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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. What the heck does any of that have to do with Lawrence? He was drafted for a mandatory two years and wouldn't have been retained anyway.
  2. Reports of his severe home sickness were coming out of the club since day 1. Well done for sticking it out (mostly) for the duration of your commitment. Top level footy isn't for everyone.
  3. Do you deliberately misrepresent people's views, or do you just not understand what people are saying most of the time?
  4. I must admit I didn't see today's game, but what does Dunn offer in the back-line that makes him keepable? In my mind based on observations in recent weeks, once we've got a fullish side to choose from he'd be competing with Joel Macdonald for the one spot. Maybe I'm being blindsided by my own prejudice, but I don't know that I could ever fully trust Dunn to compete 100% all the time; I don't feel the same way about Macdonald although obviously he's NQR in his own way (i.e. average disposal and one every eight games or so he'll outdo himself for genuinely terrible performances). Still feels like choosing between a turd salad and a turd sandwich. Dunn's strung a few good games together; well and good; he did that once before and followed it up with a year and a half of complete cow-pat. It'd take a lot to convince me that he's worth keeping.
  5. I just meant that the panic stations is just coming (as always) from a few nuffies on the periphery and I reckon all clubs have members who flip their wig over nothing. You seemed to be suggesting otherwise. Anyway, small fry issue. I agree that he's still in the "could be" rather than "is" basket.
  6. A handful of posters wetting themselves about whether we'll keep him is hardly "panic stations at Melbourne".
  7. Barry Prendergast was on record in saying that he believed the FD were playing Jetta in the wrong position, and that he thought he viewed Jetta as an inside midfielder. I guess that somewhat supports what you're saying.
  8. For me it's never been a question of what he offers. He offers guts, aggression and hard work. The question's always been is having better than most G&D, but without speed, size or class, enough? I think that it is, at least in the current climate.
  9. The club who holds the contract has to agree! Why would the MFC agree?
  10. It's a pretty flimsy thing to base your view off though. I work in a trading office, and if our blokes traded purely on the back of what their rivals said - well, I wouldn't have a trading office to work at anymore. What would happen to your view if the chief recruiter at Sydney then piped up and goes "no way, we wouldn't touch him with a barge pole"? We (the club) form our own view of Gysberts, and we're better positioned than any other club to do so because we watch him at training, we have all his test results and measurements, and we initimately know what he can do. My gut feel is that the club will close the door on him, but that's just gut feel - the club will know whether it can solve Gysberts problems or not. I'm not sure why you have taken it as a given that his fitness problem can be solved; there's the possibility it can't and it's not remote. What I do know though is that it will not pay one iota of attention to whatever noises Stephen Wells makes.
  11. I am. The biggest question mark has got to be whether he actually can build up the required fitness, especially when he's spent so much of his career injured (bad lack of broken jaw notwithstanding). I reckon he's further behind schedule than you seem to think.
  12. By the way Bail was brought straight in to the side when he finally passed the concussion test, I'd say Neeld is a fan. I'm surprised he's rushing to sign Spencer, but as I've said before he's aggressive and has a dip; perhaps in the current environment that's enough - Bail probably falls under that banner too. No mention of Fitzpatrick either.
  13. Well said. The invention of rules is what irks me more than anything else.
  14. Exactly sue. The number of people on this site who don't understand the difference between a reason and an excuse has been a bugbear of mine for years.
  15. I doubt anyone needs a reminder that our captains are just babies, but this point really drives it home. Especially when in my mind Grimes is the "senior" captain but has played 5 less matches than his younger co-captain. Best of luck in your 50th Jack.
  16. Malthouse also imported a heap of senior players in his next year like Shane Wakelin, Andrew Williams, Chad Rintoul and so forth. Neeld will (or in my opinion, should) be looking to import senior players in a similar way where possible. There's definitely a lot of similarities between the two situations.
  17. I think the word you're after there is 'integrity', WYL, but I agree.
  18. Thread cleaned a little. I've left the robbiefrom13/Range Rover banter in because although it's probably misplaced in this thread, it's probably a topic worthy of discussion. The Hardnut/Range Rover stuff is gone, because it turned in to what it always does, petty, boring, ridiculous point scoring that was (again) making the thread unreadable.
  19. It's not a choice between Green or Bate and/or Petterd. The latter two should be gone, then what to do with Green is a third decision on top.
  20. Unpredictable as it may be, my head will hit the desk hard if Dunn isn't delisted. I'd accept Joel Macdonald playing one extra season. To me he is and always has been a year by year proposition - I think he's not that great a player but he's always genuinely competitive (unlike Dunn), so I think for a developing side he's probably adequate until he is unseated by someone superior. I was hopeful that would be Davis this year, but he hasn't come on yet. I think the case for keeping Macdonald and the case for delisting him have equal merit and it'll just boil down to how many spots we feel we want to clear.
  21. That's one hell of an injury list. Actually, it looks familiar...
  22. Exactly. It's as Chook in Perth said, you're either confident in Schwab or you're not; it's that black and white (or is that red and blue?). There's no such thing as "we back Schwab unless someone better is available".
  23. He's played fewer games than ol' Lynden who is an absolute monty to be delisted.
  24. My post had 10 "likes" so I assume that those 10 people (at least) felt the same way I did. Like I said, I was grateful for the win and it was definitely a relief (a loss would've been a PR disaster), but the standard of the game was diabolical and I find that hard to get excited about. It's not about whether a 'W' or a 'L' appears in the result column - I've been satisfied with losses and disappointed with wins before. In this case I was neither satisfied nor disappointed, I was just bored. Just like the last 5 weeks. No doubt there were plenty of positives to take away from the game which others have covered, and I completely agree with many of them, but at the end of the day the quality of football we've played this year has completely flattened me emotionally and this game was no different. And Dunn showed some mongrel? Forgive me for not doing backflips about that.
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