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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. All well and good but what brand would he need to advertise ?
  2. its actually a tad longer...just a bit narrower
  3. Oh... Mr Kaspersky !!!!!!! lol
  4. Aber, lieben wir Autos , wir lieben Australien. Aber schade zu sagen, dass wir gerade Opel-ess sind Bitte ( But, we love cars, we love Australia but sorry to say we are just Opeless)
  5. Bugger or An opportunity for a new face to come on board with the NEW Melbourne. Who knows...KIA might be looking for a new club !!! lol
  6. The ABSOLUTE kiss of death..
  7. They need to get it first...or have it kicked to them...This isnt quite our forte this year ( decade )
  8. there are for mine two areas of concern. Theyre bunch of kids seem more able at center clearances. Who do we have that is Fit and in form to quell Cameron ? This lot ,giants, have shown to be able to take it up to much teams much better than us before being over run.Indeed Thats what we did ourselves . If they can create a crack in the dams wall we are in serious trouble. Our only path to respite is to win in the middle. its not looking good.
  9. well i was going to suggest it ought not be regular NV...as it mightnt last the journey
  10. those bubbles ought to be mighty fine by then DOF
  11. Good OP there "Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature's inexorable imperative." - H. G. Wells The MFC has been stuck in its own self created tar pit aka as the halcyon times of great achievement. 50's / 60's ( til the dreaded NSC ) It has spent so much time looking in the rear view mirror its failed to take any real notice of all the traffic ahead. Result.. a perpetual car crash This club has thoroughly stuffed up the understanding let alone implementation of change. I'll nominate a 3rd category of change. Corrective. Bit like re-railing. Its just about getting back on track first and heading in a direction without accident. In terms of the OP I think we'll need revolutionary change which will then set us up for continued evolutionary improvements and adaptations.
  12. ooh yeah.. Essendon has deep deep purses . AFL has ubiquitous war chest. WADA dont give a sh1f !! Many names have put reps on the table.. Lots of half truth and some plain lies have been offered up. AFL scared 2014 will be nobbled. Essendon arrogantly not sure what the fuss is about but probably dont like the notion of draft pick losses, possibly a season played for no points, but then played by whom ?? lol Egos bruised battered and against the wall. Overseeing authorities need to smack someones bunn or be seen as lame ducks. This all reminds me of a Sergio Leone film....the bit where all the gunners are out there, poised, apprehensive, squinting eyes and pulling faces, cameras zooiming in on the face shots, carrion seated , spectating and sqawking. Sun shimmering as the heat haze brings a sweat to the brows of the combatants... Hird, Dank, Robinson, Vlad,,,,ASADA.......back to Hird, sweat drips to the dusty ground . Camera switches to images of dusty boots shuffling forward , onwards to their destiny. Back to faces, back to sweat. The nervous twitch, the confident glare. Shop doors close and townsfolk hide behind shuttered windows. Saloon doors go still. The town clock strikes......NOON !!!!! a hand reaches for a gun...........
  13. As is often the way the real truth , as opposed to various person's interpretations thereof , is invariably somewhere in the middle of things. Its about to get really ugly for some...... tsk tsk....shame ....lol
  14. I cant see how he ( Hird ) can possibly hope to have any findings kept 'occultum' Its in the public arena, let alone in the publics interest. Suck it up Jimmy boy !!! oh btw...dont be asking for whom the bells toll lad !!! lol
  15. sounds like something with a built in flaw of design
  16. Yes RPFC dead right..The two things can be mutually exclusive. I have no doubt Craig is actually trying to win. There has been a shift in the appearance of resolve about the team.....just no too much on the scoreboard to date. But thats what I suppose winning cultures are about.... Interesting though ..Its a bit chicken and egg. Is it simply that as a team wins the culture of the place is honed around it in such a way that it feeds upon itself this creating this mythical "Winning Culture" or is it something that apparently is able to be purchase down at the market , aisle 3 top shelf, add water and football club, stir and instantly you have a "winning culture " about the place. All these new teams etc have surely gone about creating this Winning Culture and have had opportunity to do so from the get go but its obviously not as simple as good intents etc. Im not sure about this obsession with culture, maybe Les Patterson could explain it better Id settle for just the Winning bit
  17. Craig to someone would be a good start to succession. baby steps ( as we're good at tripping over ourselves )
  18. Ive heard Krudd is just plain Bananas !!
  19. mine doesn't talk to me...lol
  20. sorta hypothetical . Essendon found guilty. Premiership points wiped for the next applicable season ( a la storm ) they wont get to granny this year anyway and penalties unlikely to be dished out til after gf i reckon. Bombers incur massive and i mean massive multi million dollar fine. Players get a deal and recieve 6 month bans. Coaches banned for 10 years . Others fines to these. now the 64 dollar question . When do 6 month bans start ? id really like to see them cop 1 year as that is 1/2 of the normal 2 year ban but have sneaking suspicion theyll get less i.e 6 m
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