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Everything posted by w00dy

  1. somehow i don't think you will... tickets are $500... a lot for a dinner, especially one where you don't even follow the club... if it were in 2 years time, and i was working, and wasn't a poor uni student, I'd go along to this... unfortunately I'll be missing I think...
  2. you're talking about CEO... it's different to president... CEO oversees the day to day running of the club... president overseas the direction of the club in general, and along with the board appoints a CEO to run the club as he sees fit... the president himself doesn't run the club... so he wouldn't be running the football club, bob pratt doesn't run carlton... but his skills would bring a lot to the board, and could help the club move forward... he would definately be our highest credentialed president in a long time... one of those articles says he's a brisbanite... does he follow melbourne? would it be an issue for him to be president from brisbane? and as for money he could bring in, he couldn't bring what pratt did for carlto... while his wage would be very handy, from what I can tell he a high net worth individual as in he owns companies... he just gets paid lots because he's very good at what he does... might be able to fundraise for the club the way pratt did though...
  3. he'll never talk about structure in these type of reports... doesn't want to give our opposition a heads up... he'll concentrate on statistics reflecting the flow of the game, and individual efforts by players to summarise our performance...
  4. i agree... before the season started i thought brad green would've been our skipper, didn't even make the leadership group... therefore it will be cam bruce, has been doing post match media the last few weeks, as if they were prepping him for it...
  5. what this tells me is that he's very keen to play footy again, getting up that early to run sprints... i think the venue is just incidental, however things are looking more and more like we will have first pick in the PSD, and we would be pretty silly to pass on him, unless another good player came up...
  6. of course we can beat carlton... will we though? probably not...
  7. because we let them have the first 12 scoring shots...
  8. i don't think we should drop CJ... for me the question mark hanging over his head has been his ability to find the football... his skill level has never been the issue with CJ... he racked up 19 touches today, now he didn't always use them that well, but we know his skill level is generally pretty good, so this doesn't concern me a whole lot, more importantly he showed he has the ability to find the footy
  9. positives out of todays game... flash's best game of the season, hopefully his form will continue... sylvia looked good down back, think that may be his spot... I thought CJ showed glimpses, not a great game by any means, but i thought he showed signs he may yet come good... that's about it...
  10. was good for us on the half back line today, think it may be his position... was going to post during the week he should play down there... has some pace, uses it well, goes hard at the ball and is good overhead...
  11. pretty handy forward line... would probably hold it's own at AFL level...
  12. well the media asked him what he thought of Robbo's game in the post match media conference, and he said he was happy with his game, moved up the ground to help his team mates out... so you're right, he's not going to drop him anytime soon, and i agree with him, if we're playing well Robbo will be important... on the changes, 2 good changes... one obviously forced which was unfortunate...
  13. It happens a lot on this forum, where a lot of posters will be on the back of a player one minute, then the next that same player is everyone's favourite son. I think it would be good to have a thread that lasts, where everyone can express their views, look like a genuis when they're right, but also be held accountable when they're wrong. It will make people think about what they're typing, rather than just jumping on players when they're in or out of form. I'll start. And to be honest a few of these are going to be players who have played well in the last few weeks, but I'm not lying when I say I've had these views for a long time. Further, a lot of what I'm saying is pretty much stating the obvious, but I've read people getting stuck into these players at one time or another. Paul Wheatley: is great for us. I've been a fan of him ever since I saw him get 10 possies in the first quarter against the Bulldogs at the Telstra Dome one day, and he spent 5-10 minutes on the bench. Has pace, a long, accurate, penetrating kick. Our attacks look much better from the back half when he kicks out, and I think he should take every kick-in. Gets a game in the best 22 easily. Russell Robertson: can be selfish at times, but still probably our most dangerous forward. I thought he did well in the first two rounds considering the complete lack of supply. When we actually did give him decent supply he took marks and kicked goals. Poor game against the Cats, but he moved up the field to try and help out and get involved in the play, which is a dimension to his game we haven't seen yet. His field kicking wasn't great but that's something for him to work on. But he was valiant for us last year, playing most of the season injured, and I'm backing him in to have a good season. Jeff White: Not the player he once was, but still easily in the top 10 ruckman in the competition. We've always been lucky to have him, and taken him for granted somewhat. Paul Johnson: while everyone will be on his bandwagon now, I've always rated him our 2nd best ruckman. Still think he's only going to improve. Looks like our new game plan will suit him no end too. Chris Johnson: I've always been a fan of his, disappointing year last year and will probably be his last chance this year. Has always had the skill and poise, just hasn't been able to put it all together. Bailey's giving him a go, bringing him into the team on the weekend, and I'm backing Bailey to get something out of CJ and making him a player. Jace Bode: Not up to it for mine. Just doesn't convince me as an AFL player. Played his best game for us against Carlton in that ridiculous match at the G in round 22 last year. Don't think he'll play another 5 games for Melbourne, shouldn't play another game. Lynden Dunn: I predicted a big year for Lynden. Hasn't been a great start for him, but I'm still backing him in to become one of our best players, I'm talking top 5 players at the club. Daniel Bell: Something about him just doesn't convince me. I've seen him play some good games, and he's in our best 22 at the moment. I just doubt he's ever going to completely establish himself as an AFL player. He notches up his 50th game soon, but at 23 he should have a bigger stamp on the game than he does.
