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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. Can anyone believe Flower took on Demetriou in a a handball competition and beat him. There isn't a bloke I love more and hate more. It's like watching dysneyland.
  2. I was in prep when he was in his prime. Not quite old enough to remember him properly but also old enough to remember he is probably the greatest demon ever.
  3. Non zero differential is where I stopped reading your post. You obviously have little idea
  4. Trump didn't shrink his lead. He increased his vote.
  5. First person passed the the post wins. In Hillary v Trump it was a white wash becacsuse Hillary was hopeless. This one will be decided in the courts.
  6. Do you understand how the electoral college system works?
  7. Hillary had a ridiculous Russian conspiracy with a compilcit CIA. Triump has photos of suitcases of votes coming in, coinciding with the time of statistically implausible outcomes.
  8. Do you understand what per capita means? It seems like you don't. You know there is precedence for elections being overturned don't you? that happend with Bush v Gore. I also bet you weren't complaining when Hillary tried to overturn her disastrous out come?
  9. We got done badly by injuries in 2019 and copped an pandemic in 2020. If we didn't have to play in hurricanes 2 weeks in a row this year we would have walked into the finals. You don't train of set a game plan around that.
  10. US carona deaths aren't even in the top 10 countries per capita. Thank goodness Daniel Andrews isn't running it over their, otherwise, it would be catastrophic.
  11. Why not? I want the most successful coaches at Melbourne.
  12. It's hard to call Trump a war monger when he is the only US president who hasn't declared war in generations. But don't let facts get in the way of your narrative.
  13. [censored] I can already see Yze, chocco and Burgess having and impact. We have the best midfield in the league.
  14. Everywhere Neil Balme baby sits wins a premiership.
  15. Worst post in Demonland history. A departure of a staff member of 13 years isn't a reshuffle. People move on. I'm guessing if we kept all the same staff you would say we were stale.
  16. Oliver doesn't get it yet. When / if he does we have the best player in the league.
  17. Is that Oliver? I thought he was traded to Carlton?
  18. We should have sent Weid there when he arrived at the club.
  19. I always thought Maxy Gawn would make it but LJ showed much more in his first year than Maxy did for about 5 seasons.
  20. The volunteers at the pies are being shipped off for salary cap reasons.
  21. One of my favourite songs ever but why were they wearing Carona masks back then?
  22. The problem with The Mac isn't even that he stopped taking marks and kicking goals. It's that he gets run off so easily by the opposition. They start their attack by just walking around him and hitting a target up the ground.
  23. Interesting Truck rates Trengove so highly. I think we were robbed there like we're with the ox.
  24. No wonder players are leaving Essendon like a sinking ship. When Oscar left Melbourne he thanked us for the opportunity. Won't happen at Essendon.
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