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Everything posted by layzie

  1. Don't PM a lot so wouldn't know. Got about 75% capacity to go so load up on the insults.
  2. Suits me, my morning walk can be around our facilities instead of water 😀
  3. The improvement with Carlton will be quite sharpish and I fully expect them to play finals with top 4 not out of the equation. To go onto flag contention is another thing altogether though, so many players there lacking finals experience makes them more of an unknown. Only time will tell.
  4. Knows what it takes to win a flag.
  5. If you have a swag of first round picks I expect you to get an A+ ranking.
  6. Things are getting a bit Verral round here.
  7. Aaaand the training reports are back! Thanks Kev!
  8. One thing is for sure, we won't paly either of the Grand Finalists in Rd 1. Hope that helps.
  9. I can't wait to see this kid and he hasn't even set foot in the club yet.
  10. Can't wait for Kade Chandler to get out there and explode like a bottle rocket.
  11. I have them making the GF at this point. Dunkley adds a lot to that midfield, ready for a big time tilt.
  12. Straight sets out more like it.
  13. Trust the umps to keep Tatura in the game. The thing about Tatura is they always try and walk it in.
  14. layzie


    Browns, Chiefs, Chargers
  15. Very late for a Mad Monday headline! Not surprised about the lack of Joffa news. Eddie has probably lent him some of his teflon.
  16. Yeah and that's the thing, we're playing a style that really suits the players we have and they've clearly bought into it. I don't mind it either to be honest. I do think it can be hard for a lot of people who were brought up on AFL or 'scoring' sports to change their mindset when it comes to Soccer so I see that side. For me though I love the beautiful twinkling feet of Messi as much as watching the big strapping Centre Forward like Shearer rise up and head it in from a corner 🙂
  17. layzie


    For sure. I just hold our coach and offensive weapons to higher standards!
  18. I'm just impressed that someone on DL watches enough Adelaide games to know their side!
  19. layzie


    Incredible flip really, up until then I would have sworn we were bottom 6 in second half scoring. I also reserve the right to criticise Kyle Shanahan's coaching no matter how well we're doing 😛
  20. You're right Macca, it wouldn't matter who was in charge of this team. Which is why they should all be very proud. My criticism of Arnie is more in general and his coaching over the journey. When I was younger and playing I liked the philosophy of 'pass and move' football I felt that Australia needed to be teaching kids this from the grass roots level, because of this I'm more of an Ange fan and really like his philosophy. Arnie's approach is quite dour with a strong reliance on a strong central midfield and I feel that there's quite a few coaches in this country like that whereas Ange's teams could do that but with a bit more 'tiki-taka'. The beauty of this sport is there are different ways to play it and I certainly don't hate the dour, sit back and try to nick one on the counter style, especially if it's winning us games!
  21. Sestan seems to know where the goals are, apparently kicked 24 in a game.
  22. We can have the Turner brothers!
  23. Argentina look to be hitting their straps. Messi was brilliant, give him the tiniest amount of space and he'll burn you. Di Maria is another one who seems to have a free role out on the right moving in and out, hard to pick up. Our side deserves a lot of credit though. Not the biggest fan of Arnie but one thing he's a big believer in is the mental side and has obviously put a lot of work into this kind of preparation, our side looks fearless.
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