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Everything posted by praha

  1. They should just name is "Full Frontal: The Next Generation".
  2. Pretty boy and always will be. Loves the night-life but is just a moron. And lied about it, which proves his guilt. Unless he is super this year, trade him and end it for him.
  3. Gonna head down there on Saturday.
  4. Up there with our finals win over Carlton in 1994 and our win against the Eagles at Subi in 98. Great moments in our history.
  5. I'm going to head down there to check the game out. Haven't been to a practice match in years. What's the go with entry? Can I get in with my AFL Members pass?
  6. Just curious, what was the crowd like?
  7. lol I had a feeling there would be a reference to Lost in there. Good read, thanks.
  8. I'm expecting 3-5 wins. I personally believe we'll end up with the same amount as wins next year, but I think our overall performances will be better. As long as we're competitive, that's all I care about at this stage. Play the youngsters. I can handle another year down the bottom. Question is, can the club?
  9. Thanks for this guys. Was hoping to go, but had work committments - hope they die down once the season starts. Thanks again. Too bad about Meeson.
  10. I don't normally get upset after pre-season games, but his performance was on pay with a majority of his performances in his career up to this point. So really, there are no excuses.
  11. Melbourne stooped so low in the last quarter that his ear drum couldn't handle the pressure in the dying minutes. They burst.
  12. i also noticed Sylvia laughing after the game and it got my blood boiling. He gets a healthy 4k pay cheque for the game, while I pay for his salary, only to see him laughing after a lost game. If I was on the coaching staff and I saw that, I'd lay into him. I was totally on Buckley's side when Fevola did it last year and Bucks laid into him. Same thing with Sylvia. Laughing and jeering with the opposition after a loss. Disgraceful.
  13. OK well I am off for a night on the booze to drown my sorrows. Godspeed, all!!
  14. I don't think we need a petition. He's mind is already there so half the work is done, especially if he goes willingly.
  15. I would otherwise say, "eh! It's just an NAB Cup match", but you're right - this game meant so much!
  16. Big time. Worst player at the club, with Bell a close 2nd.
  17. +1 Newton is a disgrace to the jumper. I can't believe they resigned this hack last year. He just doesn't want to be out there. Sylvia is a pretty boy and always will be. Saw him laughing afterwards. Bah! As for Miller, he needs to play as far up the ground as possible. I don't want him close to goals and wasting set shots. Put Bate, Green, Wonna and Davey in there and alternate Johnson and Jamar.
  18. Did we really expect any other result? lol I mean, Melbourne 30 points up at 3 quarter time is hardly in the bag.
  19. Yeah, good article. I really love the last paragraph. I hate the typical United or LA Lakers or West Coast Eagles fan. They don't know pain. They don't know what it's like to have nothing. There's no passion. Success is like going through the motions. It's not normal to not experience failure. You can't truly succeed if you don't fail beforehand.
  20. Was interested in going but can't because of work. I expect a full report though!
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