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Everything posted by w00dy

  1. in our first couple of games one of the few areas we were reasonable was in the clearances... however this is an area where we've deteriorated over the last month or so... bringing in shane will hopefully help is improve in this area, as he is very good at getting clearances around the stoppage...
  2. this tells me chopper will be dropped... i think i called it at the end of the last round... will try and dig up my post warnock has been in good form... final bench if i were coach would read P. Johnson, S. Valenti, M. Warnock, M. Jamar... however i think Buckley will get a game ahead of Jamar...
  3. great news for valents... hope he does well, and i'm pretty sure he will... i can't see him not playing, as he wouldn't have been promoted if he was only going to be an emergency... interesting how long he gets a run for, with both he and aussie promoted rookies... shane might only get a game or two before making way for jack grimes back onto the list... to be honest I think Ben Holland will retire, to allow him to hold his spot on the senior list...
  4. very concerning... i guess getting dropped back to sandy reserves shortly after playing AFL just really shot his confidence... unless he turns it around quickly surely he's gone at the end of the year..? worst player in 20 years? he wasn't that bad when he played in the red and blue, so I'm sure we've had worse...
  5. i agree... one of the good things about casey... if the coaches wanted to hold a closed session during the football season, they could use casey fields, an option which we won't have at gosch's paddock... i think this is one of the benefits of having 2 bases...
  6. welcome to demonland Mike... one player i'd consider would be winderlich... but again the bombers would want more than what I would give up...
  7. apparently Austin "Turtle Eater" Wonaemerri... good melbourne supporter mal waldron
  8. not quite right... collingwood currently train on gosch's paddock, which will become our training ground, and will be given a modest upgrade... collingwood are going to redevelop olympic park into a footy oval, which will become their training ground, so they don't have to walk past us to get to their training ground or share their training ground...
  9. correct... aplogies to craig cameron...
  10. i agree, every recruiter would have some regrets... this isn't having a go at craig cameron... the bloke in charge of freo has a list an arm long of blunders... it's always interesting to look back in hindsight though...
  11. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/sport/afl...2-19742,00.html would be handy in our midfield instead of Phil Read... probably one of Cameron's biggest blunders, along with selecting Troy Longmuir when he was seriously looking at Simon Black...
  12. before you worry about what players you're going to get from other clubs we need to work out what is happening with our own lists... we can only bring so many players onto our list, as there needs to be a spot for them... Out: Neitz Yze Holland Weetra Bode that's 5 players... weetra wasn't up to AFL level when he got a run, and pretty much dropped straight down to sandy 2's... obviously not up to it... Bode not up to it either, will always be a mediocre player in my opinion, and needs to make room for someone else, only question is was he given a 2 year contract when he was elevated? I hope not... now this is assuming we finish last with 4 wins or less and get a priority pick... In: Pick 1 Pick 17 Pick 18 Pick 44 Pick 60 PSD Pick 1 Wonaemerri Valenti That's 8 picks or players. So I think we need to again increase the number of players that we remove from our list. Other possible players to go include C. Johnson, S. Buckley, M. Jamar... Could we see Jamar traded, and Buckley or Johnson delisted then rookied? It is also possible players like White or Junior also retire...
  13. one thing that has made me curious is why the club would want to buy land at it's summer training base... we will have our base at the olympic park precinct, so why would we want to buy land in cranbourne? it's only going to increase our debt... my theory is that the club sees this as an opportunity to increase revenues... they would be getting land for a very cheap price... I think the club may look to use the facilities at casey fields as some kind of leisure centre or gym, open to the public... the area is growing, and to get a significant parcel of land for that price, the club could establish a significant gym/leisure centre for a very decent price... this would provide a constant non-football revenue stream to the club which would help secure our future...
  14. is this right? if sydney only have 20,000 members, how is a west sydney side going to go?
  15. and you think the club simply pays the cost of it getting manufactured? shipping from china or wherever they're manufactured, import taxes on the scarves, delivery to the club, they may not be imported with embroidery on them, so they may have to be embroidered here, plus the cut over the top of all this our supplier takes... wouldn't be far off $5 a scarf... how much does a scarf cost in the shops? i've seen what we sell stuff like this for at work, it's far more than what it costs to make...
  16. in the other section I wrote a big comment... i essentially said I'd like the club to give us something else next season... I don't need a collection of 4 or 5 member scarves... it's a waste, the club would be wasting money on manufacturing one of these for me, as I already have plenty at home... i'd be happy not to receive a gift, they're usually nothing special, and if it saves the club money, then I'd prefer the club not to give me anything at all... if I want a scarf, or a tie, I'll buy one... perhaps an opt out of gift option when signing up, to save the club money... i work at a company who does promotions, the exact type of company who would manufacture all that type of merchandise... and it's not necessarily that cheap... lets say every scarf costs $5, and we have 27,000 members... lets be conservative and say 20,000 of them have membership packages where they receive the gift... 20,000 people @ $5 a pop is $100,000... i'd rather see that in the coffers of the club, than on a scarf that I already have 3 others which are very similar...
  17. are you sure..? the impression i got when I spoke to the club is that the MSO in some form will be appearing at the dinner...
  18. Tickets are now available for $350... get on board...
  19. that's just naive and stupid to think that we'd get that many members out of this... an extra 18,000 members in 5 years? you're kidding yourself... i just have the feeling we over estimate the impact our presence in the area will have on memberships... as has already been pointed out, one's mother has an important influence on who you support... all these people moving out to cranbourne would already support a club, and their children are most likely going to support the same club... we will influence some people to support the dees, but having a base at casey isn't going to create members out of thin air...
  20. I called the club today and bought my ticket. I've got a friend coming along too. Really looking forward to it now. Should be a fantastic night. If you're not sure if you want to go, watch the ad again... listen to the music, it will be an epic night, I have a feeling... $350 tickets are still available... http://bigpondvideo.com/afl/46741 9652 1111
  21. http://www.realfooty.com.au/news/news/demo...9839651311.html Very interesting ... I still think it would be a mistake to relocate there over summer, but it seems that is what the club is looking at doing. looks like it will be resolved soon, so watch this space...
  22. he did play... before the game... and with about 40 seconds to go in the game, he declared victory and started up again... he was on the half forward flank near the MCC and where the melbourne members reserve seating is... if you watch the reply you can hear the crowd clapping in tune to him... but to be honest, it concerned me a bit, it was like it almost distracted the players, because freo went forward as he started...
  23. drop Bruce... nice one Yze Magic. Over 30 touches for 1 clanger, over 10 touches in the last quarter when we won the game, lets drop him... My Changes: In: Whelan, Sylvia, Paul Johnson Out: Bell, Bartram, Carroll Tough on carroll, but Warnock has looked good the last two weeks, and we've got enough tall defenders (Rivers, Warnock, Frawley). After Jamar's improved form, I'd like to see he and Paul Johnson ruck together, and White play as a utility. He drops back in the hole well down back, can pinch hit up forward and gets possessions around the ground. If Sylvia is still injured, Bell keeps his spot.
  24. correct... by handballing you can release a player to have time and space to run and spot up a target down the field... we've had two problems with this... we handball to a player who doesn't have time and space, and they get tackled, because there isn't another player close by to give the ball to... secondly when they do find space they don't have a target to kick too, so they stop, handball again, and we become stagnant... good to see the plan finally click...
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