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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Yep, quite simply you have to admit the problem before you can attend to it.. ( wasnt that hard guys !!)
  2. Well the coaching merry go round will be cranked up to a blur this seasons end...lol
  3. its a good question. As Todds job sort of sits outside the immediate coaching circle he'l be there. As to others.. , well many senior coaches like to pick their own. Id imagine the current lot might be sprucing up their CV's
  4. I concur Red...So much garbage...and hypocrisy. Still, maybe at teh end of the day we'l lcome out of this better as a club. A voice such as Garry's has been needed for some time,a voice to tell a few others to get back in their kennels and off their roosts and shut the f..k up !! Bailey didnt put us under a bus. I htought he was quite circumspect under the conditions. Certain hacks would have taken anything said and turned it into a story such is their feral nature. Maybe this is the crisis we needed to have , to borrow from 'that' person. Obviously we havent been tracking nearly as well as weve been led to understand. Lets get all the gripes out and seen to. What will be left wil lbe a stronger , more resilient club. A club that wil know exactly whos for and who isnt. The current flavour of the Vox Populi may not be to our liking but it might serve a purpose. Some clubs would do well to mind what they say lest it return doubly to bite a new one !!
  5. You suggest elsewhere that things cut both ways.. so ...suddenly they dont ?? Its as much his as ours. I think the club has a handle on his worth to us Stuff compromises.. how does it get nasty ?
  6. I dont think Col was dropped for anything to do with Sat night.....Most likely for hows hes approached things since.
  7. Let another club pay it. Elite players may have considerable leverage.. Sylvia is not Elite. He wants the money essentially up front without EVER having delivered to his potential.. I'll open the door for him...no prob !!
  8. Not a whole to argue with that is there. I wholeheartedly agree with the notion its time to stop mucking around. The new coach will need to drag a few screaming into the real world...and dispense a few at the same time. When you want Roses to be healthy and bllom theres some serious pruning to be done. Its going to be interesting. I dont think Mick is in the market for 2012. Great suggestion to bring Pagan on board to help select someone.
  9. Market values can skew. They dont always represent the real assett worth.. Just what some other scmuck in differing circumstances might pay. MFC needs to stick towhat anyone is worth to us...not another
  10. I think youre failing to grasp the tent of the argument here 007. My point is quite simply Sylvia is playing for the money. In that the youngens today dont hold the jumper sacrosanct as once I agree with you. What Colin is not getting is that those who pay....expect... He thinks ( or so it seems) that his playing is worth more than the MFC is willing, and in that he thinks the MFC owe him. They dont...not a sheckle. His inflated self worth is deluding him as to teh real nature of his market value. ....to say nothing of how we all know he's playing . he thinks hes knocking on the door of the elite.. Mr Kerrigan would have sage advice for him !!
  11. Would he come back though ?? maybe hes got a good memory
  12. with all due respect youre dead wrong.. This kind of attitude has been around since the year dot. Gen Y espec want it all on a plate...and the plate to be around for longer.. Stay at homes etc etc.. No, 007...some definitely dont have the worth ethic of yesterday thats for sure.
  13. The problem with some is they believe the MFC owe them a living . It's doesn't. Every player owes it to themselves to be their best and if so that in itself will over the journey provide honest reward .
  14. I dont mind Jeff...in the main...but he has an annoying habit of forgeting ( or not understanding ) when to take the foot off the pedal. At thses points in time the mouth aligns fairly and squarerly with his foot and the two unite.. He is a tad blinkered also.
  15. Look at how Daisy goes about his craft.... Look at Col....Chalk and chesse.....unfortuntately...Ought Sylvia get off his arse for 4 qtrs.. hed be a very potent player. He doesnt..he isnt.
  16. AGE-nda !!!!
  17. Sylvia isnt Daisy's bootstrap !!
  18. keep in mind Todd would have looking very carefully at how the lads reacted and presented at training.. There's no flies on Todd..and Sylvia would be a fool to try to slide anything past him.
  19. this....^^^
  20. repeat after me...TANKING DOES NOT EXIST !! Official AFL position. Therefore it cant act upon something it doesnt recognise. It cant.. too many ramifications. If Melbourne is attacked then we wil highlight the dubious claims of other clubs in this regard. The AFL was happy to allow Melbourne to get its picks as it was a nurturing farm for young talent ,some of which it ( AFL ) wanted to on-move to its pet project.
  21. yes..I agree.. but at this end of the tipping season sometimes you need to take the maverick bets. ... Would I put real money on them ????
  22. You might be on the right track....but its the route to derailment !! To omany guys caring more about what their pay packet is as opposed to earning the money in the first place. Ive worked with these types and even employed in the past. I got rid of them as soon as I could as they are a cancer . We ought to too !!
  23. I'll stick to my 1 pt Dee win prediction. Theres no logic really to it as stated elsewhere. It just strikes me as the inane annoying and infuriatling frustrating type of thing Melbourne will do..
  24. I think Colin is about to join a small select club at Melbourne.. That being players whos greater worth is that which can be garnered in trade for other players.
  25. She does seem a bit schizzo at times. Theres either the wel informed balanced Caro..or the rumour , muck raking vindictive cow. Take the meds wilson !!
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