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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. A thing to keep in mind this time around is last time one G Lyon only participated in the choice, now he'll be heading it up by all accounts. He , liek the rest of us has seen first hand that what we need is a more no-nonsense, more hard at it type footy nouse in a coach. Lyon will be less impressed with folders of presentations etc as opposed to the simplicity of "This is how Im going to kick some accountability into this team and get it playing football" Tip..next coach will be a bit more old fashioned and a hard nut.. ; an understandiing of the current game...but a hard nut.
  2. yep he sure did ... No idea what so ever....the problem is....he's not alone !!
  3. perhaps its time for another MFC Summit .....at the Summit !!
  4. Jim...you have an adoring wife and loving kids. Time to leave Melbourne to its fate and comsider your own health and family. Thanks mate, but time to look after yourselves !!
  5. Just as a bit of an aside to this fiasco and its not meant as anything Schwabby apologist in nature but just having a bit of a think about things in some dispassionate way. Theres obviously disharmorny amongst certains areas of the club. Thats a bit cap'n obvious I concede but its the foundation for a lot. Looking at his in one light i see that there is a group of players who arent on board with a direction the club is taking. These seem to be to a one pl ayers who were around before Cameron came on board. These also seem to the the instigators of the mutiny aimed directly at Camerons influence in things football.. Im just starting to wonder if teh meddling that hes accused of is nothing more really than the push for performance payments to make up a larger slice of the pie of remunerations. This has been stated and stamped elsewhere as teh method going dforward to ensure the core group are able to be kept going forward. its very likely in reality that the mutineers wont figure largely in any team of say 3-4 years time. Many of these ( older brigade ) are now facing their LAST contract ( in all likelyhood) with Melbourne and are using on-field as collateral for bargaining. This ought and should never be a tool for negotiation. Speculation of course So ..one part of the club is effecting a push for change...and anotbher is pushing back. As old as time itself
  6. This the same sticking point currently with SSylvia. It has not only some merit but that this is a stickler for some has some curry. .Id imagine this applies to any NEW contracts. Existing cant be altered.. Dont put it past the idea (as is centuries old ) of someone(s) using others to further their causes. Older influencing the younger more impressionable minds etc. Ill keep saying it.... seems some just have it far too cushy.
  7. Thats some sort of red herrig surely to possibly another reason. Quite a few clubs have emblems onb jumpers. Its hardly a deal breeaker. The HANKOOK logo is very very prominent and hardly to be diluted by teh MFC above it..
  8. I wonder how Choko and Laidley would go as a team at Melbourne
  9. Ive always stated on these boards that I rate Laidley. I appreciate many dont..thats fine. Id definitely have a chat to him. He tends to a no nonsense low frills type of footy. It worked very well for him and I think our list as it progresses will be better than teh one he worked wonders with. Ive no problems if he was to apply.
  10. sorry I couldnt help but have a giggle. It was a trend I was noticing...the absence of some names. Some say ultimatums are either a nonsense or useless, or couterproductive. And they can be. SO can anything. Some things work , some dont, its all about relevance and timing. Its about expected outcomes etc.etc. Sometimes there is a case for 'put up or shut up". Sometimes you do have to know where everyone stands. Sometimes its about a bluff, sometimes its about the values of whatever transpires as a result. So what happens hypothetically if a sign or dont was put to the Scully camp ? The value of respective packages are known, theres nothing to surprise. He does..all well and good. He doesnt , we withdraw our offer from the table leaving Velocity to pack his bags off to GWS and we get compensation, and everyone knows where they stand. Planning can commnece without ifs and maybes.. I for one just find it bizarre that it needs 5 more weeks and then its looked at/decided on in only another. Things have changed at the Dees, I think some folks patience has been tried and exhuasted.. Just my gut.
  11. ahem..Rogue..see post #2 this thread !!
  12. lets !!
  13. Still...he could hve stayed hidden amongst the background. He didnt, kudos at least for that. Adelaide now know where they stand.. Other clubs dont.
