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Everything posted by w00dy

  1. jonesy was getting towelled up by crowley, so they moved him to the forward line in an effort to free him up from crowley, as I'm sure Bailey assumed they would move crowley back in the middle to tag someone else, and just play a defender on jones... However they kept Crowley on him, so that was a win, having the opposition's best tagger playing in the back pocket. To keep it that way they decided to sacrifice Jones' game and keep him in the forward pocket for the team, and I think it was good coaching. If crowley leaves him for another opponent, then you put him back in the middle.
  2. i don't think the coaching staff would've been too distressed to have crowley manning up jones in a back pocket... the smart play from freo would've been to have him go back into the middle and have a go at someone else... poor coaching from Harvey...
  3. sorry, but I have to say you're wrong... It wasn't purely and simply the difference in today's game. Moloney was stupid in the first quarter just blazing away when we had our players outnumbered and turning the ball over. You're one of those supporters who boos when we chip the ball around aren't you? The long kicking which was effective in the second half was a consequence of the rest of our game plan working. The players were running in numbers and providing options down the field, allowing our players to kick to a target. The long kicks were simply a consequence of these things. If all the players kicked long in the first half like Moloney did in the first half we would've been down by 100 at half time. Having said that, was a fantastic win!
  4. there were a lot of people who called for it... both players were very important for us in winnig the game today, a game we wouldn't have won if they was dropped like so many people called for... so, who wanted them out... come forward...
  5. your name is certainly fitting
  6. i really like that article... not so much the marquee player side of it, but it shows how mcnamee is working to improve our position... this channel 7 thing seems interesting, unprecedented access to the changerooms before the game... i assume this will be for tomorrow's game... I'll be at the G, but I might record it at home...
  7. i'm not going to name a trade we should make... trades listed by most people are ridiculous and one sided... fev for carroll and pick 17? please... but a player i think we should target is Tim Boyle. Hawthorn would never get rid of Buddy or Roughead, but Boyle will always struggle to fit into a forward line with Franklin, Williams, Roughead, Rioli... Think he could be really good for our forward line, and is a player hawthorn would consider trading.
  8. Well it's pure speculation on my behalf, but you've identified the two reasons why I think we are interested in Casey above. Points 2 and 3. A lack of venue for training over summer in the short term (next two summers) and looking for a way of expanding our membership and supporter base. These are our incentives for moving to Casey. The only reason we wouldn't be based in the precinct all year round once the stadium is finished is for the second reason above, an effort to create revenue streams from having some presence in the Casey area. Again this is just speculation on my behalf, but it all makes sense.
  9. very good question... I think I know why. What do you think? If they shared the concerns you do, then why would they want to train at the Olympic Park precinct at all?
  10. One of the main reasons for this move into the new stadium is to have the entire club in one location. Currently our administration facilites are in the MCG, while our football department is at the Junction Oval, an arrangement which I'm sure costs us money. Having the football department at the new stadium and the football department at Casey would just create one of the problems we're trying to solve. So... no the club wouldn't do that. The players won't have to run up Swan street as you say. They have a 200 metre walk and don't even go near Swan Street. Collingwood currently walk 600-700 metres to train on Gosch's Paddock, obviously the reason why they are so keen on Olympic Park. If they can manage to do that, I'm sure we would be able to handle a 200 metre walk through the car park and park area. I'm sure if you asked the players they'd prefer a 200 metre walk than trek out in their cars three times a week to Cranbourne. CLICK HERE for a map that will show you the precinct and the distances we're talking about. It won't be THEIR stadium as you say, it will be OUR stadium, belonging to the Storm, the Demons and the Victory. Fish out of water? I think not. What difference does it make of the shape? We won't use the surface of the rectangular stadium, but we will belong there as much as the Storm or Victory. We will have state of the art gym and fitness facilities to use inside, our administration right next door, a recently upgraded training oval of our own just 200 metres down the road. It will be OUR home. As for Eddie and Collingwood getting Olympic Park, that's life. That's an option we can't afford, just like we couldn't afford the Lexus Centre and they could. Ideally we would get that oval, but because we can't doesn't change the fact that this setup is still a fantastic setup, and will be one of the best in the competition. As I said in my previous post, I don't mind you being positive about what Casey has to offer, and trying to promote it to us, but don't make baseless claims about our club's future home.
