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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. C' C'mon Rolly. Ricky Bob didn't even get the no.2 defender. And when did a forward line consist of 3 players? I once liked Ricky but really. Love is also blind.
  2. with the no1 guest decided would you really want an audience?
  3. I presume you are referring to your use of the word 'alot' Rhino?
  4. good point
  5. we need to sacrifice a few goats methinks
  6. I'm curious.....what's a committeeman? Is it a board member? part of the coaching staff? footy dept? admin staff? executive officer? phantom?
  7. And MFCFS (Fantasy Syndrome) is the complete opposite "The boys are training the house down" "I think we'll make 12 wins next year and scrape into the 8" "This (new guy) is going to be a star. 200 gamer for sure. A real Brownlow prospect" You get the picture...................... We have a heavy dose of both syndromes on Land. A few unfortunates are know to have both syndromes (depending on the day)
  8. I advise a bex and a good lie-down for MFCSS. you should be feeling back to normal in a few hours If not seek help urgently
  9. or you could check out the federal government's BananaWatch website
  10. ??? haven't you got the banana app on your iphone?
  11. At best they could get a refund on the unused portion of any prepaid lease if someone took over the lease That would just help to pay off some debts not sustain a recovery
  12. sounds more like a liability than an asset to me od if you are bankrupt you can't pay the lease (on-going) and it is therefore a liability
  13. lot of "looks on" in those pics. who the heck writes the caption copy?
  14. yeah lots of reasons bottom line is that when an ageing player says he wants to keep on playing it's only what you would expect him to say
  15. I think most professional footballers now would prefer to keep playing on till they drop dead The financial inducements and the lifestyle attractions are too overpowering for a player to make an objective decision
  16. Boggle....boggle.....now that's a nice woody word carry on
  17. She'd probably say he looked a bit "ashen faced" (even if she wasn't there)
  18. why not? they complement a range rover pefectly and unlike some we won't mention they are very loyal
  19. This thread is for posters with MFCSS Y'all should HTFU and rally around the flag We'll face any obstacles if and when they come up.
  20. John, i'll tell you a true story why I probably said Joe and not Joh A long time ago I had a male Cocker Spaniel. We named it Joe. Joe Cocker A little later we got a female Cocker. We decided to call her Flo. So we then had Flo and Joe I was buggered if I was going to change his name to Joh just because the sun shone out of his arzz 100% true
  21. actually to be anal, it was Johannes
  22. I heard from a lawyer friend of mine that the gutters of melbourne are in discussion on the possibility of starting a class action against Caroline Wilson for bringing their good name into disrepute. They point out that they provide a valuable contribution to melbourne society and they have had enough of their good name being dragged down to such depths
  23. Joe used to say "the sun shines out of my [censored] and i'll be [censored] if i'll get up an hour earlier"
  24. Its not "TS" John its "No T$". The former word is the key
  25. It's not the quantity maurie, it's all about the quality mate......cheer up and enjoy the other thread is doing ok because there are too many weak-kneed doomsayers with acute MFCSS time to toughen up, rally around the flag and stick fat at this stage it's all circumstantial bs and we should be fighting not bending over like serfs lets HTFU for once
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