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Everything posted by praha

  1. Just curious, what was the crowd like?
  2. lol I had a feeling there would be a reference to Lost in there. Good read, thanks.
  3. I'm expecting 3-5 wins. I personally believe we'll end up with the same amount as wins next year, but I think our overall performances will be better. As long as we're competitive, that's all I care about at this stage. Play the youngsters. I can handle another year down the bottom. Question is, can the club?
  4. Thanks for this guys. Was hoping to go, but had work committments - hope they die down once the season starts. Thanks again. Too bad about Meeson.
  5. I don't normally get upset after pre-season games, but his performance was on pay with a majority of his performances in his career up to this point. So really, there are no excuses.
  6. Melbourne stooped so low in the last quarter that his ear drum couldn't handle the pressure in the dying minutes. They burst.
  7. i also noticed Sylvia laughing after the game and it got my blood boiling. He gets a healthy 4k pay cheque for the game, while I pay for his salary, only to see him laughing after a lost game. If I was on the coaching staff and I saw that, I'd lay into him. I was totally on Buckley's side when Fevola did it last year and Bucks laid into him. Same thing with Sylvia. Laughing and jeering with the opposition after a loss. Disgraceful.
  8. OK well I am off for a night on the booze to drown my sorrows. Godspeed, all!!
  9. I don't think we need a petition. He's mind is already there so half the work is done, especially if he goes willingly.
  10. I would otherwise say, "eh! It's just an NAB Cup match", but you're right - this game meant so much!
  11. Big time. Worst player at the club, with Bell a close 2nd.
  12. +1 Newton is a disgrace to the jumper. I can't believe they resigned this hack last year. He just doesn't want to be out there. Sylvia is a pretty boy and always will be. Saw him laughing afterwards. Bah! As for Miller, he needs to play as far up the ground as possible. I don't want him close to goals and wasting set shots. Put Bate, Green, Wonna and Davey in there and alternate Johnson and Jamar.
  13. Did we really expect any other result? lol I mean, Melbourne 30 points up at 3 quarter time is hardly in the bag.
  14. Yeah, good article. I really love the last paragraph. I hate the typical United or LA Lakers or West Coast Eagles fan. They don't know pain. They don't know what it's like to have nothing. There's no passion. Success is like going through the motions. It's not normal to not experience failure. You can't truly succeed if you don't fail beforehand.
  15. Was interested in going but can't because of work. I expect a full report though!
  16. I'll probably be at Lincoln Arms on Lincoln St. in Essendon if anyone is around there. Just look for someone with crunkled up TAB slips in his hands and bags under his eyes.
  17. I think a Melbourne team moving to the GC is more logical and realistic than a Melb North merger. Although I wouldn't rule either out by a long shot.
  18. I can't really think of many other players that would make the regular season squad. In other words, we're playing our best squad in the first round of the pre-season cup. Says a lot. But still, can't wait to see our young guns this year.
  19. Most of us here pay our memberships and go to the games. It really gets on my nerves when people say "let's take action". We can only do so much. Us turning up to games and getting our bums on seats really means nothing if the people at the game aren't new members and supporters. We go to the games. That's not the problem. Even if you get every member living in Melbourne to the games, it still won't make a difference. I pay my membership I go to the games. I donate my money and sometimes my time. Now, it's up to the people who run the club to get things done - manage the finances, get a sponsor, attract new members. In my 20 years as a member, I've never seen in off-field team really do that at the MFC. You say "it's up to me" or "let's do something about it" like it's so simple. Be a realist, because only when you acknowledge the problem can it be solved. The truth is, we, as members, can't keep this club floating on its own. Even if we get 30,000 members. We can only do so much. Going to games, paying membership is only a small part of it. You're totally underestimating how important it is to have a stable off-field environment. Each AFL club is no longer a football club - they're a business. 100% a business. You can be so successful on the field and with 40,000 members, but if you can't manage the team off-field, you're gone. It doesn't matter if you get 50,000 to every home game. Look at Collingwood. The loss they had this year. McGuire admitted that it was because of poor business decisions. Yet, their members do a lot of what you're telling us to do - go to games and get bums on seats. That's not what it's about anymore. It definitely helps to get bums on seats, big crowds and big numbers, but that's really only a drop in the pond. If you have dimwits working in the office, us being at the games really won't make a difference. So yes, right now, I want other people to solve the situation because I've done my part and so have many others. The only people that care are the people that pay their money and go to the games. I want the people who are supposed to run the club to do their job.
  20. Anyone who compared a Premier League team with an AFL team in any light is kidding themselves. Firstly, Premier League teams don't even really need sponsorship - they get substantial funds from television rights (which are international) as well as ticket prices, which are substantially higher than ours. Also, I believe they get a guaranteed figure? Something in the $4-5 Million range. History also shows that once you make it to the Premier League, money rolls in. Then you can add on a sponsor, which, depending on the team, can be substantially higher than any deal any AFL club could ever get. Melbourne need a sponsor. Under no circumstances can we survive without one. People seem to be underestimating the damage playing even one game without a sponsor will do. If we begin the season without one, we are in strife...if we aren't already. Sponsors pretty much pay weekly, or every time the players walk our with apparel that has the sponsor logo on it, as well as sponsorship placement around the ground at our home games. What's going to make up for those lost funds? We're already running at a loss... We're going to be playing at the MCG with no sponsorship around the stands. We're going to be a laughing stock. Don't worry about only the financial circumstances. Imagine how we're going to look on a public front and to possible future members in "our" new home at Casey. If we don't have a sponsor by the start of the season, questions need to be answered. I understand that times are tough with the financial crisis and the bushfires atm, but really, we should have had one shortly after primus jumped ship. And I mean, how can there not be ONE damn company in the entire WORLD with even small stakes in Australia that want to sign up? What about the supposed "recession proof" entertainment industry? JB Hi-Fi has announced record profits and expect a big Q1 for 2009. This is amid a possible recession and package from the government. It's really annoying me. I'm working in an industry that is flourishing and I know for a fact that not all industries are struggling. It's really getting on my nerves now.
  21. Well, technically, we cheated as well in 97-99 in acquiring Jeff White, so we really can't be pointing fingers at successful clubs for "cheating", when, really, no punishment = no crime and I don't see Hawthorn getting put under investigation.
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