  11. it's meant to be, but it's a significant part of the game that we're not executing... we turn the ball over quite often because we don't have options down the field to kick the ball to... this is due to players not running into space... so when they do this, we move the ball much better, but they're just not doing it often enough...
  12. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/sport/afl...0-19769,00.html Well someone finally came out and said it ... at least they know where they've been going wrong the last 6 weeks ... gives me some hope they're going to fix it at some stage.
  13. very surprised to see bell dropped... although I'm not completely surprised... has no awareness when he has the ball, and I think this would be very important in the way bailey wants the team to play... good to see bate back in, and really sucks to lose Col. Sylvia to a hammie...
  14. Just that they want to make sure they sell the tickets so they've opened up a new bracket in pricing. This seating will be "non-preferred" but all seating in the crown palladium will be fine. Also all "preferred seating" tables will have a club player or "hero" this isn't a feature of the non-preferred seating. The club has done it's best to make this seating affordable as they can, but the cost of putting the event on is considerable, given the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra will be performing and it is held in the Crown Palladium, so while it is still quite expensive, the night should be an amazing one. Before I spoke to him, I set myself a limit that I was willing to pay, which was $300. But I think I'm going to cop the extra $50 and attend. There will never be a Melbourne FC function like this again, so I really don't want to miss it.
  15. see edited post at the top... different seating available at $350...
  16. good news too is that JB mentioned that we ticked over 26,000 members this week, which is good to hear...
  17. haha, i've got a laptop and wireless router, so i have a bit of an advantage as i can start a thread and continue to sit on the couch
  18. gave the club a plug for membership... all the players are in the primus call centre calling members yet to have signed up from last season... they interviewed the boys, nath was very nervous... sam was giving a bit about being nervous, got him up to read sam's mailbag... quite funny to be honest...
  19. as you can imagine, and as the guy said to me on the phone, a number of the 150 heroes would be "struggling a bit" to be in attendance due to the fact that they would've had to have lived to the age of somewhere between 90 - 170.... plus a lot of the older heroes won't be up to hosting a table, so it would be the younger ones and more prominent listed players you would think...
  20. you still bothering with all your biased comments? i don't mind you talking positively about the opportunities at casey, but you use every opportunity you can the diss our new home, and i'm sure it's due to your casey bias more than anything else... the MFC will never completely relocate to Casey... don't try and convince us to leave our heartland in Melbourne, that we won't fit in a rectangular stadium, unless you can actually give some substance to your opinions other that your casey bias
  21. i included in my email that I had a concession 11 membership, hoping he might work out I'm a Uni student and probably can't afford $500, and possibly help me out... instead he told me that if i get a table of 10 people together for $5000 we'd get a player hosting our table...
  22. I emailed the club last night just asking for information about the 150 Heroes dinner. I received a phone call this morning outlining the details of what's happening, so I thought I'd share them with everyone here, as I don't think we're entirely aware of all the details. There is a large amount of footage collated, similar to what is contained on the TV advertisment I'm sure we've all seen, which will be shown at the dinner. The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra has created the score for the footage, and will also be performing at the dinner. Interviews will be done with many of the 150 legends in attendance, the interviews conducted by teammates or fellow Melbourne personalities to give a more interesting personal interview. Many past players will be attending, so it is a great opportunity to meet and mingle with Melbourne greats. Tickets are $500. If you organise a table of 10, your table will also be allocated one of the 150 legends in attendance or a current listed player. This is a one off event, nothing will be held like it again, or at least not for a very long time. I don't think I'll be attending unfortunately. If it were in a couple of years time when I was no longer a Uni student and earning $50k - $60k rather than $10k - $15k I would be there in a heart beat. I guess it's just not to be. *edit* just received a call from my contact at the club. there is a new price bracket opened up for the event. $350. this is considered "non-prefferential seating* (which i'm sure at the crown palladium there is no bad seating) and means you won't get a "hero" or current player on your table... definately thinking about this now...
  23. well thank god you're not running our club... i'm not sure what they're going to find... given naita can qualify for the fijian olympic team in the high jump, they're is obviously not many others over there that have his freakish athleticism... there may be some other good athletes, i doubt they're going to find another naita though...
  24. the consequence is only delisted players could nominate for the national draft, if a player couldn't come to terms with their club, then they would have to wait for the PSD... now they have the option of nominating for the national draft too...
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