  14. i'm not certain, but i think we've been training at sandrinigham for the most part...
  15. I just think the MFC has to make the best decisions for itself at any given time, as Casey will I'm sure. Currently, we need somewhere to train, mainly over summer when the Junction oval isn't available. Casey fields provides a solution to this problem, as we will have a permanent base over summer where we can train. The club is willing to go even further, and move our footy department out there at the end of the season, till such time that our new stadium is completed, which is likely to be another 12-18 months from this time. But once we have our facilities in the precinct complete, I can't see any reason why the Melbourne Football Club would want to do any training out at Casey fields, even summer training, when we're going to have superior facilities available to us in the Olympic Park Precinct. Perhaps Casey Fields will create new opportunities for us to sign up more members, generate more support for the club (however I'm quite skeptical of this to be honest), but any permanent move out to Casey comes at the disadvantage of the football department, and I know I value on field success more highly than the club perhaps getting a couple of extra thousand members. We start winning and the members will come. You also seem to be very one-eyed on this matter, skeptical of our new stadium, condemning us to a slow but certain death if we don't embrace the all-mighty Casey fields. Saying that we won't fit in with the new stadium because we aren't playing a rectangular sport. Myself and many others will be interested in your thoughts, as Casey is going to be important to this club over the next couple of years, but please try and keep an objective point of view, or otherwise it will be hard for us to take you seriously.
  16. are you on here to try and win us over? just your name suggests your from casey, and probably not a dees supporter... i think we should just use casey until the new stadium is built, and then be out of there... even over summer we will still have our ground available next to our new stadium, no need to head out to cranbourne... casey fields is convenient for now, but it's only a short term fix for us until we get our stadium built...
  17. just confirmed by channel 10... out for a month... whenever he finds some form, he gets injured... can't take a trick...
  18. maybe you should make a video like this one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWSjUe0FyxQ sorry, as soon as i saw the post name this is all i could think of...
  19. i thought he was approached for our CEO position, but said he was settled in perth and didn't want to return to melbourne... changed his mind quickly...
  20. the biggest reason we improved i think is simply because we ran harder, to give options down the field, this allowed us to kick the ball a lot more... in previous weeks our players would look up, have no options and, be forced to handball and stuff around with the footy, not sure what to do with it, which would result in a turnover... this week we had options down the field, and we moved the footy a lot better...
  21. i agree, robbo was poor today... i've defended him the last couple of weeks, as i thought he did reasonably well from his limited opportunities... but today he had a shocker, disposal by foot was poor, often put his team mates under the pump... saw him lay a good shepard in the last quarter i think, apart from that it wasn't a great game for robbo...
  22. great to see rivers back in the team, although mooney soundly beat him today... lucky for us he didn't kick straight... will improve in the coming weeks...
  23. turnovers still hurting us, however we're working a lot harder than in previous weeks... actually running to provide an option it would seem, something we haven't been doing... disappointing to surrender the lead at the end there, really should be in front...
  24. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/sport/afl...6-19769,00.html
  25. if flash found some form, he might be a chance for the all-stars... robbo perhaps in a pocket, however I highly doubt it, i have no idea what other forwards would be lining up for the all stars... jeff white may play for the Big V... they would be our only possibilities i would think...
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