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Everything posted by PJ_12345

  1. Was just highlighting the irony of how she names Saad in her title/article/picture when she states neither the AFL or St Kilda would confirm him as the player and that the AFL are obviously pushing to get the heat from the past four days with Essendon re Evans, black ops claims, Robinsons interview ect.
  2. "Neither St Kilda nor the AFL would comment on the investigation or say whether Saad was the player involved." from Caroline Wilson's "St Kilda's Ahmed Saad faces two-year drugs ban" Caro's been on the private AFL/AD drip feed again. Motives are pretty simple really, deflect the heat onto another club and another player.
  3. Be careful when using Geelong an example for player development and draft picks - their amount of father son players has given them a huge advantage almost making them an exemption to the rule in terms of being able to capitalise on the draft pools.
  4. And the new president is waiting on the coach to sign... waitception
  5. You'd expect that with The Age. With the Herald Sun I'm just expecting a literal black picture.
  6. I can understand why he would wait till the new appointment but I don't think its the best strategy on behalf of his manager to say it out loud - should have just stuck with the whole I'm focusing on the rest of the season and my footy... just makes his client look like a selfish, ungrateful [censored].
  7. Was part of a plan to give the players the best training facilities possible and by pushing to get included on the AAMI Parks Vic Gov subsidized bandwagon with Storm and Victory at a very cost effective way, and with Casey a chance to strengthen ties. Whats that old saying that you can lead a horse to water but you cant stop it from getting in a hot tub? Everyone criticizes the club for not developing players properly, they are unfit, and need to build physically. I find it ironic that providing the tools to fix this is smoke and mirrors.
  8. The club already has two of the newest/improved training grounds in the AFL: - AAMI/Olympic Park (state of the art and with the Storm and Victory) - Casey (great grounds, bit far away but has an ice bath and good facilities)
  9. WYL you wont be happy until the whole world is burnt down.
  10. Blease Byrnes Clark Clisby Davis Dawes Evans Fitzpatrick Gawn Howe M Jones Kent Macdonald Magner McDonald McKenzie Nicholson Pedersen Rodan Sellar Spencer Stark Taggert Tapscott Terlich Toumpas Tynan Viney What do these players have in common? They all started playing for the Dees after the 2009 'tanking' year. Get over it and stop consistently dragging on an issue which only effected less than half of our current players. Broken record WYL...
  11. The club tried a kind coach (DB), that didnt work so they tried a tough school teacher (MN), that didnt work, now the intrim coach (NC) who is well liked within the club and by the players despite good results didnt work this weekend. It starts and finishes with this talentless, lazy and unfit list. To think these players get paid on average $200k to spectate....
  12. Have you had a hip op or knee op? Just a basic arthroscopy? For a player like Toumpas who needs time to build his body, not skills, it can be a bigger hindrance than you think. With hips ops you cant do alot of movement; muscle loss is really amazing and the recovery period is longer than you'd expect. Which would have been followed very strictly by the club because, as you noted, his program would be reduced and they would not want to jeperdise his long term career over it. I reckon he will be ok too. As you mentioned, some good footy and some bad. Cant wait to see what a full preseason will do for him.
  13. Half of level 2 is reserved for the Medallion Club, and another couple of isles for club function tickets (either side of the medallion club). Today's game (Bulldogs v. WCE) had an expected crowd of only an additional 1k however they opened the third level for them. Level 3 has some good seats and views - just frustrating that the Dees always seem to cop the [censored] end of the stick.
  14. Something tells me [censored] Barrett will try to get in there first
  15. But you've failed to consider his injury, forward support and how effective the inside 50's have been from the mid - yes you're being unfair.
  16. Jimmy was always going to be a development player - we all knew this before he was drafted. Had an interrupted pre-season with a hip op and only been able to play a few games. Alot of very premature judgements on this site. Will be interesting what a full preseason will do to him.
  17. Our issues have always been more than just coach deep. It starts and ends with this lazy, talentless, unfit list. Went from being 4 goals down after the first half to 20 goals. Disgrace.
  18. 5th season in and still yet to be an average player let alone a superstar - but I guess better late than never!
  19. Big difference however in the list. Craig has inherited a better list than Neeld did. I'll cop a lot of flak for that but someone had to cull the lazy, post PB list. A different approach could have taken in terms of severity (maybe instead of 14 delistings/trade in one year it could have been over two) and might have saved our midfield.
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