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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. and...call it churlish...call it childish.. cal it 'late for dinner' but as a true red and blue I would have serious issues...lol.. with a Wobbly ( champ as he may be ) coming into our midst.. sends horrible shivers just thinking of it...lol :-)))
  2. must say ...I am not surprised. I wouldnt have wanted to have gone through that process knowing full well it was esssentially pointless. Vosy is laying low...probably sensibly letting it all blow over A sign of of a cool head.
  3. Well.. On the personal note...as a bloke I really wish him well. He has brought much to the club, unfortunately his coaching style hasnt bought any bickies !! Now the air is cleared and we can all get on with it.
  4. Announced on SEN that he will finish up at end of year and will not seek reappointment. Now we can all get on with it.. Good luck Neale!
  5. I also have the idea that Buckley is being groomed for some role within the Magpie environment
  6. In any argument of Voss v Buckley.. consider that Vos is a man in motion here. He is on a MISSION to coach. Whilst no realy exerience at the highest level I will give him kudos for doing the coaching course and classes etc. He's actually got his hand up. we know nothing of Buckley
  7. we wont need to TRY in order to get a priority pick this year !!
  8. I agree that he ought to walk away with dignity...his choice. as to being the best performed...well thats hardly a rap for a team thats had a 43 year drought. I'd just go with the first sentiment !!:-)
  9. he can make it easy...just volunteer to go at end of year... willl let him off hook. review can still go ahead
  10. I beg to differ. At the elit ellevel that is exactly what it is about. As spectators its not...as a team it bloody wel lbetter be. To aim any lower is to not only do the club and spectators a diservice but surely the players themsleves deserve to aspire to this greatness. Any player in red and blue ( and by asscoiation all coaches etc ) had better have that as its goal....or they can bloody well **** off !!
  11. Not as an apology for Voss's lack of experience, but he doesnt strike me as a guy that will take a year to get some idea of what he's about. I am warming to him without being convinced. what does impress me about the lad is he research and preparedness.. He is defintely a coach in the making,, looking for a team. Another plus I suppose is that as mentioned by others , we arent really going to set the world on fire next year any which way so in the same manner that it doesnt matter a lot what happens for the rest of this year then its not crucial to have instant results in 2008. Progress yes, premiership no. I dont see that it will take 6-8 to rebuild.. We are rebuilding even now...from the grass roots up.. The new era is before you. Th e Bates, Batrams, Newtons, Mcleans, Sylvias are already here. They will need adding to and moulding...well some do. with a few key additions and a couple more kids coming along and up we could be fighting fit in 2-3. yes the likes of Neitz and White ...Ooze and posibly a couple of other who may succomb to longer injuries wil lnot see the new dawn... such is life !! Possibly another plus for someone of the ilk of Voss is the youngsters have something tangible in visual experience of the likes of this bloke. He is of their era, older...but same playing lifetime. im still not completely convinced.... but am certainly coming around to the idea he ,may be worth the punt. I do really like his can do demeanor, which out on the track is more than likley to morph from a .."not only can you do it boys...but you WILL do it !! "
  12. Voss to carlton could certainly occur. Ah !!!......me senses a bidding war !!
  13. welll Jaded...as the instigator...off you go... "Dear Sam... "
  14. Well to be completely honest, I dont remember. I think I was searching for some info on the club and Demonland came up. So the little spiders were doing their job :-)
  15. one thing he would have defintely learnt from Leigh is "good enough ' ISNT good enough!! Iam quite curious ( as many I would think be ) as to whom Voss has as his 'team'. To me this will say volumes about how he goes about it and the makeup of team ( players ) he has in mind. I certainly dont expect overnight success from anyone. There's at least a good year's rebuilding/re-jigging !!
  16. Apart from scurrelous and needless remarks towards supporters, Gardner has hardly put a foot wrong from my view. He is empowered and required to govern and manage the club. If he didnt do something now it would be his job that Dee fans would be beying for. What has he done..well quite calmly and cooly he's brought the shutters down on the 'rubbish' that has impersonated a season to date. He's put a line in the sand and has formulated a criteria for the way forward. What he hasnt done is any knee jerk sacking and huffing and puffing. Ive seen him before on 'classified' and Carro doesnt get very far with him. ( he's a bit smarter than her and I think she begrudgingly knows it !! lol ). He has very cleverly offered Danners , in my estimation , an opportunity to walk with honour before the sword drops. What the article gives is a glossed over appraisal of selected items of information without quite ironically going into the detail alluded to in the headline !! it ignores the notion that off filed improvement can considerably inprove your bottom line even when forecasted gates arent realised. The article is muck raking and not even done well, hence the lack of writing ownership !!
