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Everything posted by Longsufferingnomore

  1. The Club has confirmed that the training session on the 18th will now commence at 9.45am and end at 11.30am. Sausages will be sizzling and coffee brewing before training starts. Hopefully everyone is aware of the parking limitations around Gosch's Paddock.
  2. I think the Club is off to Queensland early January for training but I am unsure as to exactly when so best ring the Club - 1300 336 667. Hopefully you can make your way up to Queensland with your son.
  3. For all who are interested, there will be a Club Sponsored BBQ at Gosch's Paddock on the 18th December to celebrate the last training for 2015. Training is expected to start at 9.30am and finish at 12 or 12.30. This is a great opportunity to bring the kids to watch training, have a coffee and relax. Hopefully the kids will wear their guernseys and make it a fun day. Any queries either post here or contact the Club on 1300 336 667
  4. Or maybe it comes from the Westpac Centre. A bit of payback. Just wait until Queens Birthday!
  5. I believe max into the ground is 8000 and after playing our first game away there should be good crowd there. I think the Club/AFL were advising members that if there are more than 8000 you may not get entrance to the ground. So you should (if they are still available) by a $6.00 ticket from Ticketek (I think) which will ensure that you get in - just quote your membership number.
  6. If you want to go the Ballarat game, the Club are suggesting that it might be best to book your ticket at Ticketmaster/Ticketek quoting your membership number - presuming you are a member.The ground has very limited capacity and it is expected that a big crowd will be there.
  7. I have to ask the question why did Caro suddenly jump on the bandwagon when this broke. Ah yes she had heard there was dissension between the two. What a joke. I thought her anti MFC phase had passed. She will find some dirt if we start winning a few games and overtake her beloved Tiges.
  8. I suggest next time you are at training and see our President there you should take the time to go and have a chat to him. A very friendly, personable and passionate Melbourne person. We were all happy that we never heard from our Board. They allowed PJ the freedom to carry out the task he had set out to complete. We are so far ahead of where we were 3 years ago both administratively and in a playing sense. This may not have transferred itself to wins but this could only have happened if PJ had the confidence of the Board and was allowed to make the changes that he has made. Saying that though I would feel more comfortable if we knew if there was a timeframe for PJs tenure at the Club.I hope there isn't but I think we are all a little unsure because of his initial statements when he first arrived at the Club. No member of a football Club would ever question how long a CEO was staying. There are no limits really but because there is a belief that he was helicoptered into the MFC by the AFL we supporters and others naturally believe there is a time frame. There might have been initially but maybe he has just fallen for the Club that he was to steer out the quagmire. I hope that Demondame is right and there is no truth to the rumour because with a bit of luck we are on the move and it is because of the stability of the Board and PJ's belief in the Club.
  9. TDI, did Frost's hammy look a bad tear or just a tweak.
  10. we were told Nov last year that EFC would not be playing NAB games. This is not just some last minute decision that they have made. I am just wondering what were the AFL imposed outcomes if EFC did not play.
  11. Yes they do. We all exist only because of Co$$$$$wood.
  12. She wont be riding up the pointy end for much longer .....
  13. I think you are being a little harsh on Jack G. He is held in very high esteem by the other players hence part of the reason why he is in the leadership group.
  14. I think this was part of the initiative at Maroochydore - to build confidence in all the players that they have each other's back. In other words a confidence that each player will play their role. Only time will tell.
  15. I have heard that Lawyers for Hird have sought leave to have it heard at the High Court. WJ and Mr Leg can correct my very poor legal wording. Apparently it doesnt cost that much maybe $2000 plus legal fees another $3000. I believe it is up to the Hight Court whether they approve "leave". If approved then his legal fees go up massively. It could be heard within12 months. I dont understand how the High Court can accept the Hird camp's request given that the first Judge was so definite in his judgement and the last three were even more so. My source did say it was a stalling mechanism on the part of Hird and TH. To what end I am trying to fathom. Maybe as the cost is very limited in comparison to his current legal debts Hird could change his mind at any time. The more legal minded fraternity here could confirm if there are other costs if he decides not go ahead with the challenge. If the High Court leave is rejected, I am confused as to whom or what authority will deal with Hird as the AFL/ASADA are dealing with the players. Is it possible that Hird gets away with his 12 month sojourn in France as his penalty and the players receive suspensions.
  16. When the "sackee" has so much info on the "sacker" that he has become untouchable. Unfortunately for this "sackee" he is now virtually untouchable as an AFL coach for obvious other reasons.
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