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Everything posted by PJ_12345

  1. Said in an interview after the game he had about 200 practice set shots during the week. Must have done something considering he kicked 5.0 and he has been averaging 3.2 so far. ... Same cant be said for Lynch
  2. *the MFC *Pack of floggers *, seriously. (Punctuation is important too)
  3. Excitement levels are building - someone tell Jazza
  4. They had a net profit of $400k last year so with a $2m fine + loss of members, sponsorships, and axings/appointments things could get messy. Also I'd expect draft repercussions - priceless and would be the biggest fine.
  5. Davey has the most accurate short kick, Kent has the best long kick, and Watts has the best set shots Blease has the most inaccurate short kick (struggles with pressure and rushes), Howe the worst long kick (doesnt come back far enough off the mark so either gets smothered or creates a hospital kick almost always gets turned over) and Kent has the worst set shot
  6. Starting to get the feeling the players wont face any sanctions.
  7. Trades: Watts for Hutchings? He will struggle to make the side with Shuey, Kerr, Waters, Hurn, LeCras, Masten, and Wellingham next year. WCE might like something more versatile and re Morton last year arent affraid of taking a punt. Pick swap for Adams? Balance out Hutchings who is a mature player Free agency: Thomas? He will be restricted and someone to throw cash at.
  8. Silvia is a free agent - so lets put him aside for argument sake, but Watts has had 5 years including 2 coaches and 2 in-trim coaches to show us what he can do. To be honest we don't actually need him. Our priority is our midfield and up forward next year it looks like we will have Dawes, Clark, Hogan, Howe, and followed by few small forwards (Kent and Byrnes). Being realistic we would only get a second round pick (at best) for Watts. That's good enough for me.
  9. Clisby's first, second, third and fourth effort before Pederson's goal was great.
  10. Flash, aaaahaa, (hopefully) going to be the universe
  11. The worst form of torture: being forced to watch a Melbourne game...
  12. Already posted on other players, this was a reply about a specific player - calm down. You don't play footy on the ground, you play it on your feet - that's what your legs are for. Once you go to ground you're out of the play, makes you an easy target, limits your disposal options and chance to continue for second and third efforts. As I said it's great that he is attacking the ball, but all in vein if you go to ground and turn it over. Bad habit to get into.
  13. Viney has been going to ground a bit too much. Great he is fighting to get the ball but pointless is you go to ground and turn it over because of an ineffective disposal.
  14. Had a good first quarter and his play and bounces through the guts created a couple of goals. Second quarter makes me think he should start his own franchise: "Where's Wally Collin?" Living up to his reputation.
  15. Half time summary: Watts looks like he'd rather be a tea party with the in-laws Toumpas is too slow Someone should tell the players you dont get points for spectating or for 'attempting' a tackle We should put the umpires in some dees jumpers because their currently our BOG Save your hair and sanity and flick to the Richmond and Hawks game... but you and I both know we'll flick back after half time
  16. Good first quarter by SIlvia - watched two of his runs through the guts which caused two goals. Turnovers are killing us. Two of their three last in the first quarter were from turnovers...
  17. A good article re sanctions and players; Touchy subject particularly considering that this investigation is a joint AFL and ASADA investigation which WADA has stated they expect sanctions, will be following closely and if they are unhappy prepared to perform their own investigation. Raises a few good points: 1) If they have been found to have taken banned drugs then the penalties are clear and under WADA should be penalised 2) Suspensions should include actual games to be meaningful 3) Jobe Watson has the most to lose...
  18. Cant confirm OD if DR wasn't interviewed for the Ziggy report but you'd think he would be but you never know!
  19. Last night was a pretty interesting insight into this saga. A few things really stood out to me: 1) The toll its had on DR. There has been alot of sympathy for the deterioration of Evan's health and him having to stand down and its easy to forget other parties involved. 2) That according to DR and McVeigh only between 1 to 5 players refused injections. A far cry from earlier reports that it was only half a dozen players injected and this presents a huge problem if all these players face penalties. 3) DR removed himself significantly from the equation. Statements like "if I have done something wrong" ect tries to remove any responsibility from him and wash his hands clean. At the end of the day, whilst he can say that Hird drove the program, as the performance manager he needs to take responsibility that a questionable program took place under him. The AFL/ASADA investigation should be completed within the week, Essendon will be given a period to look over the report, we will be given the crux of it including penalties if any and the rest will never see the light of day.
  20. 2nd efforts as standard Seeing what a consecutive win would do to DL
  21. Would be great if one of those panel members moves of the script and asks him "What irregularity are you referring to Mark in regards to DB's interview?"
  22. Missed my point; Geelong managed to secure good draft prospects with later round picks (ie, Garry Ablett Jnr was a 3rd pick at #40) because of the father son rule. Meaning they were able to use their round 1 and 2 picks on other good draft prospects. Was just wanting to say watch out when refering to draft picks, development and Geelong.
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