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Everything posted by w00dy

  1. does it bother anyone else that we had both lyon and stynes there? it's not like either are involved with the club in any official capacity... seems like we were perhaps trying a bit hard to remind judd about the past and not the future?
  2. that's exactly right... the odds have changed, mainly collingwood coming right in to $3.50... we've actually drifted out to $9... Carlton 1.38 Collingwood 3.50 Essendon 7.50 Melbourne 9.00 Richmond 11.00 Hawthorn 16.00 St Kilda 34.00 Kangaroos 67.00 Geelong 126.00 Western Bulldogs 151.00
  3. w00dy

    Pick 4

    there could be a great demand for pick 4 from a club who is trying to secure the judd trade... carlton, collingwood and essendon will all be looking for another top selection if judd wants to go to their club... one that comes to mind is Carlton trading Fevola for pick 4... carlton supporters may say that fev is worth more than pick 4, probably true, but if they need it to secure Judd, then it still could happen...
  4. lets say that unfortunately Chris decides he doesn't want to play for the Melbourne Footy Club, the next question we should ask ourselves is, what do we do with Pick 4? Carlton won't part with 1, nor Richmond with 2. The blues have 3, then we have 4. Lets say if he wants to go to Carlton, but the eagles want two top 5 selections, what would we require for the draft choice? Carlton could get pretty desperate and make us a great offer if it will help them secure Judd. Or what if he wants to go to the Pies, or Essendon, what could we secure from these clubs for our draft choice. Fevola from Carlton if we were interested perhaps? One of Collingwood's young guns? Even if we don't get Chris, we still maybe able to get some benefit out of this situation.
  5. www.sportsbet.com.au i've already had a flutter, $10 on us, $10 on the pies... will be quite happy if I only get $80 back, if i get $140 back I can use it to get drunk and drown my sorrows...
  6. good to hear that Connolly and Harris have been preparing their pitch already... i really have alot of confidence in Connolly, Harris and Bailey getting Chris to demonland, much more confidence than I would've had in Daniher and Fagan to do the same...
  7. apart from juddy it'd be nice to have the twig around too
  8. remember there is a salary cap, for each club it's just about fitting him in... carlton probably have an advantage here as kouta and his massive back ended contract have gone, but it won't be what wins over C. Judd anyway
  9. i've heard his manager talk about him on the radio... he said if there was one thing he would say about Chris Judd, it is that he's a man not motivated by money, and the way the man comes across in the media, it doesn't surprise me one bit... lets hope he loved the dees enough that he wants to come back and play for us...
  10. and it's on... http://heraldsun.com.au/footy/common/story...5E20322,00.html
  11. apparently carroll was hit over the head with a block of wood... i wonder if that made him any smarter
  12. i think warnock and fergie are lucky, i thought one of them would go... and we were never going to delist jamar before we have secured another ruckman at least... PJ is never in danger i don't agree at all, we won't appear desperate for a ruckman... there are clubs whose ruck stocks are in alot worse position than our own... carlton, collingwood, essendon, st. kilda with clarke's retirement... the reason it will be hard to land a good ruckman is because there are so many other clubs who are in need of them too... i think our concern over our ruck situation is exaagerated around here, white is getting older, but he won't be retiring tomorrow, jamar and johnson are solid 2nd ruckman... we don't need to rush out and do something stupid... and as on the drafting policy, we've already heard bailey say that you always take the best player, so i wouldn't be worried about that...
  13. the biggest surprise is Shane Neaves, we all thought he might make it, looks like he won't, not with us anyway... so that's Bizzell, Pickett, Brown, Ward, Godfrey and Neville off the senior list along with Neaves and Hayes off the rookie list... you'd expect the promotion of Jace Bode, which leaves 5 spots on the senior list... we currently selections 4, 21, 37, 53 and a pre season draft choice... you'd expect we want to improve our draft position, trade week will definitely be interesting...
  14. the only reason i doubt this is because i would've thought neville would be the first player to be delisted, unless his lower profile resulted in him not being mentioned...
  15. melbourne in 1998 is the perfect example of the flaws in the macintyre system... we smashed adelaide in the first week of the finals, however they weren't knocked out and we didn't get the week off... what did that win accomplish? absolutely nothing, we could've lost and been almost as better off... adelaide go on and win the flag... with the current system every match means something, on the old system you're relying on other results to see if you stay in the finals or not, surely once you make the finals only you can seal your destiny... you say there is too big a difference between 4th and 5th, but even though 4th gets a double chance they have to play the top team while 5th is sudden death, but gets the bottom finals side... this week is the perfect example where north in 4th position got belted by the league leaders, yeah they get the double chance, but are they that much better off than the hawks who played adelaide? wouldn't have thought so...
