersky, to be the only game on at that time, at the end of a season which (we all know it) is going to have people beginning to look at us as a serious team again. Solid Gold. This certainly means that Kaspersky is getting the best value for money sponsorhsip service in the entire AFL. And other sponsors will notice that. I wonder what we can come up with as a bonus for Hankook?
  15. Got a message from the club by email today letting me know what kind of dates the actual mail-out of mermbership packs will happen. Good to see the club taking initiative and responding to an issue raised by supporters last season, about not knowing when their packs wold arrive and not getting quick confirmation that things were underway. Another tick for the new and continuously improving MelbourneFC.
  16. Our Danihers. I've watched and rewatched everything I could get of Dylan, which isn't a lot but does show enough to be clear that he's no spud and would be very, very unlucky to be in the 'delisting' basket after a couple of years. GREAT closing speed. Has a bit of initiative. Smart and will keep learning. You'd have to be confident he'd be around and contributing long enough to make sure there were at least two Grimes' names permanently inscribed on lockers in our changerooms. If you look at his little draft profile comments, he is one of very few who make a point of sayign they are passionate about the club they support, and exploring it further. I'd say worth pick 34, and let's be sure that if he's till there for us at 50 then it's significantly because of unspoken graciousness by 15 other clubs. It would actually be one of those little moments where 'football wins'.
  17. Hurrah! My booking has been confirmed. See you there, Wonnabeeri and others. Make sure you remember who you tipped in the nearest the pin. Winner gets no prize, but all the glory on the night. So nice of them to hold it when I was going to be in Melbourne anyway, too. Finally, anyone for a 'draft buzz-word' drinking game?
  18. I can confirm that Troy Taylor was interviewed at draft camp, so I guess that puts him on our radar. Given that I think he will slide, there is the remotest of remote possibilities he'll be there at 34 and we get to do a happy dance. But it's not likely and I think we might not go for him at 18. Fingers crossed, it would be extraordinary value.
  19. In so far are we're talking about someone 'sliding' from their perceived range to a lower pick... I'm gonna go with Troy Taylor. Some have him first round, some early second round. I think he'll drop a fair way because despite the excitement factor he is unlikely to be much in his first couple of seasons - he really struggled at draft camp, particularly with fitness tests, and will take some development. Bring that together with the -perceived- risk of misbehaviour or Rhan Hooper style AWOL incidents, and clubs may just keep going for the slightly safer option. I say perceived because my own reckoning is that he's a good kid at heart and with good support will work out just fine. When someone else consistently believes in him, it'll make a world of difference.
  20. Yeah, it's a shame that Collingwood got it's priority picks back in the days when you only had to fail one year. What did they get? Only Fraser, Didak and Pendlebury. Each time with the exact maximum number of wins to still be eligible. Right after playing finals, and strangely back in finals again right away. Cheaply 'earned' priority picks form the core of Collingwood's competitiveness. Add that to the first class facilties, extended coaching staff at premium wages, and soft fixtures, and it's a sure fire recipe for consistent not-quite-success If 'modern' Collingwood had any soul left, they'd be routine premiers. Instead they just deliver high-performance failure.
  21. Well, that does imply that Mclean is reasonably injury free now. And we've always known that Mclean is exceptional at sustaining a single pace for long periods. It's probably a good move, might extend Judd's career a little at the same time as testing our whether the Gibbs/Murphy/Mclean onball unit can do the job alone. Might mess around with plans to match up on Judd, too. This is exactly why Mclean might really be worth pick 11 to the Blues. Good luck to him. If he's really lucky the Blues will even get a premiership in before the Demons roll over the top. Also, Scully would have beaten them both. Not kidding or exaggerating. That's just what we're getting. Lap it up.
  22. I love the thought of having a regular pre-game 'rallying point'. Heading over for the game with a small, slightly familiar crowd would be like a miniature version of the Walk to the 'G event. I think it would be particularly good as a welcoming ritual for people travelling in from country areas or interstate too.
  23. Is it possible that we're looking at Tenace as a depth player primarily in a tagging role, with a little side hope that he will eventually improve the disposal? If Tenace were happy to put him self in some kind of hibernation chamber for three years, we'd probably think he was a handy pick up then, providing a reserve option behind the truckload of gun mids. But we probably wont look at him as a prospect for being a midfield regular, which may mean he misses out.
  24. The trouble with lining up Coleman Medals to Premierships is that it can work both ways for the argument - On the one hand, it definately shows that you don't have to have the leagues No. 1 goalkicker on hand to win a premiership. On the other hand, it might be seen to imply that having at least a second high quality target up forward, spreading the goals rather than focusing through a single target, might be worth something. Or, if you really wanna get stuck into it, you could argue that forwards working together effectively to use space, create one-on-ones and control the most dangerous areas is most important. In which case, I'd argue that we should draft a tall now so that these kids can work out their system together and develop it over the years. And go all out for the best forward line coach we can get. Someone who will teach unselfish play and smart cooperation. Anybody got some names worth thinking about? (I have no objection to Moloney, but lets think as if at square 1)
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