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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. Deevoted, another forum i frequent (a history one) often have quizzes The winning poster gets to pose the next quiz If he declines the originator offers a new one adds a bit of variety just a thought if you get stumped coming up with new ones
  2. no stewie was the other way around he went to tassie after mfc. his wife was tasmanian
  3. i'd be happier being cleared, and at the moment that is the only way to think
  4. right-io pollyanna. get wilson to say sorry, now that is funny LOL
  5. all i've heard/seen so far is just circumstantial evidence same as for Rich/Coll/WC/Carl/Haw what you think you know and what you can prove are different beasts change the rules to minimise any inducements and move on
  6. Whats wrong with "Phil" think about it
  7. Yes, taking their sponsorship money is making me feel dirty
  8. The Age is struggling for relevance in an industry that is on a downward slide (financially and ethically) Just like today where they are trying to block Oliver riding in the Cup It's not about journalism for the Age it's about survival and if sensationalism and truth bending helps then they will be in it like pigs in a mud bath
  9. OK. meet me at my concreting plant (btw what size shoe are you?)
  10. Why would Bailey be offered immunity? If the players didn't tank then the accusation is that the coach tanked Its either the players+coach or the coach so I can't see how the coach could be offered immunity Following orders from above would be a pretty poor excuse and not worthy of immunity Besides AD has said any coach guilty of tanking will never coach again If anyone was offered immunity it would be a smaller fish
  11. be kinda ironic if it was Ben Polis........would at least explain the annonymiity
  12. what happened to your archbishopric?
  13. Shouldn't the title be "descent from the gutter to the sewer"?
  14. Big Max once said he could eat a horse. Should I call the RSPCA or the Police?
  15. or it will come out in time....when I and my fellow quislings decide to send more bile to wilson to fan the flames (under a no names published agreement)
  16. He's really just a nice boy He just has problems with structures outside footy wtf?
  17. Izzy to be investigated for tanking. HWFUA (and dad) to follow? AFL's fault - too much money dangled
  18. Seems like Izzy has been tanking for 2 years......just to put $3M in his sky rocket......say no more
  19. Good post over on that other thread redleg Gave me a bit of an upper.....thanks
  20. i knew that bub, just joshin ya...didn't you see the lol
  21. straight through to the keeper apparently....sigh
  22. The secret to good comedy (even school-yard comedy) Hazy is all in the timing You fail on both counts.....but by all means keep trying
  23. What? Are talking about McDirty or Wilson or the media in general? LOL
  24. He could take over Izzy's ambassadorial role and salary (no net effect on salary cap)
  25. I'll probably just self harm (after kicking the cat) then I'll do something politically incorrect
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