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Everything posted by w00dy

  1. i think you have till mid june to buy a membership? not completely sure though... but you still definately have some time...
  2. would he be too old for us? given what we'd need to give up? love to see him in the red and blue, but would he still be in his prime when we're looking to challenge for a flag?
  3. great news about wheels, will be welcome in our backline... question about valenti, i've never remembered him kicking a lot of goals... is something he's just added to his game? barry do you think he should've been promoted ahead of wonaemerri? i do, however I guess the match committee were after a certain type of player...
  4. he probably recorded a stream from the afl website... so it wouldn't be available to download anywhere else...
  5. here is a list of players we drafted in the national draft between 1998 and 2001... 2001: Luke Molan Steven Armstrong Aaron Rogers Brad Miller 2000: Scott Thompson (traded for B.Moloney) Daniel Breese Ross Funcke 1999: Brad Green Paul Wheatley Michael Clark Matthew Whelan Shannon O'Brien Cameron Bruce 1998: Chris Lamb Luke Speers Luke Taylor these four years of drafting are what have hurt us... i know we did well in the rookie draft during this period, however you have to do better in the national draft than we did... 1999 is the only passable year... i think we've drafted well since 2002, and hopfully those players will help us get out of this horrible slump sooner rather than later, as they're entering the prime of their careers... however we're currently paying for our poor drafting during this period...
  6. how much will we be paying? $10? worth getting on?
  7. that we're going to be paying record odds next week against geelong? gotta be paying at least $6, should be around $10...
  8. i agree it's a big year for Col... no excuses this year, has a pre season behind him, i think we could see some great things from him...
  9. i'd be very disappointed if we moved into casey completely... and to be honest, once the new stadium is completed, i don't think we should train there at all... all our great facilities will be at the olympic park precinct, we will have an oval that is available 12 months of the year which eliminates the need for a summer training base... richmond are training in cragieburn over summer because the cricket club play cricket at punt road over summer... why would we want to downgrade over summer? if you ask me the MFC are playing this really well... we need a training base now, and casey will give us that... we're throwing the idea of moving there permanently to get the best deal for us over the next two years, till our stadium is ready, then we're out of there...
  10. I bought my membership at the gate for the first time last week, normally i get it in the pre season... they said i'd receive my card in the post during the week, but it hasn't shown up... will i be able to collect it at the ground tomorrow?
  11. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/sport/afl...2-19742,00.html well it seems as if it will be happening... i really hope once the new stadium is built we move in there full time... there will be no need to train at casey when we have an oval right next to the stadium which is available all year round...
  12. good again from g. lyon tonight on the footy show... stating how talks of melbourne merging/relocating were just ridiculous and the club is not going anywhere...
  13. i agree, he's a better player now, the best forward in the comp... but buddy will continue to get better, and he's much younger than J.Brown who turns 27 this year, buddy is only 21...
  14. i thought wheatley was one of our better players last week... and for valenti to be promoted, someone needs to be put on the long term injury list, or retire for there to be room on the list... unfortunately barring an injury, i don't think we'll see him in the red and blue until next season...
  15. i think it is a good call to leave rivers out for one more week... the doggies don't have many tall players down back, he's probably a team we could afford to play without him... and didn't brad miller play a good game in defence against the dogs?
  16. trying to make some sense of these decisions... well each player has been dropped for a like replacement... Petterd -> Bartram: will play across half back Moloney -> Sylvia: will play in the guts Yze -> Dunn: will play midfield/forward i didn't think ricky played well last week, so i can understand them wanting him to get a run in the 2's... moloney i don't have a clue, why he got dropped... and yze didn't play well, but it's also a message to the playing group that no one is safe... however I think the three ins will bring a lot to the team, looking for good games from Sylvia and Dunn...
  17. buddy franklin is the best young talent in the comp for mine... if i could choose any player to steal from another team, i think it would be him... he's tall, lightning quick on the lead, and has the strength to win the contested mark, the perfect forward... and he's only going to get better...
  18. silly idea... would be a waste of time... if there is going to be a suburban ground revamped to cater for smaller crowds it would be optus oval... remember the crowds we drew when we were forced to play home games there? not going to happen... the AFL take ownership of the dome in 17 years, which would make this new stadium obselete, as it will then be affordable for clubs to play at the dome with small crowds...
  19. i can't believe we're already focusing on this kid... you can't write the season off in one game... from reading on bigfooty i get the feeling opposition have more faith in our team than we do...
  20. did anyone see footy classified tonight? a couple of things G Lyon said tonight which would interest people... the first one was he defended the club tonight. Hutchy said that we were the next Fitzroy as far as the shape of the club, and Gary put him in his place pretty quick smart, describing the statement as "Sensationalist", noting how we've recently wiped half our debt. Admitted we weren't in the best shape and things need to improve, but we're far from panic stations yet as Hutchy tried to "sensationalise". the second issue was Caro and Hutchy asked him if he would become president of the MFC... he all but ruled it out, stating that he was not the type of person who could be chairman of a football club... he said he didn't have the skills, he spoke his mind too much, would not be able to negotiate and liase with people like the chairman of a football club should... he saw his valuable skills in the football domain, and said he was currently contributing to the club in the manner which he feels he can best contribute... it was illuded to by the other members of the panel that he would/could help heal the many riffs that exist between different stakeholders of the MFC...
  21. glad to hear Dunn played well... really hope he gets a run next week... even though it doesn't look like a great year for the MFC, i really think he'll have a good one personally...
  22. my biggest positive was having buddy franklin in my dream team...
  23. yeah, when he had the delivery, the pressure was off our midfield and they finally delivered to him... the midfield was under too much pressure throughout most of the game and they didn't give him a chance...
  24. but it wasn't as if we were just beaten by a better side today... the effort just wasn't there from our players, that was the problem...
  25. wasn't angry, just very disappointed... quite a measured interview... summed up our performance in a rational fashion... as i said, just very disappointed...
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