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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. Piss the AFL off before the investigation has even started - good plan. Why not give it the opportunity to blow over on its own first? BTW, I believe the club should make a statement to or about Gardner, but that's a story for a different time I think.
  2. Precisely. So much getting knickers twisted over so little substance. This all stems from a dumb comment from a dumb footballer that had words put in to his dumb mouth by a couple of parasites sitting on a couch. Those who want our senior management to "come out swinging" want them to swing at phantoms. And as rpfc said (in the other thread?), the wording of the statement is subtly clever. It implies the AFL are investigating Brock McLean, not the MFC.
  3. Anderson has the same driver to make it go away as Vlad.
  4. Yencks? Was a very regular poster once (posted as "Nugget Jones"). Haven't seen him around for ages, though the account is still active apparently. Edit: How about that? From the 2009 version of this very thread. http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/16202-mcc-committee-election/
  5. It's a relief to know that in 9 pages of this thread, we've arrived at the same point I posted in post #3.
  6. Nothing will happen as nothing will have changed. As always one loss or one win in isolation mean nothing at all.
  7. As soon as I saw the thread title, I knew you were going to say "this season to end". I couldn't agree more. It's the longest, most drawn out car crash I've ever witnessed. And unlike yourself Jarka I'm not at all sorry for saying it.
  8. Same. Nice to see we've got some ex-players with at least half a brain. We didn't throw matches. We didn't organise players to miss goals, give away free kicks or use the ball badly (they did that all on their own). Winning wasn't the top priority, but that's nothing new in football. It's no different to clubs that can't make the eight sending all their "not quite fit" players in for surgery early to get a head start on the pre-season. I did like this bit of the article though: lol. Good one Robbo. I can just hear him saying, "I don't want to comment because I'm an employee of the club and I don't want to get sacked". Ok! Apparently just a "no comment" is not sufficient.
  9. Sorry that the club lost a(nother) sponsor. Not sorry that particular business went belly up. Disappointed that the club seems to be proficient in attracting dud sponsors. I think that about covers it.
  10. So the rumour goes. If it's true, it might go some way to explaining why we had to pluck someone out of our own crew to fill the spot. It puts us in a tight spot - we've gone after one of the best in the business, but can't get him until next year. We have to do something in the mean time and I doubt any decent candidate is going to want to sit in the chair for one year while we wait for the next bloke to arrive. It is unfortunate that we've got a "temporary" guy doing the job in such a bloody critical draft. I'm not so worried about the Jack thing, I reckon Todd will do the right thing there, but by Dog I hope Todd and his team don't stuff the early picks.
  11. Keep your pants on buddy, there's not a hope in the world that is going to happen.
  12. Demetriou said tanking doesn't exist. I highly doubt the man with an ego the size of his pay packet is going to be forced in to doing any back flips any time soon. It's also going to be impossible to prove anything conclusively.
  13. I'm still weeping terribly over Addam Maric and Brad Miller. How did so many of our ... ahem.. players manage to find new homes?
  14. By my calcs, since he was picked for his first game in round 17 2006, he's missed a total of 6 games. Less than one a season on average. 33 Wins. 3 Draws. 93 Losses. Ouch.
  15. I complained last year. I haven't complained at all this year. It's hard to believe he only turned 24 this year. It feels as if he's been around so long that it's easy to get confused and think that he's part of the problem, when in reality from day one he's had to carry far more than his fair share of load. His best footy is still probably 3 years off. I reckon Clint made a good point about his durability too. In a world where all of our young guns seem to be built of tissue paper, he's barely missed a game since he walked in the door.
  16. I definitely would prefer Richmond to win. They're irrelevant as a club, despite what they think. Carlton are smarmy, rich, cheating *somethings* who deserve every bit of pain and embarrassment they get.
  17. I get bored watching us dish up the same stuff week on week, so I turn the TV off. Then I can't bear to not know what's happening, so I turn it back on again. That's been my last few weeks. It's probably different for people who go each week. I think what keeps me going is not loyalty, but the fear that when the "happiness train" arrives that it will leave without me. I could withdraw my emotional investment, but I choose not to, because I want to be able to truly enjoy the moment when it comes and I don't think I could if I dumped the club during the hard times. Every bit of pain is a credit in the bank that I intend to reclaim when success comes. It better bloody come.
  18. Maybe you and Tone can join forces and start forming your ticket to challenge the board.
  19. Any thoughts on Evans coming in? Is he eligible to play? My memory of his first few matches (which seem like a lifetime ago now) were of him being a quick player who ran to the right places, so he found himself on the receiving end of the ball a lot. It would be fair to say we could use a player or two with those traits.
  20. Yes - we won't bother this thread with this line of "discussion" any more. My apologies for the disruption.
  21. Piss off mate, I don't constantly refresh these threads waiting for you to ask me questions. Four minutes passed between your question and your demand for an answer.
  22. I use my discretion. What you posted is basically the same as what you had already posted in this thread. We don't need a new thread for each and every one of your one idea.
  23. Did Evans play today? How did he go? Probably one of the more interesting players to have lined up today, most of the rest (from the named lineup) are very ho-hum.
  24. Thanks for the input, tone. Use the other thread.
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