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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. Given Bernie Sanders is a self described democratic socialist and was one of the front runners for the Democratic nominees, I don't think it is too far fetched to associate Democrats with socialism.
  2. I understand hypocrisy. If you held a mirror up you would get a better understanding. I did have to google exactly what the alt right is since you keep trying to link me with it. Nothing could be further from the truth and what's more, it seems to me people of the alt right would be boasting and advertising about belonging to it. The alt right might be something you imagine people are, but try and hide it like your warped views on racism. The fact is people are proud of their views and want to share them. But you can keep imagining what they really think.
  3. A few points 1)I always change and adapt 2) I have never voted for an alt right group that you seem to have a hangup about. I cross off the greens and socialist parties first but after that my preferences flow to the parties with platforms I agree with 3) I didn't lose the presidency
  4. Macca - I like the way you have resorted to emojis because you are so hopelessly out of your depth. When you can't counter an argument just throw a face palm in.
  5. You are (Macca) what you detest. You hide your leftism and deflect. You hide your ideas but dislike others for doing it. Hypocrite.
  6. No I asked if you would accept the same links if they came from one of Murdoch's stables. Yes or No it should be an easy answer.
  7. If those same links were posted on Sky News or another Murdoch link would you accept them?
  8. So racists hide their racism by not saying racist things? Sounds to me like you are looking for racism where it doesn't exist Trump is clearly sexist based on the fact he has said sexist things. Why don't we just stick to what he says and tweets rather than imagining what is going on in that very different brain of his.
  9. The more strong women in politics across the globe the better. 30 years ago this week.
  10. Bet you the next Republican president will be a female and hated by feminists because she is conservative. The Democrats will do female politicians no favours if they parachute Harris into president without being elected by the people.
  11. The best coaches play to their teams strengths. Just because other teams don't tag doesn't mean we shouldn't. We played our best footy of the last decade when Harmes was tagging. Oliver, Petracca, Viney and Brayshaw are all great at getting the footy but they can't all do it at once. I think there is room for Harmes the midfield and he has a track record of outperforming the opposition's best midfielders.
  12. https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/initiatives/election-integrity
  13. Macca - all you need to do is provide evidence rather than hearsay and I will agree with you. It can't be that hard he has had a microphone resting on his mouth constantly for over 20 years.
  14. Trump TV is a certainty. Ivanka will likely be the next Republican nominee. I think it was Jaded who asked how did 71m Americans vote for Trump? The only reason Biden won was because of Trump hatred. I don't think anyone was voting for Biden or his policies. Ivanka doesn't have the same baggage and will get all the same support.
  15. I'll take it you think voter fraud is just a technicality based on your response. I think it is more serious than that. In answer to your questions 1) it is extremely unlikely I would sympathise with the alt right, however, I would need to know each argument before I made my ultimate decision. I probably agree with some and passionately disagree with others. I would stand by extreme or centre left if I agreed with their cause. 2) Macca - I have taken the time to read your posts. I have posted on Demonland for over 2 decades and made it very clear I detest racism. Is Trump racist? I don't know. He's certainly not what I would call a good bloke. His economic, unemployment figures and voter participation among blacks and Hispanic's seemed high.
  16. You might need to re-read what I have written. I am not "clinging" to voter fraud. It has obviously happened and is not exclusive to the democrats. I doubt it will change the overwhelming result of the election as it stands.
  17. If you weren't a Hillary fan why did you have to cop it fair and square when she lost? I don't bat for any team. It's pretty clear from my posting that I liked Amy Klobuchar. I also don't think Trump is a conservative. So basically I disagree with every word of your post.
  18. I disliked Trump before he became president and said he as president would be like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Those posts have been deleted along with the whole thread from that election. Why do you have to cop the loss fair and square if you weren't on the side of one party?
  19. If the election was a referendum on his record he got more votes than Obama ever did.
  20. Macca - why are you saying no complaints from you last time if you don't vote left? Hillary is still blaming everyone else but herself for her loss, I still don't think she has conceded defeat. Al Gore had multiple more legal challenges to his election result than Trump has. Trump gets more attention because he grates on people, is an [censored] and walking headline. Journalism has also shifted from reporting the news to pandering to their audience. If I am pro Trump I can find all the information I want that he was robbed by voter fraud. If I'm against Trump I can find all the information I want on why he should have been impeached numerous times. The key date is December 8, but you know that. I read your analysis 3 years and a Covid nightmare ago. You understand how it works.
  21. That's the problem the democrats felt Biden was the only candidate capable of beating Trump. If Harris is such a gun why not run with her? I personally would have run with Amy Klobuchar. Trump's legal team are hopeless. You tend to run into problems when you only keep people around you that agree with you. Daniel Andrews suffers from this syndrome as well. There are obvious anomalies with the voting. Not enough to swing the result but they need to be investigated. Hopefully Biden / Harris nationalise the voting rules. How can Nevada counters get a day off during the count when it only happens every 4 years? Not using that as an example of an anomaly, just how ridiculous the state based rules can be.
  22. I know the club rate Chandler. I was told reliably he was in the mix for a gurnsey round 1 this year before he got injured.
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