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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Thing is , hes not the first one to commit such offences. It makes me wonder how our players are coached. These are exactly the type of things that are "coachable" we seem to get so much wrong
  2. He certainly did himself no favours yesterday. Just when we were starting to see the coaches give some faith and indeed largesse to the players allowing them to play to their strengths the club ( to me ) effectively choked before the first whistle. From then on it was a turkey shoot. Only one person makes the call as to the style of play ....take a bow Neil.
  3. I dont knock him per se...just the decision to take him
  4. hate us..too busy laughing at us. yeah...lets be the ones everyone likes..Honestly whats that about ? Some may misconstrue my thinkings. I take no particular pleasure in someones health issues. But lets take a step back and view with some rationality ...shall we. Who was in charge, who are the "buck -stoppers " in this club Who get paid a real lot of moula to take the reins of these clubs ?? And when they FARK UP big time...they suffer the same anxieties and guilts together with nausious realisation of the poo they are in.. Somehow though THEY are the victims ?? get outta town. In only a minimal way I feel for the players but then again they ought not be so bloody gullible and have the wherewithall to question things in their lives. Oh wait I hear...but theyre only babies... Theyre bloody rich babies , who invariably have mums and dads who are often mentoring them throughout their early careers. So everyone turns a blind eye... More fool them These are very serious indescretions. These guys literally play in the big league. And those that lead them are seriously in the BIG league. These people have rolled the dice and sometimes without really explaining to others what the consequences are/were 5-2... 2-5... 6-1.... 1-6.... 3-4.... 4-3 !!!!!
  5. In my mind Dawes was crucified by Craigs conceding the game before the bouncs ( a la MN)
  6. well its suggested if Hird goes he would follow which in Thompson speak means the opposite.
  7. but it does beg the q ( at least to me ) when we are in such dire need of up and running midst why did we go for a project ibt lieu of a near ready made. nothing against Toumpas . We have him; yay us. good for down the track i suppose. Its always about tomorrow yet yesterday we got smashed .
  8. Bit like a job interview but in public. PJ is the applicant btw
  9. they probably dont appreciate the competition !
  10. you are without doubt the most pompous self exalted here.Kindly keep your wannabe saintness to self. youre right in that i have no empathy for a bunch of cheating bustards nor any sympathy for the demise of one of their leaders. They..THEY have brought this upon themselves and as a club and supporters have enjoyed knifiing us at every turn. It does make you wonder what else theyve been up to. Well misery loves company. Any and all are welcome to go cry with them. I shallnt be joining in. Go Dees
  11. yes they share the Sgt Schulz award !!!!!
  12. ffs that was 13 years back. no evidence of wrongdoing then. Some folk need to get hands above the table.
  13. i too prefer Grimes as a sweeper in defense , collecting, rebounding and STRAIGHTENING us up coming back through the guts. Currently we are lost sheep with the pill. Its deplorable .
  14. we got this pick wrong how unusual
  15. another' Stat Craigs first 100+ point loss for those that care ( that excludes most of our list hey )
  16. lets have a royal commission ; then nothing will happen !
  17. hilarious .. rats....ships.. man the lifeboats...women, children but cheats first !!!
  18. wonder if port or crows interested ?
  19. not dawes fault
  20. ok... changing my Watts status now. Would entertain a trade ...for right deal Just doesnt put in hard enough long enough for any impact. youre on notice Wattsy is up to you
  21. well am about to pick Mrs up from airport . Been listening to game. sounds like weve gone retro. Craig off my list of coaches now... hesitate gone all Neeldy today. f that glad radio going to music shortly...will save the pain. big clearout coming for sure
  22. often is (and for us all hehe )
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