  17. well strange you put it that way...I for one DONT think Gaz could walk sraight into a top afl coaching role. and Im still not 100% convinced that Voss can either. But warming to idea. There seems many facets to coaching ( like der ) but point is with Danners we have half of them. What ND seems to seriously lack is game day nouse. He's constanly outflanked !!. I suppose if Napoleon was available he'd be a good fit..lol. Whoever the next coach is he will need to be far quicker on his feet. Will need to be a lot more lateral in approach and application. The thing about the Lions team in its halycydon days was that it was , strong, no nonsense and talented. poud for pound far more talented ( at moment ) than Melbourne is...its just an observation. Can the type of 'styles' exhibited by BL be translated to the MFC . Does M Voss have more arrows to his quiver ? Look he seems a good choice. But looks are deceiving. Craig looks anything but a coach...and he has trophies to mock that thinking !! One aspect that I can imagine Voss bringing to the team is .. "no favourites" ...everyone would be on notice... Its all too cushy at moment. The ship is sinking but hey... pass the deckchair...yawn.... " i'm on him..thought you were !!" I am impresssed so far, still very much in two minds, but ken to hear and see more. Decision reserved .
  18. that proud she ommits her tag ?? a joke.. I normally have a read of Carro.. but thats tripe.. and if it is Carro she might have a closer look at her own mob before criticising us..lol
  19. Did you notice they havent put any name to the byline ?? Read to me like a piece of cr@p really. If they accuse Gardner of being self serving then this article does it to the nth. Sometimes the Aged is well written...and then there's this rubbish !!
  20. With respect to the idea that the boys need to get up for Danners; I have a real problem with this whole scenario.. Why ....WHY ..does it take a calalmity of sorts.. , a coaching crisis for our boys to get up and play a game to the ability and standard that they ought to be ANYWAY !!! So what happens afterwards...after all the hype etc. This is just all wrong !!
  21. Something that bemuses me with all the talk regarding Danners and his contributions etc..is........... he is PAID to do all this...he is paid very hansomely to be a coach. I have no doubt he has tried. Given his all in that capacity. Just one problem. His all isnt enough. if this was any other buisness and he'd been at the helm for 10 years with no real progress to show for it he would be summarily jettisoned with a DCM !! He'd be gone tomorrow. He will probably get to stay til the end of the season. He'll stil get the rest of this years salary. He even still has a chance to plead and pitch for his job. Where else can you do this ?? I dont dislike the bloke. Im not sure if anyone does. Its not about that. Its about results. This is a purely result driven environment. Daniher will haver realised this when he came on board. It can come as no suprise that events will spiral and take on their own voracity and momentum. According to some nameless article in today's Age he's a bit shell shocked. I cant imagine why. If he hasnt seen the truck coming its only because he was driving it himself. We have wanted our club to stop being wishy washy. To take action, to get angry and want results. I for one am glad to see somthing actually happening. it would seem Gardner and Co have very diffferent criteria before them now than was before the Board that originally hired Neale. Isnt this what we want ? And on to Voss. Im really in two minds regarding Vossy. he seems to havfe all the attributes. he's saying all the right things. I like his go getting style; that things CAN happen, extraodinary things !! I like it. Im concerned because I see no runs on the board. There's nothing tangible to measure. If MFC choose him, i'll be happy enough. He would certainly represent a new "no sh!t tolerated here" era a the club. I can thelp but feel the very nature of Danners trust of the players has backfired on him.... familiarity breeds contempt. Time will tell. Anyone else in two minds ?
  22. keep in mind Jaded, he might sensibly look to back himself with a little insurance , a - la Wallace and want say a decent time frame to do something. In that time frame we ( MFC ) willl gain decent facilities etc. We might not look to brilliant today, but a few years dwon the track ....not so shabby !! :-)
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