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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. It's no coincidence that Voss played under another player ( captain ) who turned coach with no 'experience" and it hasnt hurt any other the clubs he 's been associated with !! I am happy enough to think thet Michael has a good grasp and understanding of what it takes to win flags and how you go about it. I have now decided in light of a few things that Im no longer so concerned with his lack of runs on the board, I'd seriously consider him. Ill also like to see who else applies.
  2. Dare I say it...have been saying this for a while ( that Carroll may not be the man for the job ) ...but I take no kudos nor indeed any joy in it. Its such a key position full back. We all have been looking at the sharp end wondering when Juice, or other players will get a run etc. Wriggle with the dillema of who will be CHF that possibly we have forgotten how pivotal and so necesaary a really top flight full back is. Look how Fletch defines the Bombers, or Scartlett the Cats, the filth are much worse of without Clements and yet really we bumble along full backless every week. when we needed gorilla strngth we look to Holland not Carroll. Again I say if a decent trade can be made using him either directly or indirectly possibly Nathans greatest value to us is the down deposit on a really good full back. Almost every goal stopped is worth nearly two scored. Sort of Melbourne's problem for a long whie is we have had players...who 'nearly' fill the prerequisites of a particular position without nailing it
  3. This isnt local footy..its big boys leagu. [censored] happens. You deal with it. Nobody want s anyone crying on shoulders at his level. Or if so...do so behind closed doors as Im not intersted. things to rmember .; Neeta is a participant in club sponsored events; i.e he is paid to perform. thats where his particpation starts and stops. If he want s to run for pres, and take on all the [censored] that goes with it he's more than welcome. I dont think that PG hs done a 100% perect job, but neither had DN !! I appreciate neetas loyalty to his mentor...but thats what it is. As always I dont give arats arse who wears the jumper ., onlu that they respect it. The jumper will be around a lot longer than anyone. Actually for what its worth I reckon DN was quite reserved in what he said, and even that was too much. I can appreciate where it came from, but I dont care for it .
  4. Its funny.......for years we have wanted a club, indeed a pres who had their eye on more than the present...indeed on the future and what it might bring. We get one..and he's a no-no !!
  5. mate we simply understand it s more than a player or players or even a caoch....its about a club
  6. For what its worth i dint think the bugger was too far wrong... fancy that for a turncoat. Sometimes we can be too close to the club !!
  7. GL has never abandoned Melbourne.. he just knows what's what !!
  8. tsk tsk David Neitz. I have all respect for you as a player...as a player on the field...but obviously you are a lamb when it comes to player in the world.l This will get me no kudos...I couldnt care. Neale Daniher whom Im repsect immensely knew what the game was about...apparetnly Neeta dosen't. david...go cool off. Daveif describes what he thinks its all about.. but he's wrong. All those lining up............................... -------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line up here !! Something had to be done...and it was..thank god !!! teh problem is Danners is a nice bloke..but that not th eissue. So many have not got their heads around this properly. Im glad that Paul called a spade a spade., Im glad that MFC has hte balls to instigate change. Some ppl think that you need to work to some supposed seasaonal timetable. PG and MFC board were working to a real timetable...the here and now. nNeeta..I know its emotional...but you're wrong. what you stand for is commendable, but its in appropriate, Neale knows that...you need to acept it
  9. I accept all the razs...fair enough.. I wont change my mind. In the end that game came down to that minute.. and when asked.. found wanting...thats why teams like essendon win and we lose. The acceptance of mediocrity and failure have for far too long been permeable stenches at Melboune. FFS the only reason doggy was even on the pitch was because it was Neales last game. Thats the only reaon Neeta was there too.. I accept all that. BUT !! you cross that line you bettter bloody play.. Neeta had some serious problems...he wasnt even fit to play. But it was a special night of sorts. Season didnt matter.. so what the hell. Many games..and in fact many situations in life can fairly or otherwise come down to singular moments. At these the real big questions are asked. You either pass ...or fall away. Thats life. Brown failed, and for what its worth I can empathise that he really would have felt sick for Neale that it happened. I have no doubt. Can Brown play and decide at the level required of winning AFL teams.. for me its shows he isnt there any more. Hasn't been all this year really. I have already acknowledged that there were many stuff ups that night.. and wil repeat it..YES ..many others did stuff up and some of those certainly contributed to the arrival at a moment when you either zigged....or you zaggged; again Brown chose the wrong way. Much in the same way as Neale...Nathan has been a owrthy wearer of the red and blue. Like Neale his time is up. Time's up, time to go forward. Time he didnt play in the 1sts again. Thats my view..I stick to it.