  16. if he did come to the demons, i'm not sure whether we'd have to pay him a million dollars as chris is not a man motivated by money if he wants to come home to melbourne, he may just want to play for the club he supported as a child and lead them to the flag... lets hope anyway...
  17. just listened to an interview on sport 927 with gardiner... it was meant to be about connolly's appointment, but covered more about the process that saw bailey appointed... mentioned he showed a number of video clips of melbourne players, where he analysed them... for example how many steps some of our midfielders took when they had the ball, how many steps midfielders should take when they're in posession, and how to fix it... just an example of his approach as a coach, sounds very impressive...
  18. list management refers to the negotiation of contracts and the delisting of players... Craig Cameron virtually washes his hands of the players once their name has been called at the draft table, his job mainly is to scout our drafting prospects... very happy about this, hopefully the two CC's can get our list into some fantastic shape...
  19. i agree with this, his disposal has fallen away alot the last season or two... while he can be brilliant with his disposal and spot up a target out of no where, he can also try to be too cute and accurate which results in him turning the ball over alot... he really needs to improve in this area before he's back to his best...
  20. you would think that bate and mcdonald would be touch and go to get up, prehaps newton and wheatley too... all the emergencies may be required...
  21. KB also mentioned his Grand Final performance in the TAC cup... KB said basically jones pretty much tried to beat the other team on his own, but unfortunately he didn't have much support and they went down...
  22. my apologies, replace "performance enhancing" with "recreational"... i'll edit the post now... of course i believe there is no place for performance enhancing drugs in our sport... i have taken some drugs, but i'm nowhere near a frequent drug taker, perhaps 10 times in my entire life... so i've been exposed to them, but never been a frequent user... while i choose not to use drugs for the mostpart, i don't see them as this evil in which they're perceived in the public... That's way off the mark for mine. For starters who says that these players are addicted? All that's been shown is that they've used, not how much, or how often, even if they've been caught twice it doesn't necessarily mean that they have an addiction. And football players get the same treatment from police as you do, if they get caught taking cocaine on the street i'm sure the police would just let them go. Of course they wouldn't! They would be arrested and go to court just like you and I. However unlike you or I, these footballers are forced to undertake drug tests on a random basis, and it's only for this reason we know they've been taking drugs. It doesn't influence their performance on the field, it's a personal decision in their own private life that they make. Why do we have the right to peer into this personal aspect of a player's life? I'm not saying taking drugs is the right or wrong thing to do, i'm saying that it's a personal choice, a private choice that should be kept private. But if the AFL wants to meddle in the personal choices of it's players, it should try and help them like the current policy does rather than punish them, which isn't going to solve anything. There's a big difference between a drug user and a junkie... And as I said above, who are we to say how player's spend their salaries. Ideally we wouldn't want them doing illegal activity, but it is their own personal, private choice. Well the NBA policy reflects the 'war on drugs' which the US government is wageing in the states. Unfortunately its a war they're losing. Research has shown that rehabilitation for drug users works much better than punishment of drug users. The AFL's policy reflects this. Who are we to call for justice? Justice for what? A player making a bad personal choice. Would you rather that player named, and shamed? He's all the more likely to become an addict if that happens, what have we achieved then?
  23. i couldn't disagree with you any more... channel 7 have been 100% in the wrong in this situation, and now they resort to having pot shots at anyone who has pointed out they've done the wrong thing... they're simply try-hard journalists, wanting to be on the cutting edge, but they simply tried too hard in this case and over stepped the mark... they should cop their right wack and i hope the players don't talk to them for the rest of the season... the AFL sees drug use as a health problem, not a crime... that is the way it needs to be treated... if they want to take the soft option, they can bow to media pressure and be hard on players using illicit drugs... or they can do the right thing by the players, treat drug use as a health issue, and keep their current policy... myself personally, i don't think AFL players should be tested for recreational drugs... while these players use drugs doesn't mean that they are addicted or have a drug problem which influences their lives, it is simply something that they choose to do...
  24. just confirmed on 9 news that robbo is looking for a 3 year deal, club only offering 2... collingwood and bulldogs already inquired about getting his services...
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