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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. In: Jake Spencer Out Chris Dawes Spencer cannot be worse than Dawes down forward and can give Max Gawn a much needed chop out. Let's not burn out big Maxy. Watts has been good in the ruck but let's not expose him to potential injury and batter his body uneccerily. Max can spend much more time forward where he is dangerous with a proper backup ruck.
  2. I feel for 4 2 6 whos record is being broken. Also have to say 244 consecutive games is a better achievement.
  3. I found the "asian invasion" speech Pauline Hanson made in her maiden Parliment speech 18 years ago abhorrent. Outside of that I agree with you. Watching her on Q&A last week was probably the best episode I have seen. I expected her to be completely out of her depth but thought she held her own with a hostile panel and audience. For her to even go on the ABC showed guts. Plenty of gotcha moments she was too clever for. I never could have imagined I would say clever and Pauline Hanson in the same sentence.
  4. I'll pay that mate. I knew when I posted that was the case.
  5. Tyson is a battering ram. Like Viney he is tough, never flinches but can be errant by foot. I'm not swayed by possession numbers, however, we are building a game plan around tough uncompromising players. Tyson is a gem and plays to our plan.
  6. No. Foreign Secretary is hardly bailing out. Not everyone is like Turnbull and thinks they are entitled to rule.
  7. Not just pace but height. When he runs at the player with the ball they have to do lollipop handballs to get it over him.
  8. Hunt has had a better year than Petracca, Oliver or Brayshaw. Nobody could have predicted that. He is not tiring just gaining experience.
  9. The most successful team of the era and possibly ever specialise in "unsociable football". Before that Brisbane were perhaps the greatest team ever and guess what they played unsociable football but just didn't call it that. Bernie Vince is leading the way. Before he came to the club we could barely win a game and it was hard to even watch a game. Only a Melbourne supporter could be happy with losses but the Adelaide and West Coast games show we are in it to win it. Thank you Bernie Vince for playing a leading role in resurrecting a sinking ship.
  10. Nutbean this is a fantastic post. I could not agree with you more. The best way to call out a poor argument is to do it publicly.
  11. Whelan flattening Hird and Travis Johnstone running onto the ball and banging it through on the boundary line from outside 50m in a final. The single greatest passage of play I have seen as a Melbourne supporter.
  12. First thing Goodwin needs to do as senior coach is say to the AFL if you are going to fixture us home games at Etihad you need to let us train on it the week we have a home game there.
  13. I've been strong advocates of Garland and Dunn but not sure they can be promoted on the back of their vfl performances today.
  14. Thanks for your input Stalin.
  15. Hardtack that sucks. At an idealogical level I agree with budgetary constraints but on a personal level it seems incredibly unfair that you miss out on appropriate compensation for your son's injury in this case, particularly considering your difficult circumstances. Without knowing the intimate details of your case I do question the insurance policies football clubs / leagues are taking out for their players. Bad news travels fast but I do hear a disproportionate number of bad luck stories of severe injuries not being covered.
  16. Probably in the last decade. I simply can't understand it. He is a powerful athlete, spends hours in the gym every week presumably some spent on developing the muscles required to kick. His accuracy in field kicking and set shots is well above average so he must be timing it ok. There is something wrong and I don't buy it is the run-up. It just makes no sense.
  17. It looks like we are getting carried away but we have had 3 rising star nominations this year (Oliver, Harmes, Petracca). Hunt has had a better year than all of them.
  18. Just look at the Mediscare campaign. In the political environment of the last 15 years you need to completely rule things out or you will get bombarded by mass hysteria. Privatising the way Medicare is transacted (not medicare) would benefit everyone but is now completely ruled out to the detriment of the people. Howard completely ruled out a GST but had the courage to campaign on it and bet his political life on it at the next election. Politicians are notoriously bad at upholding the truth, are fickle and change their mind based on opinion polls. Howard changed his mind and is a political legend for being transparent about it.
  19. As far as I can see One Nation doesn't question vaccination as part of their platform. Pauline Hanson vaccinated her own children and was commenting on a grand-daughter that wasn't vaccinated that has drawn attention . There have been Green's speak out against vaccination as well but it is not their party policy either. Let's concentrate on One Nation's actual policies and find fault in them.
  20. I would love to see a longest kick competition with he and Hogan. Reckon Hunt might just have him covered. Daisy would probably beat them both.
  21. The only reason he will be runner up in the coleman is because he is leading the goal assists to Hogan who just beats him.
  22. I watched Abblett jnr in his early years before being drafted and paid close attention to him in his first year at the cats. There are alot of similarities except Hunt has played a better first 15 games in the afl than abblett jnr did. He has the burst away speed of Judd or Macleod. I really don't think it is a stretch to say he could become one of the games elite.
  23. EH - I'm glad you understand market forces. Welcome to capitalism. But you don't seem to understand the full picture. The companies hold the risk. If a company makes a loss I dare say you don't advocate them reducing payment to employees? So it would be hypocritical to expect them to increase their pay in a boom. Luckily the way capitalism works for workers on individual contracts is the better you work and the more that contributes to company profits the more you earn.
  24. Your kidding right? Comparing a scare campaign on a Carbon Tax which was Labor policy and Labor Implemented against a scare campaign on something that was clearly not on the Liberal agenda. Completely different. As for $100 lamb roast I guess it depends how big your family is ? I despise Turnbull and would happily say he deserved it if it was legitimate but it was a complete lie and an enditement on Shorten and Labor.
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