  10. for me at least a third ( mentioned elswhere.,.but in theme here ) Hird after being awarded 50 m penaly ..continued to harrass and hassle . He is meant to go to the point of the new mark as soon as possible, not interfere with the player.. why wasnt a secondary 50 awarded... talk about double standards !!
  11. Id pretty well agreee with all of that. But then if prior event had been different.... goals kicked.. tackles made or broken etc. Then we wouldnt have arrived at that moment of time in that manner with that set of circumstances. The decisive event wouldnt have happened. But it did :-) I see your points wholeheartedly though !! But to a point to acede to the stance that thngs happened because others influenced it is bordering on the 'victims' reasoning. To me ...at that moment of that play.. someone made a bad call. It resulted in the passage of play that sank us. I could be reading far too much into something ,, but if you saw the reaction of Brown after the siren.. I reckon he knew it too !! we all live to try again net week. :-)
  12. I confes to not hearing that particular interview.. but I doubt if anyone..here or otherwise ever beleievd anything but that as described. it was just his overal leffectiveness as coac of MFC...everything else practically everyone will agree to. its a bizarre thing really..
  13. as mentioned...all events are contributory.. but as I see it..and its only lil ol bub's point of view.. is.. If you are at the dying moments of a game.. and one passage of play will effect the outcome.. then what you have is a microevent. By this I man..everything thats gone before is irrellevent to the final outcome.. because at that moment, that moment of multiple outcomes..only that event will have any effect or influence on the result. its like playing a game that last only 60secs... well thats my view.
  14. many will lynch me.. but Ive mooted for some time that Im not convinced that Carroll is our answer ( he's our best contendr presently ) but he's not the answer down back, he conssitently toweled by the better forwards.. if we are going to win premiership(s) we need better than that. he either improves vastly...or we need to replace him. lynch away !! :-)
  15. There were classic instances of what was good about Melbourne tonight...but unfortunately there were proably more of whats bad. As mentioned...giving away starts... seems to be our badge ( shakes head in dismay !!) Playing tempo footy at 1) the wrong times & 2) without the accuracy and thinking to be able to do it !! Passing at imes is just woeful... why do you sky a ball to pass it to supposedly advantage, resulting in a needles contest ? and speakig of contests...its all well and good to kick to an advantageous contest.. but what sense when kicking to an outnumbered position ?? I just dont get it !! We really seem to too often whilst attempting to switch play back to the corridor do it so horrendously that we might have as well walked up and handed it to the opposition. Too often it was a cakewalk for essendon bringing the ball back in.. thats really poor awareness.
  16. continuing the Brocky themehere , rathr than in Doggy space...lol.. he has had to adapt some in the last few weeks due to al the attention. Only very good playrers get all of THAT attention. Am sure he will rise above it.. but it may not happen overnight. Its a test of his character, let alone his ability. I'l wager he gets through :-))
  17. not in defence of anyone... but that really was a crappy effort on Brocky's part ... ( the goal square incident )..
  18. as an addendum....just to show Im not too overly singularly focused; Brocky's major faux pas in the square wasnt too far behind as clangers of the day... but we had a bit more time up our sleeve then.
  19. Yep.. he was beaten for mine .. A rather strange thing he did at one point summed up Melbourne for me... that is ...bad decisions are mor enumerous than good ones. The ball bounced in the middle. Not quite straight up and down.. came towards Jeff who for all intents and puproses of a centre bounce had a paddock before him.. Ess-ruck was easily 3 metes away.. and Jeff chose to wildly thump it forward...and of course not to our advantage..That was when a better ruck would have simply grabbed it and spotted someone up...that being TO advantage.. Just bloody annoys me things like that!!
  20. more knocks than me... what a ridiculous comment...he's paid to play...thats his job !!
  21. The harsh reality is...what is...IS !! In this instance with less than a minute remaining.. scores too tight for breathing let alone comfort...the game gets reduced to the happenings of seconds... and not all the minutes that preceded it.. At that juncture of the game a number of outcomes were possible. He caused a bad one. Unfortunately its a simple as that. All preceing events , though contributary to the result...didnt carry the gravity of that particular passage of play. Its harsh for sure but when a game comes down to the wire...its what happens at THAT moment that matters.. as nothing else can !! He fluffed it !!
  22. nostalgia is a wonderful thing...it never won a flag.
  23. it may seem rather harsh on Doggy.. but Robbo and Neeta didnt decide to 'not kick a goal".. Browny did decide to not get the ball out. There is a difference.
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