  14. Of course theyre cheating. Hardly news. . But how incredulous of the masses to suppose they couldnt have been. Whats more you watch the AFL duck and weave. They are complicit by direction in all of this. They created the occasion, the setting and the motives to do so. And whats worse in in their ( Vlads) interest they do so as to seure the names on which Vlad hangs his hat of success for GWS on. All terrribly incestuous and worthy of a Caligulan orgy.
  15. Its been noted in the media that hes not happy about some apsects of the new contract offered. In particular areas of performance based payments. So its fair to say he wants his money unconditionally. Bugger that !! No one ought to get that sort of hand out without accountability.
  16. Well id keep LE... decent enough IT mob..lol but might be inclined to dump Leading Teams !!
  17. Furious Eddie calls for investigation !! Adelaides Phil Davis is off to GWS. Hes come out and told us all. He says he's signed. But the wiley Sheedy and dastardly powers that be at GWS deny anything "offical" for you see there can be nothign 'official" as they cant "officially' sign anyone currently . Dems da rools !! So sayeth the AFL and they are never deceitful, the AFL, always on teh up and up !! definitely, without doubt Persoannly I think its hilarious that Eddie's got his kniockers in a knot about this. Does this mean Eddie there are shiftier people than your good self ?? Its always been suspected that in order for teh GWS to conduct its game of intrigue and gueriilla warfare that it almost must by circumstance either operate outside of the jurisdiction of teh AFL or indeed with its bleessings. ...or BOTH !! Im not an overly betting man but Im going with C) Lock it in Eddie..C for BOTH !! What does this mean to clubs other than Adelaide ? WHo else is out there packing bags and sifting through Tourist guides to Scenic Western Sydney ? We all have our suspicions. Indeed our own beloved club is not immune to the scaremongering of impending departures, if indeed its only rumour and not a signed sealed deed already.. But then it coulndt be as nothing can be signed, not this year, not yet. But we can see plainly before us that theres a lot of rules being broken and I wil lcede that Macguire, indeed, any clubs officilas and supporters ought to be fuming at such underhandedness. But to be surprised ? No. Im not. Davis is but the first to put his hand up. Brave lad. I'l ltake my hat off to him though theres a sort of twisated decency in his honesty ( now ) . Adelaide know their fate and can plan accordingly. Other await their fate. But back to the opening tenet. GWS are cheating. Why does this surprise anyone. It does beg the question of what some clubs already know but arent game to announce just yet. Just how much is the AFL prepared to go unbridled ? Get used to it Eddie.... seems you dont run the game after all !
  18. I wouldnt particulalry go for Moloney as Capt. But I do think he has the capacity and respect of most of his compatriots. Hes a bit like that gnarly Platoon Sgt ... he'll get a few arses moving when needed. I think Jones displays a good worth ethic and example in that regard. Not the most talented...but applies himself. Others can follow that.. Trengove strikes me as the wiley and asute Leader who'll not lose his head when push comes to shove but will know how to caress others into picking up the game. He has poise. He reminds me of Buckley actually.
  19. Sylvia can be a very good player.. He can also be very inconsistent. He aspires to a paypacket that looks to one aspect without regard to the other. Where shall we all draw the line ?
  20. Remebering how Todd played Im inclined to believe he'll remind the players just who it was who tagged us as the Bruise Free mob !! come 5 .oo sat afternoon theyll be calling them those Baggers the Navy Bruise !!!
  21. David Dench ( NM) was only 20.. Voss was 21 Carey 21 Its really teh caliber of the player and how they carry themselves...not age
  22. Boy oh Boy is it all going to happen this year at seasons end !! Say what you or they like...its never dull at Melbourne Not overly successful...but not dull !!
  23. There would without dount be a particularly distasteful tinge to things in a fashion. It shouldnt matter. If yo can play, and win , you ought to be irregardless of whats going on. That it continually requires.. a calamity or end of world sceanrio to get these guys to just play football properly is a real worry.
  24. The compensation I beleive centers mainly on the value applied by the receiving club. Funny in a way. The more they pay Tom , the more we get back.
  25. The Ministruy of Truth is in full swing !!!
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