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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. just keeping him cherry ripe and not giving anything away to gws
  2. yes, i'd think you would to have to make a few bad choices before being labelled unprofessional however just to be anal, you could say the bad choice itself was an unprofessional choice
  3. it's the opposite of extroverted wingers. they're shy, don't talk much and keep their own counsel
  4. it's just sheedy style marketing for our opening game, to give it more relevance than it might otherwise have had
  5. if he was attempting slam dunks on a rehabbing knee, that's a bit more than just 'jumping' throwing a few hoops and a couple of layups might be ok but slam dunking in a backyard setup is another matter
  6. cam pederson is nothing like jakovich......full stop
  7. casey a bridge too far, jack?
  8. think it was a deliberate message to all the boys to not get ahead of them selves and stay focused and professional classic technique of singling out talented players (but in a somewhat positive way) we've all seen the positive and optimistic attitude this pre-season but roosy wants to keep it in check
  9. earth to redleg where is the countdown to r1 ?
  10. sorry mable, the thought crossed my mind later too did bitters conjure up images of vicky? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvlMPNXPgeM
  11. think it was just kylie talk, bitters
  12. a thought i don't like the double use of "melbourne" on the first one when there are so few words. it sort of jars so maybe change the message text or replace "acorn" logo with just the intertwined mfc letters
  13. we must have appealed to maple's nurturing side
  14. what's the fuss? i'd only be surprised if slobbo actually made a decent fist of it
  15. why the two bunny rabbits on the chinese one?
  16. like trying to cross daniel's west gate bridge, earl
  17. is that like deer in the headlights syndrome, idad?
  18. what is the point you may well ask, earl. a very good question unfortunately i can't answer until i know the point of life itself, or even the point of football or a premiership or what i'm doing here on demonland talking to a light-box on a holy day.
  19. no doubt the ferals will evolve into centaurs centaurs and tigers always had a thing going
  20. i think daniel has the cost benefit report, bbo, but you'll need to lodge a foi request to see it but it will all be redacted and out of date by the time you get it
  21. that something is call ferality, ernest. you can use that in your next book if you like
  22. i'd settle for verbose (or should that be adjectivose in this case?)
  23. too cold, bitters. brass monkey weather. snowing yet in romsey?
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